Estuary Transit District Regular Meeting 17 Industrial Park Road

Estuary Transit District
Regular Meeting
17 Industrial Park Road, Centerbrook, CT
August 16, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Leslie Strauss, Chairman at 9:03 a.m.
Leslie Strauss led the Pledge.
A quorum was established with the following board members present: John Forbis (left at 11:00 a.m.),
Noel Bishop, Virginia Zawoy, Joan Gay, Peter Beirrie, Ralph Eno, and Leslie Strauss.
Staff Present: Halyna Famiglietti, Joe Comerford, Allison Meshnick
Guests: Kevin Kirby, Daniel Bernblum
Absent: Roland Laine, Dick Smith
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Peter Bierrie made a motion to approve the minutes from the 6/21/13 meeting as presented. John
Forbis seconded the motion. The motion passed with Virginia Zawoy abstaining.
Approval of Finance Committee Minutes
John Forbis made a motion to approve the 8/8/13 Finance Committee minutes as presented. Peter
Bierrie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
John Forbis made a motion to approve the 6/12/13 Finance Committee minutes as presented. Peter
Bierrie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Virginia Zawoy distributed a note from Mary Wood thanking the District for an insurance policy that was
used for her husband’s funeral expenses.
A Fleet Fuel Economy spreadsheet was included in the Board packet. The spreadsheet includes fuel
economy figures for the 5 different types of vehicles used by the District. Joe Comerford stressed the
importance of reviewing the gallons saved as opposed to the dollars saved as fuel prices fluctuate
frequently. He continued that some of the less economic vehicles do provide better passenger
accessibility. Joe Comerford reported that the newer hybrid vehicles are less fuel efficient than original
The District discussed the possibility of fuel storage tanks however a location of tanks, liability issues and
environmental issues remain a hindrance.
Finance Committee – none
Marketing Committee – The Marketing Report was included in the Board packet. Highlights of the
reported included:
 New schedules
 Press Releases
 E-mail newsletter has been distributed – Joe will include Board members in the e-mail
distribution list
 Facebook
The Board discussed value of advertising 9TT “brand” on the buses. Joe Comerford reported that the
contract does include options for the District. We can restrict advertising on the buses.
Emergency Preparedness Committee
Noel Bishop reported that the Committee concluded that Emergency Preparedness should be addressed
on a case by case basis through the First Selectmen of each town.
Joe Comerford reported that approval to purchase a generator for building was received from the DOT;
however, he is having difficulty in obtaining a quote. Board members contact local contractors.
Rte. 81 Committee – The Committee is waiting for budget information from the State. Ralph Eno
suggested the District develop local cost estimates to fund the Rte. 81 route.
Joe Comerford reported that the Shoreline Shuttle expansion is the priority at this time. While the State
agrees, no funding has been provided.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – The Executive Director’s Report was included in the packet.
Joe Comerford reported that the replacement bus funded for this year is still awaiting approval from
DOT. The request was submitted in January; however the FTA decided in July that the contract we were
purchasing from could not be used. The process had to start again and all documents were resubmitted in July.
Leslie Strauss reported that she is trying to schedule a meeting with the State to discuss the District
office/facility. The current lease expires in September 2014.
ETD will participate in the Stand Down 2013 (Veteran’s Affairs Event) scheduled September 20th. Pick –
up locations are still to be determined. Noel Bishop reported that the Westbrook Senior Center is
available as a pick-up location.
FINANCE MANAGER’S REPORT – The Finance Manager’s Report was included in the Board packet.
Halyna Famiglietti reported that a DOT payment in the amount of $55,000 was received.
Budget vs. Actual end of year estimates were included in the Board packet. The auditors are expected
to review these figures this month.
John Forbis made a motion to accept the Finance Manager’s Report as presented. Peter Bierrie
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
OPERATIONS MANAGER’S REPORT – The Operations Manager’s Report was included in the Board
Board members were invited to attend the Safety Meeting and Award Banquet on Sunday, September
18, 2013 @ 2:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Pavilion.
Allison Meshnick reported that she is waiting for reports from Troop F regarding the bus incident on
Dan Bernblum, Intern, developed a Ridership Analysis. The Shoreline Shuttle has the most riders. The
District’s top priority is to increase morning runs of the Shoreline Shuttle to accommodate the
Joe Comerford reported that this analysis will be included in the District’s request to the DOT for
Shoreline Shuttle funding.
Passenger Suspension – Bus incident 5/16/13 – At the 6/21/13 ETD meeting, the Board imposed a
lifetime suspension to the individual involved in the incident, pending a legal opinion. Currently, a one
year ban is in effect.
Joe Comerford reported that a letter received from 9TT’s legal counselor indicates that the District may
be sued by the individual. The attorney recommended that the District get an opinion from an attorney
specializing in this area.
Joe Comerford reported that the ETD policy was followed. A letter was sent to the individual denying
services. She appealed the decision too late.
John Forbis made a motion to impose a lifetime suspension to Peg Walsh due to the 5/16/13 bus
incident involving the assault of an operator. Ralph Eno seconded the motion. The motion passed
A copy of the revised Holiday Schedule was included in the Board packet.
John Forbis made a motion to approve the holiday schedule as presented. Peter Bierrie seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Cash Handling Policy – The Cash Handling Policy was distributed to Board members via e-mail. The
Finance Committee has reviewed the Policy and recommends approval.
John Forbis made a motion to approve the Cash Handling Policy as presented. Noel Bishop seconded
the motion. Discussion followed:
Ralph Eno suggested an increase in the frequency of random checks and a definition of the survey.
The frequency of random checks will be increased to two per day and a log will be developed to
document the checks.
Vote on motion with the amendment – unanimous.
Transit Advisory Committee
Joe Comerford reported that Title Six requires a Transit Advisory Committee be appointed.
Peter Bierrie made a motion to accept the Policy and appoint John Forbis as a member and Chair of the
Transit Advisory Committee. Leslie Strauss seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Board Retreat – The Board Retreat is scheduled for 9/13/13, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 at the Pilot’s Point Marina
Clubhouse. Joe Comerford will forward information from the last retreat to board members.
Matthews Bus Purchase Not to Exceed $80,000
Joan Gay made a motion to approve the following Authorizing Resolution:
I, Virginia Zawoy, Secretary of the ETD, do hereby certify that the following s a true and correct copy of a
resolution adopted at its meeting on August 16, 2013 in which a quorum was present and acting
throughout and that the resolution has not been modified, rescinded or revoked and is at present in full
force and effect.
Resolved, that the Executive Director, Joseph Comerford, hereby is authorized on behalf of the ETD to
negotiate and execute all necessary contract documents required to purchase one bus for the ETD from
the Greater New Haven Transit District vehicle contract with Matthews Buses, Inc. in an amount not to
exceed $80,000.
Virginia Zawoy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
NEXT MEETING – October 18, 2013
Noel Bishop made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:13 a.m. Peter Bierrie seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Suzanne Helchowski, Clerk