JHS Meeting Minutes 4.8.15

Jackson High School PTSA 7.3.95
PTSA General Membership Meeting – April 8, 2015
Call to Order: PTSA President Denise Constantineau called the Jackson High School PTSA General Meeting to order at 7:20pm in the school
career center. Brief introductions were made by all present.
Attendance: QUORUM MET - President Denise Constantineau, VP Membership Meggin Podnar, Treasurer Michelle Nims, Secretary Brandi
Lind, JLC Liaison Lisa Steckler, Newsletter Publisher Kathryn Lee, Staff Appreciation Michele Johnson, and Student Representative Sarah
Christopher. Also present were Laura Gothro and Carla Clarke.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the March 11, 2015 General meeting were reviewed. The following changes were made: Under
“Guests from Heatherwood” Marc Marrow’s name was changed to Marc Merow and under “Old Business” the WSPTA Group Award
submissions were changed from ‘Newsletter’ to ‘Standards of Excellence’. Minutes were accepted as amended.
Treasurer’s Report: Michelle
 Financial Statements: Michelle reviewed the March 2015 financial report. Income this month included $0.48 in interest and $320.00
from SAT class. Additionally there was one new membership added and one planner sold. Expenses this month were $95.46 towards
Staff Appreciation and income received towards Scholarships in the amount of $950.00. The financial report will be filed for audit with
total current assets of $23,478.68. There were no claims made to the PTSA insurance this month and the financial books were available
for review at this meeting. The financial report was accepted as presented.
Principal Report: No report
Staff Report: No report
Election of Officers:
 President Denise Constantineau reviewed the process for electing board members. It was unanimously agreed to waive the reading
of the Uniform Bylaws at this time. Nominating Committee Chair Brandi Lind read the report from the Nominating Committee
placing the following names into nomination.
 For office of President; Denise Constantineau
 For office of VP Ways and Means; Angela Steck
 For office of AB Membership; Brandi Lind
 For office of Treasurer; Michelle Nims
 For office of Secretary; Jennifer Thompson
For each position, Denise inquired as to whether there were any further nominations from the floor. No further nominations were
made. Denise announced that all nominations were closed.
MOTION: Meggin Podnar motioned to accept the entire slate as proposed by the Nominating Committee. Motion seconded. Motion
passed unanimously.
Student Report: Sarah Christopher
 Friday, March 27th the students at JHS created their Lip Dub video for this year’s competition. As of this morning, there were 6,090
“views” for the video on YouTube. The school that gets the most “views” will win the Lip Dub contest for our district. Jackson’s Lip Dub
two years ago placed 2nd for the district.
 The ASB has a projected budget of $146,000.00 for the next school year. Sarah reviewed some of the areas where the ASB generates
their income each year.
 ASB election speeches will be held April 15th.
 The senior class meeting will be held April 15th. Seniors will received their cap and gowns the following week.
 Mr. JHS raised $2,000 for the senior class to put towards their senior prom which will be held at the Bell Harbor Ballroom this year. There
were 15 participants in the contest this year and people had to be turned away at the door due to lack of space.
 The Staff Talent show will take place May 15th. 40% of the proceeds from the Staff Talent Show will go to the senior class. The three
other classes will each receive 20% of the profits.
 The Tolo dance had a much better attendance this year with approx. 350 students participating. That was up about a hundred students
from last year.
 A spring assembly was held March 27th following the recording of the Lip Dub. That was the final pep assembly for the school year.
 Next week is a spirit week for Day of Silence which is sponsored by the Gay Straight Alliance at JHS. Monday is purple day, Tuesday is
opposite day to encourage students to step out of their comfort zone, Wednesday is “be loud” and Thursday will be the day of silence.
JHS PTSA Meeting Minutes 4.8.15 - page 2 of 2
New Business:
A. Convention and Delegates: Denise has signed up to attend convention. No one else on the board has expressed interest in
attending this year so we will be under budget for convention expenses. We agreed to send our student representative, Sarah
Christopher, to convention on Saturday convention so that she can cast a vote as a delegate for JHS since we are allotted three
delegates to vote.
B. Meeting Sign: Denise Constantineau proposed considering obtaining a sandwich-board type sign that can be placed outside of
the school on general meeting days to increase awareness for general members about our meeting times and to encourage
greater participation in the meetings. It was agreed that was a good idea and we will look into obtaining a sign.
C. Awards: Denise notified the members that our PTSA will be receiving an award at convention, although the details of that award
have not yet been released. The President’s Award Banquet will be held Friday, April 17th. Next year we will look into applying for
the Honor Unit and Outstanding Local Unit awards in addition to the Standards of Excellence award.
D. Surveys: Denise and Kathryn Lee proposed sending out an electronic survey such as Survey Monkey to those individuals who are
currently receiving Wolf Tracks electronically. The purpose of the survey would be to ensure that we are providing the
information that is most useful to families and to gain insight as to what changes might be made to enhance the newsletter.
Committee Reports:
Wolf Tracks Newsletter: Kathryn reported that Monday, April 20th is the submission deadline for the May Wolf Tracks edition.
Staff Appreciation: Michele reported that a staff lunch was held today and staff loved it. The next and final staff luncheon will be held May
13th and will have a Cinco De Mayo theme. June will not be a full lunch, but an “ice cream social” type event. Michele also announced that
she anticipates needing 2-3 more individuals to assist with the monthly luncheons for next year. Anyone interested should let Michele know.
Ways and Means: Denise reported for Angela Steck that the Planner App that is associated with the planner we typically buy will not work for
us as it needs to be generated through the school calendar and is much more complicated than expected. Next fall’s planner will be available
in book form only. Angela has mailed approx. 30 businesses regarding ads for next year’s planner and is waiting to hear back from them. We
will sell ads again this year, instead of asking for sponsorships and will pay taxes on the ads as needed.
Membership: Meggin Podnar reported that there were 3 new memberships this past month. Twelve individuals signed up for memberships
for next year at the 9th Grade Parent Information Night held recently. Additionally, there were a lot of people who stopped at the PTSA table
to ask questions about the PTSA.
JLC: Kathryn Lee reported that the JLC had guest speakers from ESD 189 at this most recent meeting. These individuals are part of the midcycle accreditation review. Mr. Peters still has one final presentation to make before the mid-cycle review is complete. Feedback thus far
showed the review committee was impressed that individual department members were available to present in addition to Dave Peters.
Scholarship: Denise reported that Angela Steck has posted posters around the school about the PTSA scholarships. Additionally, information
is available under “Scholarships” on the Counselor’s page on the JHS website. April 15th is the deadline for scholarship applications. To date,
$1150.00 has been donated by feeder schools for our scholarship fund, and two schools have not yet donated.
 Coffee with the Principal will next be held on April 15th and is for incoming freshman parents.
 The next general membership PTSA meeting will be on May 13th at 7pm in the Career Center.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Denise Constantineau at 8:45pm.
Minutes submitted by Brandi Lind, Secretary