Senate Meeting Minutes 04.22.2015

2014-2015 ASUCM Senate
ASUCM Regular Senate Meeting Agenda
5200 N. Lake Road KL169, Merced, CA 95343 – P: (209) 228-7468
E: W:
SPRING 2015 Session
Wednesday, April 22nd 2014 7:30 pm
Chancellor’s Conference Room (KL 232)
Call to Order
a. 7:31pm
Roll Call
a. Senator Lomio, Senator Anderson, Senator Garai, Senator Carlson absent
Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Rumayor motions to suspend legislative bylaws
b. Senator Zisser seconds
c. Discussion
Senator Rumayor: To add “CAB Bylaws” to “New Business”
Senator Jones: Was it not submitted on time?
Senator Rumayor: We gave them ample time and warning that we were going to submit it, they never got
back to us. That’s why.
d. Vote
1. Bylaws Suspended
Senator Rumayor motions to add “CAB Bylaws” to “New Business”
Senator Munoz seconds
No Discussion
Senator Quarnstrom motions to approve
Senator Garcia seconds
No discussion
Agenda approved
Approval of Minutes
a. Senator Zisser motions to approve
b. Senator Coba seconds
c. No discussion
d. Approved
Guest Speaker
a. Karen Groth, Director of Transportation and Parking
She appreciates being at Senate to share the new and upcoming changes at TAPS. She will have an open
dialogue to discuss pertinent issues.
She introduces herself. She has been here at UC Merced since 2007. She has lived in Merced since she
was four years old and is a Fresno State graduate with four kids. She is passionate about the community and this
city. She is excited about the opportunities that the UC will bring to students and to the community. There are
currently 2400 to 2500 parking spaces and 10 to 12 bus routes. TAPS is in the process of hiring a transit consultant
because one of the Chancellor’s mission is to move towards the 2020 project. They would like to research the
challenges that they face today and to seek the issues to address the parking and transit needs needed for 2020.
When the campus opened, it was a flat fee. The TAPS Advisory committee that is made up of all
constituents discuss monthly what they would like to see in regards to parking. They advocate for changes brought
up by constituents. Michael Reese and Chancellor meet. Research how parking is structured and transit to expand
upon the transit program through CatTracks only or the county transit system, like the bus. How do we address
spaces on campus? There is not enough parking space. Moving staff off site locations to make more buildings for
you. What about the castle facility and the graduate students there? With parking, we are looking at offsite
locations. There is one in Bellevue Ranch. There is one in Moraga and some in El Redondo and Merced College.
WE have done some outreach to Lake Yosemite to acquire some space there. The beauty of that location is that it is
close proximity to school. We have an offsite campus on Merced College for those freshman who cannot bring
their cars on campus. Castle is much farther and there are issues with distance with that location.
The research consultant will analyze the transit system that we have now and compare that with the
possible growth prospected by the 2020 project. Funding has been a big issue with transit. Students pay a
mandatory transportation fee in their tuition. Fortunately, the campus is subsidizing two thirds of the total
transportation cost. The students cannot continue to bear the entire transportation cost. Are there grants available?
How can we collaborate with them to have additional funds coming in?
That is a summary and I would like to open it up now so that you may ask questions.
1. Senator Kwan: how many parking spaces will be made?
2. Karen: We have enough spaces to get us through 2016. Lake will provide about 200 additional
spaces. But for fall of 2016, we are looking at the next expansion of the north bowl phase two that
adds about 600 spaces and that is a UC Merced project. Parking beyond that point will be determined
and built by the developer.
3. Senator Zisser: Will there ever be tiered parking garages?
4. Karen: In the original RDGP plan, there were four parking structures located in the university
community but with a revision, there are no plans to build a parking structure. We will be relying on
the developer to place the parking places. I can tell you that with any of the other mature campuses,
they will take parking first. They will take parking sites for new buildings and parking will be pushed
to the outskirts of the campus.
5. Senator Coba: Environmental studies, is there a possible start to that before 9000?
6. Karen: Solely contingent on that letter. I am not on the planning department. I have been hearing that
it is solely dependent on those 9000 trips. I talked to you a little bit before the meeting that you shared
some key points with what you had. It is not just about building parking but also alternative
transportation that is not CatTracks, the bus but it is the skateboarding bikes and walking. Bike paths
from the city to the campus are not where we would like them to be. Bicyclists are able to place their
bikes on the CatTracks with their added bike racks. That happens before the building of the corridor.
At least there is something to see progress to grow those programs.
7. Senator Lovelace: Thanks for coming. My question is on FastCat that leaves in both directions. If you
are taking the bus from campus to the R street apartments it takes 10 minutes, but if you are taking it
to campus from the R Street apartments, it takes 40 minutes.
8. Karen: We are always looking for ways to change that. I cannot emphasize that enough to talk to the
drivers and talk to them. When we get the one and twos, we need to see that it is an issue to consider
so we can address it. We were very excited because it did not add an additional expense. We separated
our buses that had two routes and redirect them. We actually have a bus that takes students downtown
during the weekdays. This change did not cost more money. WE would love to give you the world,
but with the increase frequency, there is a cost. WE are trying to meet both needs.
I cannot emphasize how important it is to have students on the TAPS Advisory Board to create changes for the
future of TAPS. I am thrilled to be here and would like to appoint someone to attend these meetings. Bring a guest
speaker. Shoot me an email to speak on a topic. Thank you!
b. Charles Nies, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Greets people and mentions that Karen is awesome and that she works hard. Hey, I am back. Is that ok?
(Senate: Yes.) Cool!
Last time I was here, our focus was on retention rates that is connected to graduation rates and we summed
that up as success. Awesome!! I am feeling loved that you all listened to me.
In the division of student affairs, we were committed to the aspirational guidelines but in the end were we
meeting students with success? Since I came to meet with you all, I made the effort to meet with the 18
departments of student affairs. K-12 outreach to make sure that there is access for the youth in the central
valley for success from the offices in Fresno. You can interrupt if you have any questions.
We blew off the doors off of our graduation rates. Our 4 year grad rates are still struggling. Our rates were
at 38% that is better than the national average. We are doing really well! Other four years like Ohio State are at
about 33%. Our five year graduation, we look at persistence, we add on like 56%. We jumped up. We are at
62% where the national average is 42%. I am really excited, I won’t use expletives to show my excitement.
The 6th year graduation rate is 64%. This is great news and one of the student population that we focus on is
the lower income, first generation college students. Nationally they graduate at 6 th year grad rates at 65%.
What’s ours? 65%! 35% is the national average and we are at 65%. We are not happy. I want to go higher and I
think that we could! We spoke about retention rates. In student affairs, we have been discussing is how we
create an engaged campus environment/learning community of scholars, that’d be you all, the more this is
created then the more that we will see increases in our retention and graduation rates. How do we scale that
Some of that happens because we are a small community? We need to maintain the same type of spirit of
6k students to 10k students. We are committed to making programs scalable and will still be here when you
come back as an alumni in 2020. Wouldn’t that be awesome? We need to put some stuff in place, with
Elizabeth Witt she is the Dean of Undergrad education. She is one of the most recognized authors within
student success. She just won an award in her research of undergrad education. They gave us some money to
see what we can be launching to move the needle and make some change. The provost approved our plan in
how we will move that needle. We will focus on academic advising because if students have a successful first
semester, they will likely to be here with us. The dismissal students will decrease but the retention rates
increase in junior year. Asking good questions. Math is a class that students struggle with. We will create a
math lab, not a meth lab, where it will be an opportunity for students in a class to work with tutors to link in
with what is actually happening with the classes. WE are looking to create supplemental instruction for
chemistry and bio. This is something that affects our students’ long term education. WE will also look to
develop a writing center, Writing 1 and 10 are gateway classes. We also want to make sure that we celebrate
excellence, but we have been working on what a university honors program might look like. We find ways to
support those who are high achieving. WE are losing our top students that are transferring out at the end of
their sophomore years. The more that we can find that vibrant community so that they can stay and celebrate
with us. One of the things is that students work on campus is correlated with on campus retention compared to
off campus works. Supervisors know that finals are but it does not happen at CVS. We will create more on
campus student positions. We also know that high impact practices is that employers want internship
experiences to find ways to link internships with careers. Ex, management to link to a business opportunities.
Connect to university, get cash and resume. We have a donor that has funded a position who funded Silicon
Valley. Google, twitter, LinkdIn. There are connected with some of these big companies and they are getting
more opportunities. A lot of companies want academic credit that’s valuable, live there but also pay summer
school. WE will do scholarships, do internship but pay summer. We are also working in LA to develop
academic credit internships. As you know, I think that we are awesome. We are doing great wonderful things.
It is hard to deny that. There are doubter out there however.
Just yesterday, a house assembly budget they were pushing on the University of California but you will
push them to go to Merced when they don’t want to go there anyways. What kind of campaigns to
communicate back to them, I chose UC Merced because. We need them to know that we chose this for your
own reason. You chose it now and then came here. Twitter campaign: “#IChose,” that gives Alumni and
trustees, like MC Hammer, the opportunity to fill in the blank. We are thinking about doing this campaign if
we decide to launch something. A lot of people from Sacramento have never been here that doubt us and deny
that we are awesome. We need to shout that! We need to let them know why we came here.
1. Senator Coba: On graduation rates of 38% from our school to 33% national. Where is our average
standing with other UCs, especially UC Davis?
2. Dr. Nies: Our SAT profile is one click lower than other UC Campuses. They average SAT scores and
categorize on open access, traditional, selective, or highly selective. Our UC is traditional. You can’t
compare our students to other UCs since we are traditional. Our stats are at the selective level and
close to UC Riverside. A lot of the UCs grad 4 year rates are in the 40 percentile. Their 6 year grad
rates are in the 70th percentile
3. Senator Munoz: Thanks for coming, it’s always a pleasure
Senator Munoz motions to extend time by 10 minutes
Senator Coba seconds
No discussion
Senator Munoz: It is interesting that you brought up the culture with the state legislature and make it
clear that I chose to attend UC Merced. I am really excited. But a question regarding the percentages,
one of the things that we pride ourselves in or that we provide for undergraduate students, do you
know if that has an impact on retention rates?
2. Dr. Nies: Moves the needle most on retention rates is undergrad research and that is about 62% and is
the highest in the UC System. We also know that 70% of faculty mention that they actively reach out
to students for research. That is huge and that is one of the things that moves the needles. We are also
seeking more research grant dollars. I have also done research and funded two undergrads to do
summer undergrad research. I have done fundraisers and gave away one grand this morning.
3. Senator Pelayo: Going back to the percentages as well, you said that those were the initiatives, what
about the current programs that we have?
4. Dr. Nies: Fiat Lux Scholars, I also looked at those who participate and those who do not. We have
another study that is more thorough that looks at different populations. That program seems to be
working very well. We are looking at USTU 10 that is offered in the summer. I love that class,
because I teach it. One of the things that we found, it has more of an impact when linked to another
program. Mid-semester grade reports has an impact on recovery program but we don’t differentiate
students that are failing. Different intervention that students with a D or F in Chemistry. We are
looking at changing that program to be more intentional on that. Those are the specific programs that
we are doing, and another is all of our leadership involvement program. The more that they are likely
to stay.
Fascinate study, if a student had not hung anything on their wall 6 weeks they would not have
stayed in the sophomore year. I will stay after their sophomore year. The more that we can move
some of their needle. The club fair that we do, is critical. New students were surveyed and students
who used at least one student service on campus, their academic self-efficacy sky rocketed than those
who did not use anything. Get students to go into the office!! The new internships are hiring right
now because we want upper class students to apply in the next week.
5. Senator Quarnstrom: L.A. Internships?
6. Dr. Nies: We hire an Alumnus who seek internships in that area and the LA one will be brand new.
We have not flushed it out yet because we are still trying to get that money.
7. Senator Zisser: Will it be extended in the future?
8. Dr. Nies: Yeah, once we tap into the financial areas. A lot of our engineering and management majors,
any of you all know Shavon Charles? Shavon is awesome, an alumni. She did the UC DC internship
program and got one with the news outlets in DC which lander her an internship with CNN and a job
with Twitter. She is with an entertainment industry that controls their twitter events like the GMAs or
the Red Carpet. I believe she was Political Science major.
Also, May 12th is the transition dinner and a chance to hang out and looking forward to that.
Please come by and say hello take care!
Sergeant of Arms
Senator Coba nominates Senator Munoz
Senator Zisser seconds
Senator Munoz declines
Senator Pelayo nominates Senator Lovelace
Senator Coba seconds
Senator Lovelace accepts
No Discussion
Senator Munoz motions to do a White Ballot
1. White Ballot unanimously approved
Senator Lovelace is temporary Sergeant of Arms
Chair's Report- Zachary Mondo
I have been in contact with Steve to plan the dinner on May 12 th and will send and agenda. GSA wants to thank
people. Brandon doesn’t want to give a speech and wants to give the next GSA president. Ivan will give a speech
as usual. All elected officials were invited, not chief of staff. Just main ASUCM people that are constitutionally
outlined. In addition, Ivan invited Brian and Charles and others in OSL. You all did it last year. Is there an option of
food? The Chancellor’s office requested that we do a certain menu: it is a salad bar, basil and whipped cream. If
you need anything special, I do not want the Jefferson where he wants a steak that. (Senator Munoz: Will there
seating?) We will have standing tables. I t is currently about 80 invitations and will be about 2 grand, so inviting 10
more people will be expensive and take up space. The chancellor’s office will send invites next week. That is it for
my report.
Elected & Appointed Officers Report
a. Donald Quach, Director of Student Activities:
Just to recap, the years is winding down. We have the concert and the dance off next Saturday. I have sent out
an email with the concert take down. We are working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. YLP and Alpha Phi
Omega have been reached out. We did not reach out to the campus.
1. Questions:
1. Senator Munoz: What about the rotary club?
2. Donald: YLP, ASUCM, Alpha Phi Omega. APhiO has committed 5 people and 20 CAB members to
be good for this year.
Bylaws, I wanted to recap that. I got an email from Emanuel on April 5th so we can add our final touches
but that never happened. I never received a copy, you will get that today. Any questions?
3. Senator Munoz: Did you ever reach out to them?
4. Donald: I was waiting to get the file, we have our CAB copy but I never received a file.
b. Kennan Conner, Commissioner of Leadership Outreach:
I reached out to Armand Kirshman to update the get involved for to add job titles and descriptions. The big
thing tonight is the Claude bylaws and discussed these with Phil, Huber but did not reach out to Academic
Affairs due to class. I highly encourage these amendments to be brought up to the table. I am working on a
presentation for any student who is being involved to see how ASUCM works from the outside. A rough intro
on how our organization works. That is all. Thank you!
c. Senator Coba, Lobby Core Director:
Last weekend, we had our student lobby conference with UCSA and 12 were there but 2 left. 7 were female
and three were male. Third years and many freshman who were looking to get involved. A couple issues that
were lobbied on, a package of bills of SCA1, SB695: high school sexual assault education training, AB200
that expanded the CA Cal Grants in A and B about 1 in 4 chance to receive before and now is 1 in 17 chance,
which becomes competitive and seeks to guarantee 1000 competitive Cal Grant awards.
SB206 Dreamers Loan Program that helps close the gap in financial aid. Seven members and seven senate
members. They needed to lobby once but they lobbied twice and the students mentioned that they lobbied and
had a great time. Any questions?
1. Senator Munoz: What bill was Dr. Nies talking about?
2. Senator Coba: I didn’t attend that, but it was a general sub committee
3. Senator Jones: I am meeting with 3 of the assembly members that were at the hearing and I can ask
Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, Newly Appointed Director of Student Advocacy:
I have been reaching out to people and gathering information on what they would like to see in the next three
weeks. I could not make it to Budget and Finance or Student Activities but I did speak with Kennan to see how
our positions could work together. I am seeking feedback. I was trying to see where Martin left me at with
finances and there are about 800 dollars left. There was a club that approached David and asked for Gas
reimbursement for a Regent Scholars Conference at UCSD and I want to see how that will work. We are
working with them and that has been it. Thank you!
1. Senator Coba: Point of info, is Kaitlyn’s seat open now?
2. Internal Vice President Mondo: Quorum is always nine, but always sixteen seats.
Officer Reports
a. Senate Pro-Tempore- Domonique Jones
Guess what day it is? Hump Day! I didn’t say it last week. I am happy to say it. Two more weeks, nothing else
to report.
b. Sergeant at Arms- Senator Lovelace
I think that Michael would say something about the moratorium. I will suspend that. As long as no one goes on
FB, and for any guests please sign in. Have a great meeting.
c. Secretary- Huber Munoz
I apologize for being absent. I know that I was missed. Please send me your minutes. Send me this weeks!
That is it.
d. ICC Liaison- Kevin Kwan
This past Monday was the last ICC meeting for funding, they have all been used up. They have a zero balance
and has been the first time in AS history. They held nominations and we will be holding elections on the
following Monday. The last few ICC Meetings will be used for transition purposes and the new ICC Structure.
e. Court Liaison- Phil Coba
Court met today and discussed the debate.
Committee Reports
a. Budget and Finance- Domonique Jones
Met today in ASUCM Office. Everyone was there. Senator Carlson was absent and not excused.
b. Academic Affairs- Anna Lovelace
Met today at 10:45am in ASUCM office. All were present and Fitzgerald was there.
c. Student Activities- Senator Rumayor, on behalf of Senator Garai
Mario and I were absent. Met at 6:30pm
d. Student Advocacy- Zachary Zisser
Sean and I were here. Michael and Josh were unexcused.
Advisor's Report- Steve Lerer
Can you tell us what happened with constitutional amendment? Yeah, you got 111 votes. We’ll tell you tomorrow.
We got 20%. Richarch Arquette as the new FSL Coordinator. I can fully focus on my job on June 20, 2015. We will
also hire our new Student Conduct Coordinator so that Le’Trice can make it home before 9pm.
President's Report- Ivan Flores
Hello everyone, I will be sitting over here. I don’t have much to report, except yesterday I went to the Chancellor’s
Office Hours to discuss my position in ASUCM and how it’s been in the last year. Constitutional Amendment was
also discussed. I am not working on anything tonight, other than the two court nominations. An MOU will be voted
on between housing. Last week, we had the housing fair. Have a nice meeting.
Treasurer's Report- David Ascencio
I am glad that Steve didn’t mention this, but I will. A club came in that no one helped them. A concern was that
they were trying to contact a senator. Huber responded but that was all. That was a concern that they had and I
referred them to Kaitlyn. We will try to fund them either way. That was a concern that I want to bring up to senate.
a. Questions:
1. Senator Pelayo: Can you explain what they got funded?
2. David: It is to go to a conference in SD for the UC Regent Scholars that was about 400 dollars. But I
wanted to warn you that this happened.
This is our balance: $35, 197.56 left for the next three weeks. Services and Programs bylaws that will hopefully be
submitted next week. What it was working off of was that the financial bylaws only describes how to remove
funding from that program and not how to become a Services and Programs. This would create clarification on how
bobcat band, the prodigy and what we can expect from them. You all can read them next week, it is about three
Current projects include digital signage that has been more difficult than expected. We are trying to make
it more accessible to students. The process includes sending in an event form two weeks to the library before but
we are trying to investigate how to advertise it for students to use. Any questions?
1. Senator Jones: Since did you purchase the picnic blankets who uses them?
2. Treasurer David: I think that Miriam would know more about that, but I think that they have been
used frequently.
3. Miriam, ASUCM Intern: Lora asked for all 5 in March. This month two clubs and one student asked
for the picnic blankets. Keep in mind that this only started in mid-March.
On SVAC, we had questions for CAB and we passed a CSF referendum. The majority of the meeting was on CAB.
How they decide what the amount should be per semester? Have they changed their budget in concern to the drop
in students? And a bunch of other questions concerning budgeting. It was a great conversation, the only thing that
SVAC had an issue was that we wanted to keep having this discussing to research the amount spent per student
compared to the results of the event. I think we have asked on amount of SWAG spent on them per event. They
don’t understand the question, but that is something that SVAC was concerned about and was also something
administration was concerned about.
Senator Coba motions to extend speaker’s time by 2 minutes
Senator Pelayo seconds
No discussion
Treasurer David, continues: We decided to send a budget template and a recommendation on how to make a
budget. There was no detail other than 6k for a movie. Ours says 6k for PAA Event. It was not broken up like 4
grand for movie and 2 grand for food.
Senator Jones: I am curious if there will be stronger action plans from SVAC. CAB is not giving us that.
CAB doesn’t answer it well.
Treasurer David: SVAC is planning to send an email that will have what we expect, what we are looking
at like a budget that is well planned or spent. They had zero savings, but then they did with contingency.
We would like a better SVAC I am unsure if we will have action against them. Also, something that we
are looking for is that we are having semester meetings with CAPS until that we see that that extra
funding is creating a better. Quantitative data.
Public Forum
a. Hunter, Bobcat Radio:
Bobcat Radio is officially an Engineering service learning class.
Old Business
a. Bill #49- Funding for the Chicano Latino Council (Introduced by Senator Jones)
Senator Jones motions to approve
Senator Garcia seconds
1. All: Pass
1. Senator Jones: The Chicano Latino council is asking for $7, 700 to put on what what would be their
seventh annual Latino Chicano Commencement that will take place on May 16, 2015. This is open to
any 2015 graduate who registers to participate in the ceremony. The council is focused on providing
Latino students avenues to celebrate their academic excellence and allowing their parents to be
invited to participate in their culture. It’s pretty straightforward.
No discussion
1. Unanimously Approved
b. Bill #50- Commission for Leadership Outreach and Development By-Laws (Introduced by
Senator Coba)
Senator Coba motions
Senator Garcia seconds
Committee Reports
1. Budget and Finance: Two in favor and one against
2. Academic Affairs: Passed
3. Student Activities: Passed
4. Student Advocacy: Passed
1. Senator Coba: The set of bylaws for leadership will create structure for this commission. It will allow
them to have freedom in their position but provide numbers on how many times to report to Senate.
1. Senator Coba amends “outreach” under Point C, as sub points A and B
2. Senator Pelayo: We discussed in the Academic Affairs committee meeting, Article 1, Section 1,
Section A “the commissioner will be nominated by President and approved by senate.” I have noticed
that in other commissions they have specific times and a deadlines, like four weeks to be appointed.
Being that this is the commission for leadership outreach, we thought that there should be a deadline
of weeks
3. IVP Mondo entertains the motion to yield to President Flores so that he can explain the deadline
4. Senator Coba yields to President Flores
5. President Flores: The president actually has 6 weeks to appoint someone in each semester to appoint
someone. That is in our legislative bylaws, which supersede these bylaws.
6. Senator Pelayo: We looked closely and we noticed it going back into the legislative bylaws
7. Senator Munoz: Going into the amendments, I wanted the word “elections” to be on there because of
what happened in the spring elections. When we saw that we did not get enough students interested
that this would be a perfect thing for this commission to work on, but essentially recruiting people
before elections, students should at least have an idea of the positions available and what they consist
of. I just don’t want to encounter another set of these spring elections.
8. Senator Coba: I’ll add to that. One to the things that we wanted to hit home that the two positions of
Leadership Outreach and Elections Commissioner to clash. Both have come up with two different
ideas that they wanted to complete. That is where the second amendment comes in. We do not have
officers who want. For instance, Court Clerk Positions, leadership would reach out to Court before
seeking to fill that position.
9. IVP Mondo suggests to yield to Steve
10. Senator Coba to Steve: I am not sure what I heard but this position being involved with elections. Do
not add anything that aren’t the elections bylaws because that is an awkward spot. There is a reason
that you have an elections commissioner because they cannot run for a position.
11. Senator Munoz: That’s not what we are doing, that is what the second amendment states that they will
not interfere with elections
12. Senator Jones: They want this commission to publicize elections, but the commission needs to make
the effort to reach out the elections commissions to be on the same page
Steve: We need elections commissions to publicize elections.
Senator Munoz: Not so much to publicize elections, but to share what positions are
Senator Jones: I am torn because I don’t want it to be sketchy
Senator Quarnstrom: Leadership outreach has to get the word out with the positions available within
ASUCM. The election commissioner is to get 20% or more voter turnout.
17. Senator Jones to Steve: What happens, when Leadership Commissions creates a slate? There is
nothing against that?
18. Senator Munoz: I want not envisioning personal interaction with students, but rather putting those
positions out there. Getting students to know what ASUCM positions are like. But as far as running
elections, that is her job.
19. Senator Kwan: When we had this discussion, I was envisioning when reaching out to student body
like the ICC Bylaw changes and that was a great help. When I read this, I saw this organization
finding students that I needed help with and publicizing.
20. Senator Jones: We need to consider that we may not envision and given wiggle room, it could happen
and it is under the subsection of “elections,” and we need to avoid this.
21. Senator Pelayo to Kennan: I know that somewhere else in the bylaws, another office. In section C,” in
other ASUCM office.
22. Senator Quarnstrom: So you don’t think that this commission should look into recruiting for elected
positions at all?
23. President Flores: No. The students that are recruited into the non-government side position.
24. Senator Coba: At the end of the day what stops for the recruitment for elections? If we strike that,
what stops a commission from recruiting even if it is taken away from the bylaws? We can start a
25. Internal Vice President Mondo: Hypotheticals and the separation of powers. There are bylaws
pertaining to bylaws that apply to outside of the bylaws.
26. Senator Coba: I would like to amend them and strike Amendment A from bylaws. I can open up
forum in future, but I don’t feel comfortable voting as is.
27. Senator Pelayo: Suggestion, change wording to clarify.
28. Senator Jones: It’s good as is and he is not opposed to this in the future.
Vote on full piece of legislation
1. Unanimously approved
New Business
a. Presidential Nomination of David Ascencio as the ASUCM Representative to the Course
and Miscellaneous Fee Committee
Senator Coba motions to approve
Senator Munoz seconds
No Discussion
1. President Flores: Started in 2005, but it has been reconstituted. They analyze the current fee
structures, like SVAC, but only advice and how to streamline the process.
2. David: I got an email about a week ago that they needed an AS rep and I was the first candidate. I had
to come to senate for this. I am not too sure what they were going to discuss, but they wanted to
discuss bylaws and they wanted to talk about that for a while. Next Thursday for four hours and will
be great and I am not too sure what to expect.
3. Senator Zisser: Will the committee continue until next year?
4. David: Only until the end of the semester
5. Senator Rumayor: Is Jane Lawrence still the chancellor?
6. Treasurer David: She’s heading the committee.
1. Unanimously approved
b. Voter Registration Memorandum of Understanding
Senator Coba motions to send to all committees
Senator Garcia seconds
No discussion
c. Senate Action: Transfer of $2000.00 from the BMES line item to the 2014-2015 ASUCM
General Fund
Senator Zisser motions to approve
Senator Rumayor seconds
1. Senator Rumayor: The reason that I am doing this is that the BMES President from last year came to
me and said that they had a line item and they would like to use it, but they can’t. They wanted to
give it to other clubs and they weren’t planning on using the money but we’re taking it back.
2. Senator Pelayo: What does BMES Stand for?
3. Senator Zisser: Bio Medical Engineering Society
1. Unanimously approved
d. Bill #51- Funding for Division Workshop (Introduced by Senator Kwan)
Senator Kwan motions to send to all committees
Senator Zisser seconds
No discussion
e. Bill #52- ICC By-Laws (Introduced by Senator Kwan)
Bill #53- CAB Bylaws (Introduced by Senator Rumayor)
Senator Kwan motions to send to all committees
Senator Coba seconds
No discussion
Senator Rumayo motions to send to all committees
Senator Coba
No discussion
a. Senator Jones: Student Alumni Association, Access event and is for political science and law careers. Takes
place in CA room. You have to register because there is dinner. There will be some cool people, like
Wainwright will be there. I ran into him downtown and if you don’t know what he does, he works for
Congressman Costa.
b. Miriam Gaytan, ASUCM Intern reminds Senators that their Monthly Reports for April are due this Friday
c. Senator Pelayo: Miriam told me that there is a Leadership Council Meeting on Fridays in the OSL Conference
Room at 1pm. Also, Relay for Life that is a 24 hour event that brings cancer awareness and a lot of clubs will
be there at the Merced College Track and participate. Please stop by.
d. President Flores: Next Wednesday is Denim Day for Sexual Assault and I will say why I wear denim. I
nominated someone from here to nominate.
e. Senator Lovelace: I want to say Happy Earth Day. Don’t forget about tomorrow.
Senator Munoz: Sigma Chi is having their annual Derby Days. Donate to the GoFund Me page.
g. Senator Jones: Lift While You Lead is hosting their conference this weekend. There are volunteering
Senator Rumayor motions to adjourn
Senator Zisser seconds
No discussion
Adjourned at 9:39pm