Collections Planning Committee

Collections Planning Committee
Conference Call
Sept 13, 2011
1:00– 3:00 p.m. (EDT)
1. Roll call
Brenda Wright (FAMU)
Maris Hayashi (FAU)
Claire Dygert (FCLA)
Amanda Yesilbas (FCLA)
Becky Donlan (FGCU)
Valerie Boulos (FIU)
Roy Ziegler (FSU)
Anne Bardolph (FSU-Law)
Nancy Spaid (NCF)
Michael Arthur (UCF)
Deedra Walton (UCF-Med)
Steve Carrico (UF)
Robb Waltner (UNF)
Cheryl McCoy (USF)
Additions to agenda--none
Approval of minutes:
August 4-5 (Michael Arthur recorder) Approved as corrected.
August 16 (Steve Carrico recorder) Tabled until review can be completed.
CSUL updates-(Roy)
Committee and Subcommittee Charges—Subcommittee changes do
not need to be submitted to CSUL for action, but only as
information items. For example, new subcommittee officers can be
approved by the CPC and routed as information items to CSUL.
CPC officers still need to be approved by CSUL.
In reference to the Licensing Principles document, CSUL requested
some revisions. The Deans wanted to have a brief public and more
detailed private document.
Database Renewals and Free Balance—CSUL approved the FCLA
funded database renewals. Cost sharing models were also
discussed. CSUL approved of giving the unallocated E-resource
balance to FSU since funding formulas showed they were paying an
extra burden. Some concerns about creating a precedent have
Former technology-funds will be applied to Wiley e-journal package
renewal to benefit all libraries. Some libraries expressed
concerned as to how to make the “exchange” between e-resources
and technology costs within local budgets. Also concerns about
working with vendors, etc. and how to appropriately route the
funds to the SULs.
Scholarly Communications Task Force—Though not approved by
CSUL, Judy Russell will host a conference call to establish a
broader based approach to this initiative. The CPC chair (Roy),
PSPC chair (Elizabeth Outler), Univ Press of FL, and possibly
Orange Grove, and ICUF will be involved to measure interest.
FCLA Update (Claire) Elsevier usage stats are being compiled and
reviewed. Information will be coming to libraries later in the week.
Single bib project going forward. FLA-PASS—questions from media
specialists are coming in; Media specialists currently do not have
access but would like to be able to provide students with
UF’s journal list for JSTOR print journals retention--Lists have been
created and sent to institutions for review. Seems to be a lot of
confusion about deadlines and the procedures governing the
process. Steve is going to try to get more information and report
back to the CPC.
Archiving other print journal collections (Michael)—Following up to
the ASERL Collection Development Committee conference call,
Michael wanted to know what the SUS is doing for filling in gaps to
the JSTOR print materials. Concerns were expressed about IEEE
print backfiles in UCF’s storage. Explore does not sell permanent
archival access. CPC discussion centered on how early we are in
the process for the ASERL distributed journal archive. More
information is needed before we can address such concerns.
“Discovery” status report update—Task force needs to meet. CPC
members may wish to volunteer.
ERS report (Chris Poehlmann)---submitted by email. Attached
Special Collections report (Laila Miletic-Vejzovic at UCF)—no report
NOTE: Roy will be attending upcoming Hathi Trust conference.
Next meeting: Oct 11, 2011
ERS Report
For the ERS call yesterday, Roy updated us all on the recent CSUL meeting. Additionally:
* Update on Environmental Scan. Roy Zeigler recommended that if the ERS wants to conduct an
Environmental Scan of SUL's electronic resources tools and services, it should be an internal document
(per question from Monica Metz-Wiseman).
* Database Prioritization List. One last step in the process must be completed, ranking resources by
ERS member. Shari Johnson and Athena Hoeppner will distribute spreadsheets.
* SUL funded database list update. Amanda will distribute list to members for their input.
* Ejournal Packages/Database Renewal Updates (Claire Dygert)
* Oxford. Will achieve the 3% cap due to participating college and ICUF institutions.
* ICUF agreed to pay administrative Fee
* Claire will forward Cambridge and Oxford Title lists for reconciliation this week
* A consortia contract for T&F is still in on the horizon. In anticipation of this eventuality, Claire
suggests composing a list of needed titles.
* Claire and Amanda finished the Elsevier data manipulation. Information will be ready for
distribution in the coming weeks.
* CCLA is still working on quotes for shared CCLA and FCLA pricing. ProQuest and EBSCO will not
provide discounted pricing for resources already subscribed to by institutions. New subscriptions
will be priced with a CCLA /FCLA discount.
1. Other Business
* Claire will forward a doodle poll for the MLA renewal confirmation
* Marquis Who's Who trial has been extended. ERS members still gathering input from their
institutions. Claire confirmed that a decision can be made in October.
* Amanda announced that ERS would need a Web liaison to update the CSUL site on behalf of the
committee. There were no volunteers.
* Knovel offer. Tabled.