Spring 1 Week 2 Phase 3 Week 9 Objectives and criteria for success: Learn about the spelling of words containing the ai, ee, oa, ow, oi digraphs that end with the letter l. Learn and practise letters/sounds ear, er, air (p81). Practise blending for reading (p85–88). Practise reading high frequency words learned so far. Revisit and Review Teach Practise Mon HF word bingo Teach ear using phonics scheme (or p81). Segmenting for Remind children that a trigraph is three spelling: Phoneme letters that make one sound. Demonstrate frame (p88): ear, this in a phoneme frame. dear, fear, hear. Blending for reading: Sound buttons (p58): near, tear, year, beard. Tues Ask children to write as Teach er using phonics scheme (or p81). Play Buried many consonants as they Teach children to read her (p91). treasure (p87) with can think of in a given Segmenting for spelling: the words: fern, time. Check their answers Phoneme frame (p88): berk, fern, herd, herd, her, perd, with a partner using the her. merg. alphabet frieze. Wed Phase 3 – Buried Treasure Recap the term apostrophe – show Complete examples on the board. examples on the board. Discuss meaning in terms of possessive apostrophe. Spelling test – ears, dear, fear, hear, fern, herd, her, berk Play dinosaur egg Thu and write down each word before someone clicks on the correct spelling http://www.ictgames. com/dinosaursEggs/i ndex.html Apply Writing Sentences (p98): I can hear an owl hoot at night. Play Yes/no questions (p97 and see resources for Phase 3 week 9): Is it hot this year? Can she see a herd of cows? Write sentences placing possessive apostrophes in the correct place. Write sentences using these words. Assessment Give the sound when shown any Phase 2 letter, and the Phase 3 GPCs learned so far. Find any letter (upper or lower case), from a display, when given the sound or letter name. Write each letter correctly when following a model. Be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters) VC words earn, CVC words fern, win, tail, vet, and silly words zear, jaiv. Be able to spell the tricky words the, to, I, no, go. Be able to read the high frequency words learned so far.