False Prince by Jennifer A Nielson

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielson
Reader’s Rally Questions by James Brown for Bethesda Elementary School
1. In the book, False Prince, which of the orphans was always coughing and pale?
Latamer, p. 12.
2. In the book, False Prince, what was the name of the capital city of Carthya?
Drylliad, p. map, p. 6.
3. In the book, False Prince, what was the name of the regent who took the orphans to
his home to become gentlemen? Bevin Conner, p. 4.
4. In the book, False Prince, why did Conner send Sage to the dungeon?
Sage took the rock (imitator’s gold) from Conner’s desk and wouldn’t return it.
p. 130.
5. In the book, False Prince, where did Queen Erin and King Eckbert meet?
in a tavern where Queen Erin served drinks, p. 259.
6. In the book, False Prince, what was the name of Conner's estate?
Farthenwood, p. 40.
7. In the book, False Prince, in what town did Conner find Sage?
“. . . the tough streets of Carchar, Mrs. Turbeldy’s Orphanage, p. 3.
8. In the book, False Prince, who was the chosen orphan supposed to of impersonate?
Roden first, then Sage, p. 247.
9. In the book, False Prince, who refused to kneel when the High Chamberlain, Lord
Kerwyn, announced King Jaron? Bevin Conner, p. 328.
10. In the book, False Prince, who closed the window and locked Sage out of the room
when he sneaked out? Tobias, p. 120.
11. In the book, False Prince, who ran the orphanage where Conner found Sage?
Mrs. Turbeldy, p. 4.
12. In the book, False Prince, who supposedly attacked Prince Jaron’s ship and killed
him? Pirates (hired by Avenia), p. 56.
13. In the book, False Prince, who was the owner of Farthenwood?
Bevin Conner 14. In the book, False Prince, Sage wanted the bed nearest to the
window, but it was assigned to Roden. What did Sage do to claim the bed? Spit on the
pillow, p. 72.
15. In the book, False Prince, What did Sage do with Prince Jaron’s replica sword after
Mott gave it to him? “Without giving it a single glance, I hurled it (the sword) into
the deepest bend in the river.” p. 256.
16. In the book, False Prince, what was the name of the untamed horse that ran away
with Sage? Windstorm, p. 86.
17. In the book, False Prince, what kind of precious stone(s) were embedded in Prince
Jaron's sword? Rubies, p. 64.
18. In the book, False Prince, What was the name of the wild horse that Cregan made
Jaron ride? Windstorm, p. 86.
19. In the book, False Prince, How did Conner learn about Prince Jaron's childhood?
from reading Queen Erin’s diaries, p. 291
20. In the book, False Prince, what was the name of the servant girl with whom Sage
wanted to be friends? Imogen, p. 72.
21. In the book, False Prince, how were the deaths of each royal announced by the
regents? ringing bells in the castle, one round for each royal, p. 321.
22. In the book, False Prince, who tried to take the crown from Jaron on the path to the
kitchen? Roden and Cregan, p. 312.
23. In the book, False Prince, who searched Conner's house for the stolen items and
orphans? Veldergrath and his men, p. 224.
24. In the book, False Prince, what did the Sage complain about, to the teacher, Mr.
Graves, before his reading lesson began? small chairs, p. 79.
25. In the book, False Prince, who is second in power to the king?
“Second in power to the king is the high chamberlain, Lord Kerwyn.” P. 34.
26. In the book, False Prince, how could the guards to tell if an imposter was trying to
enter the palace? a secret code only the guards and royal family knew, p. 307.
27. In the book, False Prince, what musical instrument did Sage play when they had
dance lessons? fippler, a basic wind instrument, p. 157.
28. In the book, False Prince, who is the author?
Jennifer A. Nielson, p. front cover, title page.
29. In the book, False Prince, what did Sage learn to do while he was locked in
Conner’s dungeon? “And for the first time ever, I learned to sleep standing up.”,
p. 139.
30. In the book, False Prince, How did Conner and the Jaron imposters sneak on to the
castle grounds? Through a secret gate by the river where the garbage is dumped,
p. 307.
31. In the book, False Prince, who were Conner’s vigils?
Mott and Cregan, p. 11.
32. In the book, False Prince, what work did Sage do in the kitchen?
kneaded dough for bread, p. 160.
33. In the book, False Prince, what is the name of Prince Jaron’s country?
Carthya, p. 36.
34. In the book, False Prince, why did Sage stare at Princess Amarinda when she came
to dinner? Princess Amirinda had dirt on her face, p. 187.
35. In the book, False Prince, who killed Latamer?
Cregan with an arrow, p. 22.
36. In the book, False Prince, what boy did Conner pick up at Gelvin’s orphanage?
Tobias, p. 18.
37. In the book, False Prince, Who walked Princess Amarinda her back to her room?
Sage, p. 191.
38. In the book, False Prince, what was the name of Sage’s servant?
Errol, p. 41.
39. In the book, False Prince, who did Princess Amarinda ask to escort her back to her
room? Sage, p. 191.
40. In the book, False Prince, how did the royal family die?
poisoned, p. 57.
41. In the book, False Prince, what could Sage do that convinced Conner that he was
the best choice to be Prince Jaron? coin roll with (left and) right hand, p. 243.
42. In the book, False Prince, why did Imogen become a servant in Conner’s house?
revenge, Conner asked her mother to marry him, she said no, married another,
Conner raised the rent on her family, they got into debt and Imogen was brought
to the house to work off the debt, p. 72.
43. In the book, False Prince, which of the boys did Conner order Cregan to kill?
Latamer, p. 70.
44. In the book, False Prince, who trained the boys in sword fighting?
Mott, p. 103.
45. In the book, False Prince, who was Prince Darius betrothed to?
“Princess Amirinda of Bultain was chosen at her birth for Crown Prince Darius.”
P. 114.
46. In the book, False Prince, what did Imogen leave for Sage to find under his pillow?
Needle, thread and small scissors, p. 116.
47. In the book, False Prince, after Tobias closed the window and locked Sage out of
the bedroom, how did he get back into the house? through a window in Conner’s
room, p. 122.
48. In the book, False Prince, how did Sage leave Conner’s bedroom and back to the
boy’s bedroom? secret passage in the walls, p. 124.
49. In the book, False Prince, why did Princess Amirinda ask Sage to walk her back to
her room? Sage told her that she had dirt on her face, p. 193.
50. In the book, False Prince, what secrets did Imogen ask Sage to keep for her while
he was in the dungeon? Imogen could speak and that she brought him food and
water, p. 138.
51. In the book, False Prince, what did Sage tell the princess when she came to the
great hall for supper? she had dirt on her face, p. 187.
52. In the book, False Prince, who put the crown on Jaron’s head in the crowning
ceremony? Bevin Conner, p. 333.
53. In the book, False Prince, who sneaked food and water to Sage while he was in the
dungeon? Imogen, p. 138.
54. In the book, False Prince, after Sage was released from the dungeon, Conner
showed Sage some papers, who wrote them? Tobias, p. 144.
55. In the book, False Prince, what was taken from the pocket of Sage’s old clothes?
a rock, imitator’s gold. p. 123.
56. In the book, False Prince, how was Mott wounded in the arm during Veldergrath’s
search of Conner’s house? Mott stabbed himself to help Sage and Imogen escape,
p. 231.
57. In the book, False Prince, what did Mott refuse to do for Conner?
“I would not kill for him.” p. 206.
58. In the book, False Prince, what did Conner give Sage to hide when Veldergrath
came? “. . . a small locked box decorated in emeralds.” P. 216.
59. In the book, False Prince, who killed Veldergrath’s soldier while he was searching
Conner’s house? Sage, p. 231.
60. In the book, False Prince, what was used to kill Veldergrath’s man while he
searched Conner’s house? Prince Jaron’s Replica sword, p. 228.
61. In the book, False Prince, what was inside the emerald covered box?
Drawings made by Queen Erin / a drawing of Prince Jaron, p. 302
62. In the book, False Prince, who was the first person to realize that Sage was Prince
Jaron? Mott, p. 257.
63. In the book, False Prince, what did Conner give Sage/Jaron at the Traveler’s Inn?
Jaron’s crown, p. 303.
64. In the book, False Prince, who was killed on the path under the castle’s kitchen?
Cregan, p. 317.
65. In the book, False Prince, what fell in the smelly river under the castle’s kitchen?
The crown, p. 317.
66. In the book, False Prince, what did Jaron do to convince Lord Kerwyn he was the
rightful prince? He gave Lord Kerwyn a gold colored rock and told him it was gold,
p. 327.
67. In the book, False Prince, what poison did Bevin Conner use to murder the royal
family? Oil pressed from the dervanis flower, p. 336.
68. In the book, False Prince, who killed the royal family?
“Bevin Conner with poison made from oil pressed from the dervanis flower”. p.
69. In the book, False Prince, what did Jaron do for Imogen after he was made king?
Declared her father a nobleman, which made her a member of the nobility
70. In the book, False Prince, who hired the Avenian pirates to kill Jaron?
Bevin Conner, p. 288.