Each Reading Workshop session will begin with a mini lesson that lasts approximately 10-15 minutes. During each mini lesson, the teacher will introduce a specific concept, also known as the teaching point. Most often the teaching point will focus on a reading strategy or skill. The teacher will explicitly model the skill for the students. Students then get a chance to practice the skill or strategy on their own or with a partner during literacy centers. This part of the mini-lesson is called the active engagement. Mini-lesson ideas will come from the acronym CAFE, which stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanded Vocabulary. Comprehension Accuracy I understand what I read. I can read the words. -Check for understanding -Back up and reread -Monitor and Fix-up -Retell the story -Use prior knowledge to connect with the text -Create a mental image -Ask questions Predict what will happen and use text to confirm -Infer and support with evidence -Use text features (NF) Summarize text- include sequence of main events -Use main idea and supporting details to determine importance -Determine author's purpose -Recognize literary elements Cause and Effect -Compare and Contrast Fluency Expanded Vocabulary I know, find, and use interesting words I can read accurately, with expression, and understand what I read. -Cross Checking -Reads Just Right Books -Tune into interesting words -Use pictures- Do the words -Can read sight words -Use pictures, illustrations, and pictures match? automatically and diagrams -Uses beginning and ending -Read so it sounds like talking -Uses word parts to determine sounds -Read punctuation for meaning meaning -Blend sounds- stretch the -Read accurately with -Use synonyms, antonyms, and word expression, and changes in homophones to determine word -Flip the sound voice meanings -Chunk letters and sounds -Adjusts reading rate to match -Use a dictionary together the text -Skip the word and come back Chunks words into phrases -Try a word that sounds and looks right