Delaware County Board of Supervisors Meeting of

Town of Hamden Town Board Meeting of March 4, 2015
It was reported by Supervisor Marshfield that there is a problem with snow
accumulation in the hamlet of Hamden. He has spoken to the Department of
Transportation in Hancock and they will be removing it in the next day or two.
The audit of the Justice Court books were done on February 23 rd by Marshfield,
Reed and Kilmer. Everything looked very good and a report will be filed with the
NYS Justice Court system as required by law.
The appraisal of the historic schoolhouse has been completed and sent to the NYS
Dormitory Authority. It was appraised at the purchase amount of $22,500.
The Hamden Flood Commission members Marshfield, Smith, Dibble, Tom
Donnelly and Bruce Salton will meet on March 9th at the Town Hall for their first
meeting. Graydon Dutcher from DCSWCD will moderate the meeting.
Supervisor Marshfield reported that water lines were frozen on 3 patrons in the
Hamden Water District and 2 patrons in the DeLancey Water District.
Supervisor Marshfield reported that notice was given to the Town about a 13.5%
increase in BCBS medical premiums starting in May and for the upcoming year.
County Planner Molly Oliver attended the board meeting and went through the
SEQRA process for the construction of the Boat Launch in the hamlet of Hamden.
The Town of Hamden was declared as lead agent for the project and notice will be
sent to NYCDEP and NYSDEC.
Trucking will be advertised for bid openings at the April Town Board meeting.
Notice was given that a WAC easement has been applied for on the Gold, Rosen
property in Basin Clove. It is for 123 acres and will no longer be able to have any
development. This will be turned over to the Town Planning Board for review and
The board approved a resolution to allow the Professional Women’s Association
to use the Town Hall without fee on May 30 th for their medical AMBA blood
screening program.
Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield
April 1st Town of Hamden Town Board Meeting at 6:30Pm at the Town Hall
Opening of Trucking Bids for the upcoming season.
New Post Office hours without community input.
Tina Moshier Assessor’s department update
Flood Commission update.
Water District frozen water updates
Approval of Highway Expenditures for the upcoming year.
Other business that may come before the board.
March 31st Town of Hamden Planning Board Meeting at 7:30pm at Town Hall
Louis Brigandi subdivision
Review of Gold, Rosen WAC easement
Leland Ploutz subdivision
Bishop for Tyler Family Trust, Boundary Line Adjustment
Other business that may come before the board.
Delaware County Board of Supervisors Meeting of March 11, 2015
Social Services Commissioner Dana Scuderi-Hunter was appointed as a Part Time
Executive Director of the Delaware County Youth Bureau through 12/31/15.
Authorization to dispose of through auction certain vehicles no longer usable
from the Sheriff’s Office was approved. Disposition of the following: 2000 Ford
F150, 2006 Chevy Impala, 2007 Chevy Impala, 2006 Chevy Impala, 2000 Chrysler
Voyager, and a 20056 Dodge Durango.
A resolution was approved in support of modifications to the flow management of
the Upper Delaware River Tail waters in the Towns of Hancock, Colchester,
Deposit, and Tompkins. It would involve the more equal releases of waters from
the Pepacton and Neversink Reservoirs and a new thermal program to cool water
temperatures during heat waves.
A resolution was approved in opposition to the State requirement that jail
inmates be treated for HIV and Hepatitis C at the cost of about $201,600 per
inmate. Currently the county has 5 inmates that would qualify for such
treatment. There are hundreds of county residents in the same medical
situations and the insurance companies will not approve the new drugs at these
costs. This is another mandated requirement on counties and this resolution
demands 100% reimbursement from the State.
A resolution was approved urging the State legislature to honor home rule by
enacting the omnibus sales tax bill that renews all county sales tax rates at
current levels. This would allow counties to renew their sales tax requests
without them asking for it every two years.
Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield
Delaware County Board of Supervisors Meeting of March 25, 2015
A presentation was given by the Sheriff’s Department on their accreditation
renewal. It is an impressive accomplishment and the Department should be
Delaware County Soil and Water District gave a presentation on the Chesapeake
Bay or Susquehanna Watershed and the goals that need attaining and the
progress that has been made towards the same. Over six million dollars have
been raised in grants and put into the farming communities in the Susquehanna
Watershed. Much progress has been made and the DCSWCD should be
commended for their hard work and progress.
A resolution was approved in support of the Filtration Avoidance Determination
Panel Scope of Work as presented by the Delaware County Watershed Affairs
Department. Those interested in this paper should contact either myself or
Watershed Affairs. The paper aims to strengthen partnerships, offering an
alternative vision for moving forward by building on successful existing programs.
A resolution was adopted to enter into an agreement with POMCO of Syracuse for
the management of our workers’ compensation program. The County has had
one employee retire in Workers’ Compensation and POMCO will do the same
professional work that has been typically done by the County employees and for a
slightly less cost. This contract can be terminated by either party with a 30 day
notice. The County workers’ compensation is a self-insured program and is
becoming very complex to deal with the cases and needs a firm with experience
and expertise for help.
A resolution was adopted urging the State to restore the 50/50 match with the
Social Service Safety Net program. In 2011 this mandated program was reduced
to a State match of 29% and 71% was left to the County. A restoration of the
50/50 match could mean as much as $200,000 additional for the County.
Currently the County has slightly over 100 cases and 110 individuals on Safety
Net. This program is for single persons or childless couples struggling financially.
A resolution was approved petitioning the Governor and the State Legislature to
delay proposed legislation which would move the School Star exemption from a
real property exemption to a personal income tax credit.
A resolution was adopted urging the Governor and State Legislature to maintain
the historic Medicaid Zero growth cap. Currently the County pays $160,000 per
week for its mandated share of Medicaid dollars to the NYS DOH. There are cases
of Emergency Immediate Needs Medicaid cases that the lower court has said
counties are responsible for and not the State. We are urging the State to
mitigate this decision and not to add it to the already yearly mandated County
cost of $8.5 million dollars.
A resolution was adopted in support of the “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans
Day”, with is March 30th, the same day in 1973 that troops were withdrawn from
Vietnam. 58,000 Arm Force members were killed and 300,000 were wounded.
Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield