Semester Exam Study Guide `15-`16

Biology II
First Semester Exam Study Guide
The Scientific Method and Experimental Design
Given an experiment, be able to identify the independent variable, dependent variable and control.
Be able to calculate the chi-squared value for a set of experimental data using the chi-squared formula:
X2 = Σ
How do you calculate the chances of two or more events occurring together or consecutively?
e.g. What are the chances of rolling three 5’s with dice?
What is a “primary source” in scientific research?
Basic Chemistry
What are the basic sub-atomic particles and what is the electrical charge on each?
What is a covalent bond?
What is a polar covalent bond?
What is an endergonic reaction? Give an example
What is an exergonic reaction? Give an example
What type of organic molecule is an enzyme?
Cell Structure
Know the functions of the basic cellular organelles:
Plasma membrane
Golgi body
What types of organisms are composed of prokaryotic cells?
What types of organisms are composed of eukaryotic cells?
How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different?
Describe “Endosymbiant theory”
Membranes and Cellular Transport
Describe the structure of the membranes of the cell.
Describe the structure of a phospholipid.
What do phospholipids do when placed in a watery environment?
What type of molecules can pass through the cell plasma by simple diffusion?
Describe what is meant by each of the following terms and how a cell would respond when placed in it:
Hypotonic solution
Hypertonic solution
Isotonic solution
Cellular Energy
How does an enzyme affect a chemical reaction?
What happens to the structure of a protein when it is heated?
For what purpose do cells use ATP?
What simple sugar do all cells use as their primary energy source?
In order to provide energy for a cell, glucose must be converted into what?
What are the reactions of aerobic respiration?
In what way, specifically, is oxygen involved in the process of aerobic respiration?
Know the compounds that go into and come out of each reaction in aerobic respiration.
What are the products of anaerobic respiration (fermentation)?
Know the reactants and products of the various reactions of photosynthesis
What happens to the hydrogen and oxygen from water molecules used during photosynthesis?
In what way are the products of the light reactions used in the light independent reactions?
In which reaction is most of the ATP produced during photosynthesis?
What reactant in photosynthesis provides the carbon used to make glucose?
Cell Division
What type of cells are produced by mitosis?
How do the daughter cells produced through mitosis compare to the parent cell?
What are sister chromatids?
How do the genes on sister chromatids compare?
What type of cells are produced by meiosis?
How do the daughter cells produced through meiosis compare to the parent cell?
What are “homologous” chromosomes?
How do the genes on homologous chromosomes compare?
Be able to solve simple genetic crosses and predict possible genotypes and phenotypes in the offspring.
What are “sex-linked” genes?
What are “autosomal” genes?
Be able to determine the inheritance pattern of a gene when illustrated on a pedigree chart.
Molecular Genetics
What is a nucleotide?
The two strands of a molecule of DNA are held together in the center by what type of chemical bonds?
During replication, how are the leading strand and lagging strand assembled differently?
Protein Synthesis
Know the roles of DNA, mRNA, ribosomes, and tRNA in protein synthesis.
Define transcription
Define translation
What do we mean when we say that the genetic code is “universal”?
What are introns and exons?
What is a “silent” mutation?
What is a “frameshift” mutation?