KCSOS LCAP Works July – October *Identify and consult stakeholders *Identify and assign staff responsible for components of plan *Develop timeline for implementation checks, data collection and reporting *Review EOY data *Review alignment of district plans with LCAP Actions Taken So Far… November - January *Consult stakeholders *Conduct needs assessments *Begin updating progress on Annual Update, continue gathering data *Review LCAP goals, actions and services for needed adjustments *Review final, SBEapproved LCAP & Annual Update Template *Review proposed state budget and local implications February - March April - June *Consult stakeholders *Continue updating progress on Annual Update and sharing with stakeholders *Draft goals/actions/services for new LCAP *Present draft LCAP to stakeholders, asking for feedback *Present draft LCAP to KCSOS for feedback *Review draft LCAP Evaluation Rubric when available Future Actions… *Consult stakeholders *Review May revision of proposed state budget and local implications *Invite public comment on draft LCAP *Finalize Annual Update *Present final draft LCAP to PAC’s, stakeholders & respond to comments in writing as appropriate *Present final draft to KCSOS for feedback (before June 15) *Hold LCAP & budget public hearing *Receive local board approval *Submit to KCSOS by July 1 Bright Ideas… Questions for Discussion: What data are you reviewing? Is it disaggregated by subgroups? Are you considering leading indicators? How frequently are you reviewing the data? Who is included in your review of the data? What format are you using to share the data (discussion, written, infographic)? Data Reviewed (include leading indicators) Disaggregated by subgroups? Frequency of review Stakeholders included in review Format of how data is shared • • How are you assessing the effectiveness of your actions? How are you determining when changes are necessary? Assessment of effectiveness How determining when changes are necessary How are you involving stakeholders in the process of review and development of the annual update? Approval Criteria Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Involvement process: Describes the process used to consult with the required groups on the LCAP and Annual Update. Met with required groups, including: Parents Pupils School personnel Local bargaining units Community Impact on LCAP: Describes how the consultation contributed to the development of the LCAP. Annual Update: Describes the stakeholder involvement for the review. Annual Update: Describes the impact of stakeholder engagement on the development of the annual update to LCAP goals, actions, services and expenditures. Section 2: Annual Update Each goal in the prior year LCAP is addressed, including information from the prior year LCAP for: related priorities, school/pupil subgroups the goal applies to, expected measurable outcomes, planned actions/services, budgeted expenditures, and scope of service. Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: Progress toward the expected annual outcome based on, at a minimum, the required metrics are reviewed Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: For each goal, the review of progress includes an assessment of the effectiveness of the specific actions. LCAP year for the Annual Update is entered. Actual Annual Services: A description of the actual actions/services is included. Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures: Estimated actual annual expenditures are included. Actual Scope of Service: The scope of service is identified by school site or grade spans Actual Pupils Served: Identifies pupils to be served as either ALL or subgroups Any changes to the goals, actions, services, and expenditures are described.