Tidewell Hospice Ranch Rodeo Team Entry Fees are $400

Tidewell Hospice Ranch Rodeo
Team Entry Fees are $400
1. Teams will consist of 4 members.
2. Arena dress code will be enforced! All contestants must wear cowboy hats, boots and
jeans with long sleeved shirts.
3. Western tack must be used.
4. Any intentional tripping of the cattle or undue roughness with stock will result in
disqualification of the team.
5. Working position and stock numbers for all events shall be the result of the draw.
1. Abuse of either personal animals or event animal is strictly prohibited. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2. No alcoholic beverages permitted in the arena or the chain link enclosure. NO
3. No profanity or unsportsmanlike conduct.
4. All decisions of the judge are final. No protest will be entertained. If team member
argues with judge the team will be disqualified and asked to leave the premises.
1. Final placing shall be the result of the total completed events accumulation of points
earned in all events.
2. A no show in any event will result in a zero in that event.
3. All decisions of the judge are final.
4. In case of a tie in the overall team standings the resolution of the ties will be as follows:
1st –the team completing the most events with the most points is the winner.
Ties will be determined by most points in branding, sorting, tying and doctoring.
Tidewell Hospice RANCH RODEO
Bronc Riding
One contestant (This is not a team event, fees for this event are $100)
No committee saddles – Contestant uses his/her own saddle
Chutes will be drawn
Team Sorting
Four (4) member team
Numbered calves behind a line on one end of the arena.
Numbers will be called out when rider crosses the line.
Ride out that number and follow with the next number keeping them in numerical
If calves cross the line out of sequence team receives a no time.
If your numbered calf crosses back across the line your team receives a no time.
Two minute time limit.
Team to ride out three calves with the fastest time wins.
Four (4) member teams
Numbered steers behind the line on one end of the arena.
1st team member to cross the line at the other end of the arena your steer number will
be called.
Ride your steer from the bunch across the line then rope. NO RUNNING IN THE HERD.
If your steer crosses back over the line before you rope it your team receives a no time.
3 Loops, head and heel, one leg 5 second penalty.
Once roped, other team member must dismount, throw and mark with marker.
Ropers cannot dismount; ropes must be off the cow for time to stop.
Two minute time limit.
Double Mugging
Four (4) member team
Cow coming from chute, riders at west end behind the line, call for the cow.
Judge will start time.
LEGAL HEAD CATCH ONLY. Unlimited loops with a one minute time limit on roping.
Team may choose to heal and heel.
Once roped, other team number must dismount; mug and tie 3 legs (steer can’t travel).
Ground crew must get the neck rope off the steer before time stops.
Header cannot dismount.
Two minute time limit.
Calf Branding
2 teams per heat.
1 roper, 1 brander, 2 ground crew
Rope calf bring back to line ground, crew must flank before the brander may brand.
Remove rope and send calf back across the line, repeat process. Fastest time on 2 head.
Two minute time limit.
All team members and ground crew will hold the line.
Horse and calf must be across the line before you touch the calf if you rope 2 at one
time it is legal last calf must cross the line before the time stops.