AP Ch 15 Political revolutions and Independence

AP Ch 15 Political revolutions and Independence Movements in the Atlantic World
1. Woods lists 4 themes that make the ear of 1750 to 1914 distinct, summarize in your OWN WORDS
what are these 4 themes?
2. What was the change in how people thought about governments that was started with the
The American Revolution
3. How did the French and Indian war help to start the American Revolution? give two reasons
4. What the Declaration of Independence state?
5. Give three reasons why the Americans succeeded in the war
6. What is a Federalist System?
7. What were two areas of social change that the revolution did not really affect that much?
The French Revolution
8. How was the French Revolution different from the American Revolution? (give two ways)
9. Why did helping the Americans help cause the French Revolution?
10. Who are the bourgeoisie? What was the National Assembly?
11. How was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen different from the American
Declaration of Independence?
12. What was the Reign of Terror?
13. What is a “nation”
14. explain what “nationalism “ is and an example of it
The Importance of Napoleon
15. After Napoleon became emperor, explain four ways he transformed France
16. What political entity did he wipe off the map of Europe, never to appear again?
The Aftermath
17. Explain how the following are related- Congress of Vienna-Balance of Power
18. By 1815 how were France and America different in terms of power and stability?
19. What were the long range impacts of the two revolutions on Latin America?
20. What did Emerson mean that 1775 was the “shot heard round the world”?
19th Century Ideological Influences
Explain who was in each group and what they each wanted after the fall of Napoleon
21. How did nationalism affect Italy and Germany?
22. Taken together, how did conservatism, liberalism and radicalism affect 19th century Europe?
The Haitian Revolution 1789-1804
23. How did the French revolution affect the colony of Saint-Domingue?
24. What were the disagreements between the aristocratic planters and the gens de couleur?
25. How did Napoleon respond to the revolt in Saint-Domingue?
26. Why did the slaves win?
27. Why did Haiti still have trouble after independence?
Wars of Independence in Latin America
28. explain the difference between these two groups- creoles, pennisulares
29. Why were the Creoles unhappy with control by their mother countries? What did they want?
30. What event was the ‘spark’ for Latin American colonies to rebel?
31. What is a Junta?
32. What was Gran Columbia?
33. Why did Gran Columbia not work?
34. Why was the independence movement in Brazil different?
35. How did King Pedro I incorporate liberal ideas into his empire in Brazil?
36. Why was he forced out of power? What kind of government did they establish finally in 1889?
37. Why did Mexico have an unstable system after independence in 1821? How has that affected them
Political Revolutionaries
For each leader identify the country (or countries) they are associated with and what they did- good or
bad- to foster revolutionary change- be specific- give examples
George Washington
Louis XVI
Maximilien Robespierre
Napoleon Bonaparte
Count Camillio di Cavour
Otto von Bismarck
François Dominique
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Simón Bolivar
José de San Martin
King Pedro I
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Augustín de Iturbide
Revolutionary Ideals: Slavery and Women’s Rights
The Abolitionist Movement
38. What was the basis for the abolitionist movement?
39. What country was the first to pass legislation that ended slavery?
40. What was the last?
Women’s Rights
41. What role did women play in during the revolutions of the late 18th and early 19th centuries?
42. What happened in France with women’s rights?
43. Summarize the change in women’s rights before the 20th century.
Grey Boxes
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