Refund Policy - Diploma and Advanced Diploma

Diploma and Advanced Diploma
Refund Policy
1. Policy Scope
This policy applies to all persons studying Diploma and Advanced Diploma level qualifications at TasTAFE. A
separate policy applies to students studying under Certificate level qualifications.
2. Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide a set of guidelines and rules surrounding the withdrawal of students
from units of study and the financial implication in regard to the right to a refund at Diploma and Advanced
Diploma level.
3. Policy Statement
Census Dates
TasTAFE will set a Census Date for each unit of study at Diploma and Advanced Diploma level it provides,
or proposes to provide, in accordance with clause 67 of Schedule 1A to the Higher Education Support Act
The Census Date will occur no earlier than 20% of the way through the period of delivery in which the unit
of study is being undertaken by student. This will include student breaks, assessment and examination
A student enrolled in a unit of study, is entitled to a refund of their tuition fees if they withdraw from their
studies on or before the Census Date. Students seeking to withdraw should inform a Teacher, Education
Manager or Client Services Officer of their intention to do so. Once an intention to withdraw has been
received, TasTAFE will initiate the withdrawal process. Students will then be required to follow TasTAFE’s
withdrawal procedures including signing and submitting TasTAFE’s withdrawal form on or before the
Census Date associated with the unit/s of study.
For students who have deferred tuition fees through VET FEE-HELP the Census Date is the final date for
withdrawal from a unit of study where a refund will be due and/or a VET FEE-HELP debt will not apply.
TasTAFE will repay to a student any payment of the student‘s tuition fees against a unit/s of study that the
student made upfront on or before the Census Date where the student is no longer enrolled in the unit/s
of study at the end of the Census Date.
However, this will not apply if the:
student is no longer enrolled in the unit/s at the end of the Census Date because TasTAFE has
ceased to provide the unit/s as a result of ceasing to provide the course of which the unit/s of study
formed part; and
Tuition Assurance requirements applied to TasTAFE at the time that TasTAFE ceased to provide
the unit/s of study; and
the student chose the option designated under those requirements as Tuition Assurance in relation
to the unit/s of study.
TasTAFE will also refund any upfront payments made by the person towards incidental charges, unless the
goods have been received or the services provided; in these cases these fees are non-refundable.
Document Control Number: TASTAFE-5-1699
Uncontrolled when printed, check the intranet for the latest version of this document
Last printed: 9/02/2016 4:56 AM
Date Policy Approved by SLG Member: 11 January 2016
Responsible Team: Business Systems and Reporting
Page 1 of 3
Diploma and Advanced Diploma
Refund Policy
Where a student has deferred tuition fees to VET FEE-HELP they may apply, under special circumstances
only, to have their FEE-HELP balance re-credited and debt remitted after the Census Date has passed.
Any VET FEE-HELP student who withdraws from a unit/s of study after the Census Date will be referred to
the VET FEE-HELP Review and Re-crediting Policy, and be advised that they may submit an Application to
Re-credit FEE-HELP Balance Form.
Following that decision a student may then submit a VET FEE-HELP Application to Review a Re-Credit
Decision Form.
4. Legislative/Statutory Requirements
None Identified
5. Associated Documents
TasTAFE Withdrawal Form
VET FEE-HELP Review and Re-Crediting Policy
VET FEE-HELP Application to Re-Credit FEE-HELP
VET FEE-HELP Application to Review a Re-Credit Decision Form
6. Measure of Policy Effectiveness
The effectiveness of this Policy will be by the demonstrated adherence to this Policy.
7. Definitions/Acronyms
See Appendix 1
Version History
Policy Reviewed Every: 12 months
Next Review Date: 07 January 2017
Changes - section and description
PVFH05 V1.0
Updates to FEE-HELP amounts. Inserted statement in refund section outlining student indicating that
they wish to withdraw.
Document Control Number: TASTAFE-5-1699
Uncontrolled when printed, check the intranet for the latest version of this document
Last printed: 9/02/2016 4:56 AM
Date Policy Approved by SLG Member: 11 January 2016
Responsible Team: Business Systems and Reporting
Page 2 of 3
Diploma and Advanced Diploma
Refund Policy
Appendix 1 – Definitions
Census Date
TasTAFE is required to set a Census Date for each VET unit of study that is available for VET FEE-HELP
assistance. The census date is the date after which a student incurs a debt for a unit of study.
Once the Census Date has passed, the student incurs a debt to the Australian Government.
FEE-HELP Balance
A person’s FEE-HELP balance is the amount of HELP limit they have not used. It is the sum of FEE-HELP and
VET FEE-HELP assistance that is used to calculate a person’s FEE-HELP balance.
Is the maximum debt allowed by an individual as a sum of all FEE-HELP and VET FEE-HELP loans. For 2016, the
FEE-HELP limit is $124,238 for students undertaking medicine, dentistry and veterinary science courses (as
defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003), and $99,389 for all other students.
The FEE-HELP limit is a lifetime limit and is not reset or ‘topped up’ by any repayments that you make.
Schedule 1A, Higher Education Support Act 2003
Request for VET FEE-HELP Assistance form
A Commonwealth form that must be completed in order to apply for VET FEE-HELP assistance for VET units of
study with TasTAFE.
Tuition Fee
Any fee payable to TasTAFE by a student enrolled or seeking to enrol in a VET course of study with TASTAFE
in respect of the granting of an award of VET Diploma, Advanced Diploma, VET Graduate Certificate or VET
Graduate Diploma, it does not include a fee that is:
payable in respect of an organisation of students, or of students and other persons; or
payable in respect of the provision to students of amenities or services that are not of an academic
nature; or
payable in respect of residential accommodation; or - payable in respect of a special admissions test; or
determined to be a fee of a kind that is ‘incidental’ to studies that may be undertaken with TASTAFE, as
described under ‘incidental charges'.
VET Unit of Study
A subject or collection of subjects that a person may undertake with TasTAFE as part of a VET course of study.
Document Control Number: TASTAFE-5-1699
Uncontrolled when printed, check the intranet for the latest version of this document
Last printed: 9/02/2016 4:56 AM
Date Policy Approved by SLG Member: 11 January 2016
Responsible Team: Business Systems and Reporting
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