Chasing Lincoln`s Killer

Study Guide
Chasing Lincoln’s Killer
Use this to help you know what types of questions will be on your assessment. Use this study guide IN
ADDITION to your notes and timeline.
1. Once Booth and Herold crossed the bridge into Maryland, where was their first stop? Surrattsville
What materials did they pick up at this location? _shooting irons & binoculars
2. Who lead the manhunt for the Union attacks? Secretary of War – Edwin Stanton
3. T or F: Although saddened by Lincoln’s passing, VP Andrew Johnson felt that it was best to hold a public
inaugural address.
4. How did Booth and Herold get rid of the horses that they rode out of Washington D.C. after the attacks? Why
did they believe they needed to kill the horses?
They shot the horses and disposed of their bodies in a quicksand pit. Booth and Herold believed they had to kill
the horses because the Union Calvary was getting closer. They feared the horses would make too much noise
since the horses were getting hungry and restless.
5. T or F: Thomas Jones helped Booth and Herold cross the Potomac River and accepted $18 as payment.
6. Describe how Powell was caught by the Union cavalry.
Powell got lost in the city after he attacked Seward. He finally found Mary Surratt’s home when the Union
soldiers were there. He stated that he was hired to do work. Mary denied knowing Powell. Powell knew he was
caught and surrendered without putting up a fight.
7. Describe how Atzerodt was caught by the Union cavalry.
Atzerodt went to eat breakfast with a friend and some other guests. His friend made a joke about Lincoln’s
assassination. Atzerodt joked back and ended up sharing too much information; thus revealing his involvement.
This raised the suspicions of one of the guests who then told Union soldiers. Atzerodt hid at his cousin’s house
when the Union soldiers came to arrest him. He confessed everything.
8. List those involved in the assassination and escape plan that were hanged.
Mary Surratt – sentenced to hanging (first woman ever to be hanged)
Lewis Powell – sentenced to hanging
David Herold – sentenced to hanging
George Atzerodt – sentenced to hanging
9. List those involved in the assassination and escape plan that were sent to jail.
Samuel Arnold – life in prison for kidnapping plot
Michael O’Laughlen – life in prison for kidnapping plot
Edman Spangler – sentenced to prison
Samuel Mudd – sentenced to prison
Use your knowledge of context clues to answer the following sample questions:
1. “The Lincolns had given the Fords enough advance notice for the proprietors to decorate and join together the
two theatre boxes…” (pg. 11).
A synonym for PROPRIETORS would be…
a) a business owner
b) thespians
c) the audience
d) stage hands
2. “There appeared a handsome, two-story house in the distance. Booth recognized their sanctuary at once.”
A synonym for SANCTUARY would be…
a) retain
b) preserve
c) refuge
d) maintain
3. How does Swanson portray Booth in the following excerpt?
“ He was the son of the legendary actor Junius Brutus Booth and brother to Edwin Booth, one of the finest
actors of his generation. Handsome and appealing, he was instantly recognizable to thousands of fans in both
the North and South. His physical beauty astonished all who saw him…Booth’s passions included fine clothing,
Southern honor, good manners, beautiful women, and the romance of lost causes.” (pg. 10)
a) vain
b) humble
c) naïve
d) intelligent
4. Which evidence from the excerpt in question 3 helps support your answer?
a) “the son of legendary actor Junius Brutus Booth”
b) “ passions included fine clothing, Southern honor, good manners, beautiful women, and the romance of lost
c) “handsome and appealing”
d) “romance of lost causes”
5. What is the central idea for the following excerpt?
“Atzerodt joined Metz and three of his guests for a midday meal. One of the guests had known him for years,
and when Atzerodt arrived he teased him. “Are you the man that killed Abe Lincoln?” The joke must have
frozen Atzerodt in his tracks. Atzerodt laughed and said, “Yes.” He also confirmed for the guests that Seward’s
throat had been cut, his sons attacked.”
a) Atzerodt was a merciless killer who sells his services to whoever is willing to pay
b) Atzerodt was proud of his associates and is boasting about their accomplishments
c) Atzerodt was a simple minded man who revealed more information about the attacks than was previously
d) Atzerodt was a simple minded man who was framed for his involvement with the attacks
Consider the image of Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address. Explain
what this image suggest about Lincoln.
Sample Notes for Answer:
Lincoln’s firm stance shows that he is strong and firm. The way his arms are
extended demonstrate that he is passionate about his beliefs and proud of the choices
he has made. He is not only demanding the attention from his audience by being on a
platform, but also wants to be heard by everyone. The way the audience is so focused
on Lincoln shows that he is a captivating speaker.
7. Explain how Booth views his motives and actions in the following excerpt.
“Now there remained only John Wilkes Booth, still at bay, and armed. For Booth, this was his final and greatest
performance, not just for the small audience of soldiers at Garrett’s barn, but also for history.” (pg.168)
- This excerpt shows that Booth knew he could not run any longer. He knew that whatever happened at the
barn would be forever known to the world. He looked at this moment as his chance to show that he was
heroic and brave instead of how the newspapers were depicting him to be.