JHS Meeting Minutes 5.13.15

Jackson High School PTSA 7.3.95
PTSA General Membership Meeting – May 13, 2015
Call to Order: PTSA President Denise Constantineau called the Jackson High School PTSA General Meeting to order at 7:05pm in the school
career center. Brief introductions were made by all present.
Attendance: QUORUM MET - President Denise Constantineau, VP Membership Meggin Podnar, Treasurer Michelle Nims, Secretary Brandi
Lind, Email Administrator Lori Taylor, JLC Liaison Lisa Steckler, Newsletter Publisher Kathryn Lee, Staff Appreciation Michele Johnson, Student
Representative Sarah Christopher, Website Master Courtney-Ann Taylor and Principal Dave Peters. Also present were Laura Gothro, Emily Ell
and Vicky Fraser.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the April 8, 2015 General meeting were reviewed. Minutes were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Michelle
 Financial Statements: Michelle reviewed the April 2015 and May “to date” financial reports. Income this month included $235.00 in
Pass the Hat, $129.15 in Retail Rebates and $160.50 in prepaid memberships for next fall. Expenses were PTSA Awards, JLC Support,
President’s Discretionary Fund, Summer Info Packets and JHS Recognition. The financial report will be filed for audit with total current
assets of $23,978.85 as of this date. There were no claims made to the PTSA insurance this month and the financial books were available
for review at this meeting. The financial report was accepted as presented.
President’s Report: Denise
 The following committee positions are currently open for next fall: Financial Review, Email Administrator, Website Master,
Advocacy, Reflections, Volunteer Coordinator, Student Representative and JLC Liaison for the class of 2019.
 Denise would like to have a Board Retreat/Transition Meeting sometime the week of July 5th or July 13th. Denise will be sending out a
Doodle Poll to see which dates work for the most people.
 Denise will also send an email to PTSA Board members indicating where teachers currently stand with spending the money they
have been granted.
Principal Report: Dave
 JHS students will be completing AP exams tomorrow. Testing has gone smoothly and approx. 1,000 AP exams have been given. Dave
expects even more tests will be administered next year. JHS is the 7 th school in the state of Washington to offer the AP Capstone
program to students beginning next year. There are approximately 600 schools on the list to be approved for the Capstone program.
All other schools approved for the Capstone program are located in Eastern Washington at this time.
 The Smarter Balance Assessments started next week. 95% of students in the state must take the exam (versus opting out) in order
for the state to receive Federal tax dollars for education. Dave pointed out that all state colleges have agreed that juniors who take
and pass the Smarter Balanced Assessment will not be required to take placement exams or remedial classes at the college level
before being eligible to receive college credit.
 The current plan for next year’s Welcome Pack days is to have a single day of registration for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Time
slots will likely be assigned alphabetically so that families with more than one student at Jackson will not have to come to the school
and multiple times. Freshman orientation will occur on the day before school starts. School photos and ASB cards will likely be done
on the first Friday after school starts.
 The teacher’s union is still in negotiation for the fall contract and, therefore, the first day of school is yet to be determined.
Staff Report: No report
Student Report: Sarah Christopher
 National Decision Day for seniors was on May 1st which meant that students had to declare what colleges they planned to attend in
the fall by that date. Students wore clothing from their intended schools on that day so that everyone could see where people were
going to be going.
 The Staff Talent Show is Friday, May 15th at 6:30pm. Tickets are $5.00 with ASB card and $7.00 without an ASB card. Seating is
 Sarah reviewed all the important upcoming dates for seniors. Flyers will all of the dates and times can be found in the counselors’
office as well as on the Jackson High School website.
 Prom guest passes are now available downstairs. Prom tickets are also for sale and are $30.00.
 The Class of 2017 is holding a 5K Fun Run as a fundraiser on Saturday, May 23 rd from 9:00am-Noon. Tickets are $10.00-$20.00. Entry
forms are due this Friday.
Award Presentations: Lisa Steckler and Kathryn Lee
 Student Representative Sarah Christopher was awarded the PTSA Outstanding Student Advocate Award at the meeting. She was
presented with flowers, balloons, a gold binder, pin and award certificate.
JHS PTSA Meeting Minutes 5.13.15 - page 2 of 2
Outstanding Educator Awards were presented to teachers at school. The following received awards this year:
o Judy Baker, English and AP Lit
o Stacey Hall, Honors Biology and Coordinated Science
o Wendy Organ, French
o Kenneth Walker, Para-Educator with Special Education, Jazz Choir
Golden Acorn Award given to DeeAnn Williamson
Linda Pazevic and Kathryn Lee were awarded as Honorary Lifetime Members
“Kudo” were given to the Staff Appreciation Committee members
Old Business:
 Our PTSA won the Standards of Excellence award at conference. The binder was available at the meeting for people to see.
New Business:
 Budget 2015-2016 school year: The proposed budget for next year was distributed for review. Michelle Nims reviewed the proposed
line item changes.
MOTION: Vicki Fraser motioned to approve the proposed 2015-2016 budget as written. Motion seconded. Motion passed
Committee Reports:
Wolf Tracks Newsletter: Kathryn reported that May 18th is the submission deadline for the June Wolf Tracks edition. It will be published on
June 3rd after the PTSA announces the scholarship winners.
Staff Appreciation: Michele reported that a staff lunch was held today and it was a Cinco de Mayo theme. June will an ice cream social. The
committee needs 3 individuals to assist with the monthly luncheons for next year as some of the current members will not be continuing.
Anyone interested should let Michele know. Michele will be putting information about needing more committee members on the email
request for the ice cream social. Michele also reported that her committee will not be using all of their allotted funds for this school year.
Ways and Means: Denise reported for Angela Steck that planner ads continue to come in for next year’s planner. The plan is to purchase 600
planners for next fall.
Membership: No report. The membership goal for next year is 450 members.
JLC: Kathryn Lee reported that Jackson was awarded a Washington State Achievement Award for having a 98% On-time graduation rate. Dave
Peters will attend an award ceremony in Olympia on behalf of the school. Additionally, the JLC is looking at how to increase student
representation at the JLC meetings. Zach Anders is currently the only student who attends. There are typically two meetings/month – one
maintenance meeting and one instructional meeting.
Scholarship: Denise reported for Angela Steck that all 21 scholarship applications have been reviewed. Angela will notify Ms. Allen by the end
of the week with the names of the scholarship recipients. Scholarships will be presented at the June 3 rd Awards banquet and Denise will
attend to present the PTSA scholarships.
Financial Review: Denise has sent an email to Delia Kelly to schedule a time for the year-end financial review.
 The will be a parent education program presented tomorrow night by Cascade High School on suicide prevention.
 Denise plans to send out a Survey Monkey survey to PTSA members before the end of the school year to better determine what the
parent understanding of the PTSA currently is so that we can be sure we are meeting the needs of the membership.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Denise Constantineau at 8:46pm.
Minutes submitted by Brandi Lind, Secretary