Rubaro Method Statement - Old Concrete/Asbestos BRUSH PROCEDURE 1. Clean roof properly remove all dirt and dust 2. Ensure that your concrete is dry and sound. Moisture content must be below 8%. CAUTION- Excessive moisture in the concrete can cause bubbles in surfaces where moisture is too high. 3. Make sure the substrate is in sound condition and surface isn’t in a brittle before applying Rubaro. If substrate is suspect see Application Statement for Torch-On. 4. For all concrete surfaces a liberal coat of the PR100 should be applied at a rate of 4m²/L. 5. 2mm system: Brush 2 coats of the Rubaro BR500 at a rate of 1m²/L per coat. (Allow the BR500 to dry for a period of 24 hours between coats.) 6. 3mm system: Brush 3 coats of the Rubaro BR500 over at a rate of 1m²/L per coat. (Allow the BR500 to dry for a period of 24 hours between coats.) 7. Ensure the Rubaro BR500 is completely cured before applying the TC800 (5Days). 8. Brush the TC800 at a rate of 5m2/L per coat. Apply two coats. Allow 4 hours drying time between coats. NB!! - Treat parapets as per method statement for parapets. NB!! - Colored acrylic systems please see the acrylic systems method statement. NB!! - Due to the nature of Rubber, excessive movement can cause hairline cracks in Topcoats. This does not compromise the Rubaro. Application Concrete Slabs Old Dry time Procedure Coverage ^-PR100 Concrete Primer BR500 Brush (First coat) BR500 Brush (2 coat system) BR500 Brush (3 coat system) * TC800 Topcoat (First Coat) Product 4-24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 4-8 Hours 4m²/L 1m²/L 1m²/L 1m²/L 5m²/L * TC800 Topcoat (Final Coat) 4-8 Hours Apply a liberal layer on the concrete First coat Second Coat (Minimum requirement) Third Coat (Optional coat) Brush the first coat over the cured BR500 Brush the final coat over the cured TC800 5m²/L * - If Bituminous Aluminum is required see Method Statement for BA850 (Bituminous Aluminum) and see precautions. ^- In cases where there are many surface cracks apply PR100 at 2m²/L. Rubaro Method Statement – Brush Old Concrete/Asbestos Rev. D 18/03/2015