Minutes - HomeTech Charter School


HomeTech Charter School

Governing Board Minutes

March 9, 2015

1.0 Opening Business:


Regular meeting was called to order at 3:02 p.m.



Tom Brogden

Mike Ervin

Gina Victor

Char Taft

Eric Rein

Dan Salas


Pledge of Allegiance

2.0 Mr. Rein motioned for the approval of the March agenda. Mr. Salas seconded.


The board approved.

3.1 Mr. Brogden announced that if the board members were interested in buying a yearbook the order must be in by today. Mr. Brogden also wanted to welcome Dr. Alison Watson to the board meeting.

3.2 There are currently 153 students enrolled. Mr. Ervin presented the board with a chart that breaks down monthly enrollment by grade level.

4.0 Discussion Items

4.1 The board introduced themselves to Dr. Alison Watson. Dr. Watson is considering joining the board as a community member.

4.2 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

1.0 Mr. Ervin provided a copy of the parent/student surveys and the survey results used last year for LCAP funding. HomeTech received an additional $66,000 in funding for the 2013-2014 school year. David McCready was unable to meet with Mr.

Ervin to discuss the 2014-2015 LCAP funding.

2.0 Mr. Ervin provided a copy of the chart that broke down the individual goals set by HomeTech for LCAP spending: increasing a-g classes, success classes, and developing the integrated units. Dr. Alison Watson stated that the next step for

HomeTech would be to complete an annual update. A form needs to be completed that will evaluate the goals and determine if they have been accomplished. The state is currently working on a rubric, which will not be available until

November 2015. Whatever monies HomeTech did not spend this year will be rolled into the next year’s LCAP funding.

Eventually, schools will be audited on LCAP funding.

3.0 Mr. Ervin provided the 2014-2015 student/parent’s survey results given during the parent/student/teacher conferences

in December. According to the survey, the three main areas that need improvement are helping students learn more about careers and colleges, utilizing success classes, and accessing the counseling services. The board suggested separating the elementary and secondary surveys and clarifying the “I Don’t

Know” column. The board also enquired about hiring a fulltime counselor.

4.0 One of HomeTech’s LCAP goals is to reduce the amount of “F’s” by 5% each year. Mr. Ervin shared a list showing the number of

7 th -12 th grade students who received at least one “F”.

HomeTech staff identified four changes that had a positive impact on student grades: Tuesday meetings, advisory period, extending the math class, and adding success classes.

5.0 45% of HomeTech students have attended at least one success class.

6.0 HomeTech has eight approved a-g courses. Economics, English

11, English 12, government, and U.S. History will be submitted in September 2015. Cindy Thompson will be working on the

U.S. History resubmission. Mrs. Victor enquired whether or not

HomeTech would be paying for students to attend the second science courses, language courses and Butte College classes.

5.0 Action Items

5.1 Mr. Rein motioned for the consideration and approval of the complaint process. Recently a past student was denied access to

HomeTech Charter School. The grandparent wanted to file a complaint. Mr. Brogden met with the grandparent to inform them of the complaint process and enrollment policy. She will need to follow the complaint process to successfully file the complaint. Mrs. Victor seconded. The board approved.

6.0 Consent Agenda

6.1 Mr. Rein motioned for the approval of items listed under the consent agenda. Mr. Salas seconded. The board approved.

7.0 Mr. Brogden inquired whether or not teachers received the catastrophic leave forms. Yes, the appropriate teachers received these forms.

8.0 Next Meeting Date –April 13, 2015 3:00 p.m.

Adjourned 4:22 p.m.


Danielle Reinolds
