CP Biology Unit 3 Study Guide: Cells Name: Chapter 7: Cell

CP Biology
Unit 3 Study Guide: Cells
Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration
Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division
Chapter 11-4: Meiosis
Chapter 7 (p.168-193)
How Cells Obtain and Use Energy
1. Compare and contrast eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells – have no nucleus or other organelles such as bacteria, eukaryotic cells – have a nucleus
and other organelles, such as plants, animals, protists, and fungi
2. Name the 3 parts of the cell theory. Why was this significant in biology?
1. All living things are made of cells. 2. Cells come from preexisting cells. 3. Cells are the basic unit of
structure and function of living things.
*Significant to biology because this formed the basis on which the study of life (biology) is formed.
3. Describe the function of the following cell organelles:
a. nucleus – control center of the cell
b. ribosomes – makes proteins
c. rough ER – transports proteins
d. Golgi apparatus – sorts and packages proteins
e. lysosomes – recycling center, breaks down old cell parts, etc. for the cell
f. vacuoles – storage of water and nutrients
g. mitochondria – where ATP is made (where cellular respiration occurs)
h. chloroplasts – contains chlorophyll and other pigments, photosynthesis occurs here
4. Describe the functions of the cell membrane.
transport of substances into/out of cell, barrier between internal and external environment of cell
5. What types of cells have cell walls?
Plant cells, some prokaryotes
6. Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis.
Diffusion – movement of a solute from an area of high concentration to low concentration
Osmosis – the diffusion of water across the membrane
7. Define active transport. Why does this process require energy?
Active transport – movement of a large substance from low concentration back to high concentration,
requires energy to move against the concentration gradient
Chapter 8 (p.200-207)
8. Explain how autotrophs and heterotrophs obtain their energy. Relate both to the sun.
Sun  autotrophs (produce own food using sun) heterotrophs (consume autotrophs and other
heterotrophs for energy
9. In words, write out the reactants and products of photosynthesis. (HINT: don’t forget light energy!)
Carbon dioxide + Water + light energy  glucose (sugar) + oxygen
10. Describe the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis. Also, where is chlorophyll located?
Chlorophyll is the light-absorbing pigment located in the chloroplast
11. Explain why plants are green. Relate this to the color of light that chlorophyll uses best.
Plants absorb blue and red light and reflect green light.
Chapter 9 (p.221-232)
12. What is the form of energy used by cells? ATP
13. In words, write out the reactants and products of cellular respiration.
Oxygen + Glucose (sugar)  Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP
14. Where in the cell does cellular respiration occur? mitochondria
15. Describe the two types of fermentation.
- Alcoholic fermentation – makes 2 ATP through glycolysis, byproducts are CO2 and alcohol
- Lactic Acid fermentation – makes 2 ATP through glycolysis, byproducts are lactic acid (causes muscle
16. Briefly summarize the three steps of cellular respiration. How many total ATP are produced at the end of
the entire process?
1. Glycolysis - makes 2 ATP using glucose
2. Krebs Cycle and ETC – makes 34 ATP
*36 total ATP produced
Chapter 10 (p.241-253)
17. Describe two reasons why a cell may divide.
growth, healing, cell is too large
18. Draw a copied chromosome. Label the 2 chromatids and the centromere. (see book for this one)
19. Discuss what occurs during interphase.
a. G1 - growth
b. S – chromosomes copy
c. G2 – growth, preparation for cell division (mitosis)
20. Briefly summarize the events of cell division (mitosis).
Prophase – chromosomes condense, nuclear envelope disappears, spindle forms
Metaphase – chromosomes line up in center of cell
Anaphase – sister chromatids break apart at the centromere and move to opposite ends
Telophase – nuclear envelope reforms around the 2 bundles of chromosomes, spindle goes away, cell
membrane begins to form the 2 new cells, division is almost complete
Chapter 11-4 (p.275-278) Meiosis
21. Describe the main results of meiosis.
4 daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes, the cells are gametes (either egg or sperm)
22. What are the major differences between mitosis and meiosis?
2 divisions in meiosis, 1 in mitosis, 4 diploid daughter cells in meiosis, 2 haploid daughter cells in mitosis
23. Define:
a. diploid – 2 sets of chromosomes
b. haploid – 1 set of chromosomes
24. Explain the difference between the formation of egg cells and sperm cells. (HINT: the number of cells
formed is important)
meiosis produces only 1 egg cell in females, but 4 sperm cells in males