March 28, 2013 To: Bucket Calf Project Members Fr: Diane Brooks Bucket Calf Superintendent Re: Muscatine County Bucket Calf Project Record, Fair Year: 2013 Becki Petersen 4-H County Youth Coordinator The Bucket Calf Project is a unique project giving members an opportunity to utilize all of their best skills. This hands-on project gives members a chance to take responsibility for raising a calf, while offering the occasion to gain knowledge for keeping financial and management records. Each member will need to have a big heart for their calf as they must raise a healthy animal for fair. Whether you have been in this project area several years or this is your first, please know each calf is a new project with new prospects to learn within the project area. While most of your work will take place from the time your calf is in your possession until fair, please be mindful of what is your goal for the project area. The Bucket Calf Project is set up so that a judge is able to return for two years. During the first year the judge has the opportunity to look at all members for the first time and during the second year a judge looks for how much members have grown within the project area. Think about increasing the difficulty of your goals as you grow and truly consider what you would like to gain from this project area. Ultimately in July, the judge will be looking for: How much you have learned in this project area Your knowledge of raising a calf – including costs Your experience – including challenges of raising a calf Your ability to manage a calf on the fairgrounds and in the ring Your written records should include: (minimum of 3 pages, stapled or placed in a folder, neatness counts; write legibly or type records using the online version) Member and Calf Identification page provided Cost of Raising a Bucket Calf page provided Written record which you create based on the page provided EXTRA MATERIAL: Photos to document the management and growth of your calf prior to fair Weighted equally, the Muscatine County Bucket Calf Project scores are based upon the following areas: Written records (Given to the Judge during personal interviews) 75 points Personal interview (Monday of fair week) 75 points Ring Showmanship (Friday of fair week) 75 points Management of the calf (While on the fairgrounds) 75 points Total 300 points Remember: 4-H Bucket Calf Identification - must be submitted online by May 15 Health Papers are due at check-in on fairgrounds- your calf must be checked by a Veterinarian within 30 days of your arrival at the fair. You will not be allowed to show your calf without health papers. Bucket Calf Interviews – are scheduled in coordination with your club judging time held in the 4-H Building on the fairgrounds on July 15; FFA members are scheduled as needed. Notification of the interview schedule is mailed in early July. Important Dates to Remember: Feb. 1-May 10 May 15 June July 15 July 17 July 19 July 20 Calf must be born and in your possession Bucket Calf Identification Form must be submitted online Fill out livestock cards; pay calf and stall fees; obtain health papers from Veterinary Bucket calf interview at the fairgrounds during exhibit judging Calf Check-in on fairgrounds 4-H Calf Show Calves released at 12 p.m. (except if in Hall of Champions) 4-H/FFA Bucket Calf Project Record MEMBER'S NAME: GRADE: CLUB/CHAPTER: YEARS IN PROJECT: CALF’S NAME: MARK ONE: AGE: CALF EAR TATOO/TAG: PURCHASED From Where: BORN at your FARM OTHER Please Describe: DATE PURCHASED/SELECTED (The date the calf came into your possession): CALF’S BIRTH DATE (Actual or Estimated): COLOR OF CALF AGE AT FAIR: BREED OF CALF: WHAT WAS YOUR GOAL FOR THE BUCKET CALF PROJECT? WHAT WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU LEARNED? WHAT IS YOUR PLAN FOR THE CALF AFTER FAIR? WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO IN THIS PROJECT NEXT YEAR? 3/2013 4-H/FFA Bucket Calf Project Record COST OF RAISING A BUCKET CALF Cost per pound $ $ (a) Starter Feed $ $ (b) Hay $ $ (c) Grain $ $ (d) Other $ $ (e) $ $ (f) Pounds Milk Replacer Feed Type Used Quantity Cost per bale Bedding Medication or Supplements Name of items used Quantity Total Total $ $ (g) $ $ (h) Cost Total $ $ (i) $ $ (j) $ $ (k) Veterinary Charges (please explain) ................................................. $ _____________ (l) Other Supplies (please explain)......................................................... $ _____________ (m) Total Cost for Calf Management (add A through M) .......................... $ (n) Purchase Cost of Calf ....................................................................... $ (o) Total Invested in Bucket Calf Project (add N and O) ........................ $ 3/2013 4-H/FFA Bucket Calf Project Record Your written records will depend upon your grade at the time your calf came into your possession. ANSWER ONLY WHAT IS REQUIRED FOR YOUR GRADE. Please read the following areas carefully and create a written record to include this information, plus photos as you would like to document the management and growth of your calf before fair. JUNIORS: GRADES 4-6 Written Records & Photos: Create a paragraph narrative describing how you raised your calf. Possible ideas to include: how you got your calf; where your calf was housed; how you fed your calf before and after the calf was weaned; and if you had any problems. INTERMEDIATES: GRADES 7-8 Written Records & Photos: Describe any challenges you had raising the calf. What do you believe are the most helpful pieces of equipment in raising and managing a calf? Explain. Describe how and when you transitioned the calf from milk to grain to hay. Describe measures taken in the care of your calf in regards to: a. Prevention (what did you do in hopes to prevent illness or problems) b. Reactive (what did you do after an illness or problem occurred) 5. Describe the time required for the following areas: a. Feeding b. Management c. Training for Fair 1. 2. 3. 4. SENIORS: GRADES 9-12 Written Records & Photos: 1. Describe any challenges you had raising the calf. 2. Describe what behaviors you would see if a calf was sick or healthy and at what time you would decide to call the Vet. 3. In your experience, when is a calf more likely to become ill? 4. What causes stress in a calf? 5. What is your procedure for bottle feeding? 6. Describe normal or abnormal behavior of a calf when bottle feeding. 3/2013