Egypt - Loddington School



-Use knowledge to read exception words

-Read a range of fiction and non-fiction and for a range of purposes

-Use dictionaries to check meaning

-Prepare poems and plays to perform

-Check own understanding of reading

-Draw inferences and make predictions

-Retrieve and record information

-Discuss reading with others, inc. words and phrases that capture the imagination

-Secure decoding of unfamiliar words

-Retell some stories orally

-Identify themes and conventions

-Make inference and justify predictions

-Recognise a variety of forms of poetry

-Identify and sumarise ideas



-Use prefixes and suffixes in spelling and correctly spell common homophones

-Use dictionary to confirm spellings

-Write simple dictated sentences

-Use handwriting joins appropriately and increase regularity

-Plan writing based on familiar forms

-Rehearse sentences orally for writing

-Use varied rich vocabulary

-Create simple settings and plot

-Assess the effectiveness of own and others’ writing an evaluate it

-Organise writing into paragraphs

-Use simple organisational devices

-Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors

-Read own writing aloud


-Use range of conjunctions

-Use perfect tense (beginning to be appropriately)

-Use range of nouns and pronouns and select when to use them for clarity

-Use time connectives

-Introduce and use speech punctuation

-Know language of clauses

-Use commas after front adverbials

Speaking and Listening

-Give structured descriptions

-Participate actively in conversation

-Consider and evaluate different viewpoints

-Articulate and justify opinions

-Speak audibly in Standard English

-Gain, maintain and monitor interest of listeners


To place historic events in the correct order

To solve maths problems using hieroglyphics

Art and Design

To design and make a Pharaoh’s headdress

To recreate and paint their own sphinx

To recreate and paint pictures from the

Egyptian’s creation story

Complete designs for a coffin

Design and Technology

Design and take part in an Egyptian banquet

Design and make and Egyptian pot and jewellery



 To understand the importance of the

River Nile on people’s livelihood.


Modern Languages



 To know some important events in Ancient


 To know about the Pharaohs of Egypt.

 To understand how the kingdoms were divided

 To know some of the Ancient Egyptian Gods

 To learn about Egyptian temples and how they were used

 To learn about the achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of Ancient Egypt.

Physical Education

N/A – PE is taught as a discrete subject in

Y3/4 with an emphasis on competitive sports and Real PE


Chant and sing songs

Combine musical sounds with narrative

Listen to Egyptian music and pick out the beat

Play some simple tunes by ear

Create and Egyptian piece and think about layering textures

Outside the classroom

Ancient Egyptian day
