
Study Guide for AP Biology Test 3
Chapters 9-11
Chapter 9 Mitosis
 Cell cycle
o Order- G1, S, G2 and G0 for those that never divide
o What happens in each stage?
o What controls the cell cycle?
 Checkpoints
 Growth factors
 Density-dependent inhibition
 Anchorage dependence
o What happens if a cell becomes unregulated?
 Tumors
 Benign
 Malignant
 Metastasis
o Mitosis
 How many chromosomes in each stage using specific example
 Stages: PMAT- don’t worry about prometaphase
 Cytokinesis
 Cleavage furrow
 Cell plate
 End product
 Chromatids- joined copies of the original chromosome
 Centromere, kinetochore, mitotic spindle, centrioles, centrosomes
o What happens in prokaryotes instead of mitosis? Binary fission
 DNA form
o Eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic
o Chromosome, chromatin
 Somatic cells vs. gametes
Chapter 10 Meiosis
 Reductional division
 Somatic cells vs. gametes
 Locus, gene, allele
 Asexual reproduction vs. sexual reproduction- what are the advantages of each (see 10.4)
 Homologous chromosomes
 Karyotype
o What are they used for?
o Could you identify an issue of a human karyotype?
o What is nondisjunction?
 Sex chromosomes and autosomes
 Fertilization and zygote
 Meiosis
o Homologous chromosomes bond together (synapsis) and cross over during prophase I.
What is crossing over?
 Haploid vs. diploid (which type of cell does meiosis produce?)
 Two rounds of division-homologous pairs split up first, then sister chromatids~ meiosis I and
meiosis II
Genetic variation
o Independent assortment- (yes-this is getting at the same point as in Ch. 11)
o Crossing over
o Random fertilization
Chapter 11
 Character
 Trait
 True-breeding
 Hybridization
 P, F1, F2
 Monohybrid cross and Punnett square
 Dihybrid cross and Punnett square
 Probability math and be able to solve trihybrid cross
o Multiplication rule
o Addition rule
 Homozygous
 Heterozygous
 Phenotype
 Genotype
 Dominant
 Recessive
 Law of segregation and law of independent assortment
 Testcross
o Why important?
o How is it done?
 Codominance- blood groups
 Incomplete dominance
 Pleiotropy
 Epistasis
 Multiple alleles
 Polygenic inheritance- ex. height
 Environmental impact on phenotype
o Be able to explain how the environment can affect a phenotype
 Ex. In high-sun environment, skin would be tan.
 Why are recessive alleles still around?
 Why aren’t dominant alleles always the most common?
o Dominant disorders, natural selection
 Pedigrees
o Be able to explain
o Carriers (heterozygous)