International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation May 31- June 3, 2015 Istanbul, TURKEY ISSA-2015-000 THE TITLE: MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION FOR ISSA-2015 (FONT ARIAL, SIZE 11, BOLD, CENTERED, 12 pt SPACE FROM ABOVE AND BELOW) Authors' names (Font Arial, Size 9) Authors' affiliations Authors' addresses Authors' e-mails: SUMMARY (FONT, ARIAL, SIZE 9.5, BOLD) Font 8, italic, single-colu mn ed, centere d without the first line indent, space from left and right – 5mm, space from b elow - 12 pt, the text s hould not be longer than 150 words . Keywords: ISSA, conference template, guideline (should not be more than 6 words). INTRODUCTION This is a template for author(s) to use for preparing their full manuscripts for ISSA-2015. Please prepare your manuscript in MS WORD format following the guidelines given below and submit to online system before deadline announced from website. Make sure that your manuscript is free of technical, grammatical and typographical errors. Each manuscript; including figures and tables (if needed), should be limited to 4 pages and should be typed as a double-columned main text with 25 mm margins for all sides on standard A4 paper. The text must be justified with 5 mm first line indent for all paragraphs. A short summary should state briefly the content, methods and results only. Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used. Avoid footnotes at the bottom of the page within the frame. Heading categories for manuscript are listed as follows: STRUCTURE OF THE MAIN TEXT The main text must be 9.5 or 10 point Arial or Helvetica and should have following structure: Title, author details, a short summary, keywords Introduction section including a short survey of literature, necessity and aim of the study. Methodology section including detailed explanation of the method (e.g. mathematical model, theory, experimental methods) used in the study. Authors are highly encouraged to describe the evaluated system or discussed problem in this section of the manuscript. Results section which presents the obtained results at the end of the study. Authors may use illustrations, graphs etc. for better understanding. However, comments on illustrations are required for this section. Conclusions section should summarize the main findings of the study. Relating the conclusions of the study to the main goal of the study (as explained in introduction section) is strongly recommended to authors. Please avoid to reproduce the results (mentioned in results section) in this section of the manuscript. Acknowledgement section (if appropriate) Nomenclature section including each abbreviation, symbol, subscript, superscript etc. with notating the units. An example nomenclature list can be found in this template. References section should be prepared as exemplified in this template. Title: font arial, size 11, bold, centered, 12 pt space from above and below, all capitals Main headings: font arial, size 9.5, bold, left aligned, 6 pt space from below, all capitals Sub- headings: font arial, size 9.5, bold, left aligned, 6 pt space from below, lower case Units and Equations Use SI unit only. Equations should be typed. In the text, equation should be referred to as Eq. (1). Align left each equation and allow single spacing above and below, as: (T Ta ) /(Ti Ta ) (1) Tables and Figures Briefly and descriptively title each table and caption each figure. Place table title above the table and figure caption below the figure. Each table and figure should be referred to in the text (e.g., Fig. 1, Table 1); and placed in the order referred to and as close as possible to the first reference in the text. Please do not place your tables and figures at the end of your manuscript. Allow single spacing between the table or figure and the adjacent text, Author1 and Author2 Or Author 1 et al. ISSA-2015-000 and no space between the table title and table (or between figure caption and figure). Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively with single Arabic numerals. A Table 1. Experimental data B * REFERENCES Abdu-Khader, M. M. and J. G. Speight, 2004, The concepts of energy, environment, and cost for process design. International Journal of Green Energy 1: 137-151. (for Journal) C a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3 reference condition Dahlquist E., E. Thorin, and J. Yan, 2006, Alternative Pathways to a Fossil-Fuel Free Energy System in the Mälardalen Region of Sweden, International Green Energy Conference II, June 25-29, 2006. Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. (for Conference) Kreith, F. and J. Kreider, 1978, Principles of Solar Engineering. New York: Hemisphere-McGraw-Hill. (for Book) Chianelli R. R., M. Daage, and M. J. Ledoux, 1994, Fundamental studies of transition-metal sulfide catalytic materials, In Advances in Catalysis, Vol. 40, edited by D. D. Eley, H. Pines, and W. O. Haag. Burlington, Mass.: Academic Press. (for Contribution to a Book) Sample Figure, accessed on February 15, 2015. . (for website) Fig.1. Sketch of the sample. Do not reduce figures or tables to a size that is difficult to read. References in Text References should be cited in the text by author and year (Chianelli et al., 1994) and listed in alphabet order by the first author according to the format of journal, book, conference, web etc. as shown later. The references must be written with 8 point Arial or Helvetica. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION All the results obtained should be discussed in detail. CONCLUSIONS State the main findings in brief only. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgement comes here. NOMENCALTURE A area, m2 cp specific heat, J/kgC h heat transfer coefficient, W/m2C Greek Letters density, kg/m3 Subscripts f surrounding fluid Superscripts 2