Subject: We’ve accepted the challenge! Will you help us win? Dear Co-workers, Vendors, Family and Friends, This year, <insert location name> is participating in One Warm Coat’s Coast to Coast Challenge! We will be competing against other <insert company name> locations to see who can collect the most coats and dollars. We are really excited about the competition – and we need your help! 1. Donate coats to our drive! One Warm Coat has been holding coat drives across the country for more than 20 years. During <insert date range here> stop by <insert location information here> to drop off gently used coats. All coats collected will be donated to our neighbors in need. 2. Donate dollars! Donations to One Warm Coat support their coat drive program and outreach efforts. Every $ = 2 warm coats! You can donate by cash or check in our office, or visit our fundraising page <insert link here> 3. Help us spread the word! There are million of Americans who simply cannot afford a warm coat. Please help us spread the word about the Coast to Coast Challenge on social media so that we can collect as many coats and dollars as possible. Use #coasttocoast #warmamillion #igavewarmth We hope you will support us and help us beat the other participating <insert company name> locations! The best part of this competition is that no one looses – it’s a fun activity for our office to take part in while ultimately making a big impact on our local community by spreading warmth to our neighbors in need! Thank you for your consideration! Sincerely,