Roping Rules - Cuero Playday

Ribbon Roping
age groups: 13 & under and 14-18
$10 for this event (70% payback with no buckles)
One calf, one chance to rope it.
Make sure that they have a neck rope and horn not before entering box.
Start clock when the calf’s head goes out of chute. Stop time when flagger flags.
Kid ropes calf, however they can catch it. (neck, leg)
Kid will have to stay on horse while and adult mugs the calf.
Kid needs to be in control of their horse while rope is attached to calf.
Runner will grab ribbon off of tail and run back across finish line. (time stops)
When entering they have to enter with an adult and a runner. We will not find one for them.
One calf, you miss the first rebuild and rope it again under 60 seconds.
Start clock when the calf’s head goes out of chute. Stop time when flagger flags.
Rope has to be around calf’s neck, no leg in it or a NT. Watch Flag man he will let you know.
Team Roping
one steer, you miss your out.
Start clock when the Steers head goes out of chute. Stop time when flagger flags.
Header can rope neck or horns then heeler ropes feet.
Clean time if both feet are in rope or +5 for one leg.
Watch flagger he should let you know.