Waste & Recycling Services Frequently Asked Questions – Fees & Charges Will Council introduce a dedicated wheelie bin for Green Waste? Council is very mindful of increasing rate costs for our residents and continually looks for alternative, less expensive means of achieving outcomes. In this case, providing a separate green waste bin for Bundaberg region residents would cost approximately $4.5 million per annum. This would cost ratepayers an additional $120 each year on their rates notice which Council considered to be too great. There are various alternatives for managing green waste which include composting, mulching, selfhaul to a waste facility or engaging commercial garden bag service. Why does Council charge to dispose green waste when they sell it back as mulch? There are many costs involved with the processing of green waste at our Waste Management Facilities. The fees charged for disposing of green waste directly relate to these processing costs and are used for services such as to engage commercial providers to process green waste & produce the mulch. Why do I get charged to dispose my waste when I have no kerbside collection service? Residents outside the designated collection do not have a Waste levy attached to their rates. This is why residents who self-haul are charged to dispose of waste. A standard kerbside collection equates to almost $6 per week in comparison to a minimum charge of $5.00 for a wheelie bin size of general waste. Will Council introduce a voucher system? Council may consider introducing a voucher system in the future however no plans for this have been made in the short term. Why are the fees at Councils Transfer Stations set at the current rate? Factors such as operating costs and legal requirements as set out in the Waste Reduction & Recycling Regulations influence the fees that are charged. Recent comparisons made against similar Councils such as Fraser Coast & Gladstone has shown that Bundaberg Regional Council’s charges are in line with, or cheaper than, the average of fees charged by Councils of a comparable size to the BRC. Please find complete comparison table over page. Why have new charges been introduced to dump TV’s, Monitors & Mattress’s? A new handling fee has been introduced for the disposal of TV’s & Monitors. This fee passed on to IMPACT, who employ disadvantaged members of the community, in its entirety to cover costs involved in processing these items. This fee covers costs for IMPACT staff to manually strip the recyclable components from the each item. Fee for mattresses have been introduced to cover processing costs involved as they are costly to handle. Mattresses are costly to process because: They take up a large amount of space in landfill They create voids when buried in landfill which increases leachate production – which Council needs to contain and reduce Because of the voids caused by mattress’s they often rise to surface when buried They are a fire hazard Council is currently looking at alternatives for recycling mattresses such as working with NotFor-Profit & local commercial operators. Why is there a charge for commercial cardboard and comingled recyclables? Fees for handling commercial quantities of Cardboard & Comingled recyclables are charges to cover transportation & handling costs. Customers can avoid this fee altogether by taking their CLEAN LOADS of Cardboard & Comingles Recyclables directly to the MRF. Why have hours been reduced at facilities? Extensive research was undertaken to determine usage at each facility. Hours have been reassessed as a result of these findings and altered accordingly. DT-7-046 Rev1.1 16/03/12 P1 of 2 Can Council collect our recycling bin weekly? At the present time, Council has no plans to increase the fortnightly service schedule for recycling bin collection as this would mean an increase in waste collection fees for all ratepayers. Summary of 2015/2016 Waste Disposal Fees However, residents who require more recycling space can request an additional recycling bin, which would attract an additional fee through the rates system of less than $2.00 per week. If you are interested in requesting an additional bin, you can contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 883 699 for more details. Recycling bins can also be taken to any of our waste management facilities to dispose of the contents free of charge, provided the load does not contain any other chargeable waste. Compost Today, for a Better Tomorrow When will Council introduce a voucher system? The introduction of a voucher system has been flagged for consideration by Council. 2014/2015 Waste Disposal Fees – Cost Comparison Commercial Construction & Demolition $133.50 Concrete Green Waste Domestic General Domestic Green Waste (Trailer/Ute) Waste (Trailer/Ute) $16.00 Free Gladstone $133.50 $35.00 $27.00 Rockhampton $135.00 $135.00 $135.00 N/A $46.00 Fraser Coast $120.00 $135.00 $54.00 N/A $15.50 Free Sunshine Coast $161.00 $161.00 $18.00 $50.00 $22.00 $15.00 Noosa $137.00 $137.00 $17.00 $50.00 $20.50 $15.00 Bundaberg Average other Councils Average Bundaberg Regional Council $86.00 $86.00 $70.00 $65.00 $8.50 $8.50 $137.30 $137.30 $51.80 $48.00 $18.00 $6.00 $122.00 $93.00 - $103.00 $70.00 -$75.00 $65.00 - $75.00 $10.00 $8.50 Free DT-7-046 Rev1.1 16/03/12 P2 of 2