Monday, Sept 9 West Briar Middle School Lesson Plan Template 2013-2014 Course: 8th Reading Class Period(s): Teacher(s): Kubicek & Thalmann Unit Title: Short Story Poetry Lesson Title: Plot Dates: Sept 9-12 Bloom's Taxonomy Remembering | Understanding | Applying | Analyzing | Evaluating | Creating Key Questions Materials _Resources Room Arrangement Key Vocabulary Warm-up Activity Opening What is plot? Why is plot important to a story? How does plot affect our comprehension? Plot PPT, short story, white paper Pairs and indiv work Plot, plot diagram, CPR (summary) WOD Have each student draw from memory the plot diagram and label and define as much as they can on their own See opening Using PPT review what plot is and its parts, label the parts of a plot diagram Teacher model and check for understanding As whole class read a short story and plot diagram it Read a short story individually and plot diagram it (continue on Tuesday if run out of time) Activate Prior Knowledge Instructional Activity Check for Understanding Guided Practice Independent Practice Formative Assessment Extension Description of Product /Task Rubrics/Grading Criteria Closure Assignments Introduce CPR and how it relates to Plot Plot diagram from whole class instruction Class work 40% Exit ticket, what did they learn today about plot that was different from last year? Tuesday, sept 10 Reflection: Did students remember plot? What was the hardest part of this lesson for them to grasp? Did students understand CPR? Key Questions Materials _Resources Room Arrangement Key Vocabulary Warm-up Activity Opening Activate Prior Knowledge Instructional Activity Check for Understanding Guided Practice Independent Practice Formative Assessment Extension Description of Product /Task Rubrics/Grading Criteria Closure Assignments What is plot? Why is plot important to a story? How does plot affect our comprehension? short story, white paper Pairs and individual work Plot, plot diagram, CPR (summary) WOD Review plot from Monday Continuation on Monday Silently read a short story then plot diagram and CRP the story, then share with partner to make sure on the right path, then we will do a whole class share. Pop corn questions to class about plot parts Plot worksheet homework Plot diagram of short story and CPR (summary) Classwork 40% and homework 10% Review homework paper Plot homework Reflection: Did students remember plot? What was the hardest part of this lesson for them to grasp? Did students understand CPR? Wednesday, Sept 11 Key Questions Materials _Resources Room Arrangement Key Vocabulary Warm-up Activity Opening Activate Prior Knowledge Instructional Activity Check for Understanding Guided Practice Independent Practice Formative Assessment Extension Description of Product /Task Rubrics/Grading Criteria Closure What is conflict? What would happen to they story if there were no conflict? Based on conflict can you predict the outcome of a story? White paper, crayons individuals Conflict, internal conflict, external conflict, man vs. man, nature, society, himself WOD Student will give a personal example of what conflict means to them Student will give an example from literature of an important conflict Conflict workshop notes teacher guided practice Teacher checks Create a graphic short story depicting the 4 types of conflict discussed in class Graphic short story labels Graphic short story and labels Classwork 40% Have selected students present their short stories Assignments Graphic novels Reflection: Did the lesson work? What was the most effective part of the lesson? How well did the students understand the importance of conflict? Class Period(s): 5 Thursday, Sept 12 Course: Computer Power Teacher(s): Blaine Key Questions Materials _Resources Room Arrangement Key Vocabulary Warm-up Activity Opening Activate Prior Knowledge Instructional Activity Check for Understanding Guided Practice What are the parts of plot? What is the function of plot? How can you determine the conflict of a story? Short story, CRP (summary) foldable, plot graphic organizer individual Plot, CPR, Conflict WOD Short review over weeks mini lessons Independent Practice Formative Assessment Extension Description of Product /Task Rubrics/Grading Criteria Closure Assignments Student will be given a short excerpt from a novel and they will use it to plot diagram and CPR the story Student work Plot diagram and CPR foldable Quiz 20% See independent practice Friday, August 30th Reflection: Key Questions Materials _Resources Room Arrangement Key Vocabulary Warm-up Activity Opening Activate Prior Knowledge Instructional Activity Check for Understanding Guided Practice Independent Practice Formative Assessment Extension Description of Product /Task Rubrics/Grading Criteria Closure Assignments Reflection: NO SCHOOL Special Considerations Special ESL 504 Gifted and Talented