7 Shepard Court Sharon, Massachusetts 02067 (781) 784-2840 CURRICULUM VITAE CHRIS R. SCHLAUCH EDUCATION: Ph.D., Religion and Psychological Studies, The Divinity School, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1983. Certificate, Pastoral Psychotherapy, The Center for Religion and Psychotherapy of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1982. M.Div., Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1977. B.A., Rutgers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1974. HONORS: Research Assistant, The University of Chicago, 19791982, awarded on basis of academic performance. Tew Prize, Yale University, 1975-1976, for scholastic excellence. B.A. with Honors, with High Distinction in Religion. Henry Rutgers Scholar. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Associate Professor September, 1997 - Present School of Theology, Boston University. The Graduate School, Boston University. Assistant Professor (Pastoral Psychology, Psychology of Religion) September, 1988 - August, 1997 School of Theology, Boston University. The Graduate School, Boston University. Assistant Director for Professional Services July, 1985 - August, 1988 The Danielsen Institute, Boston University. Participated in clinical and academic leadership of the Institute. In charge of all professional services in the absence of the Executive Director. Supervised two graduate students in the Institute training program. Provided direct clinical service. Assistant Professor: (Adjunct) July, 1985 - August, 1988 The School of Theology, Boston University. The Graduate School, Boston University. Taught one course each semester. Page 2 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch PUBLICATIONS BOOKS: Faithful Companioning: How Pastoral Counseling Heals. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995. Psyche and Spirit: Dialectics of Transformation. Edited by W. W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. & Chris R. Schlauch, Ph.D. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2003. ARTICLES: “Narcissism Follows an Independent Line of Development: Implications for Psychoanalytic Therapy, Christian Theology, and Pastoral Psychotherapy.” Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry 5 (1982): 131-147. “Critical Issues in the Psychology of the Self: An Annotated Bibliography.” Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry 5 (1982): 191-195. “Defining Pastoral Psychotherapy.” The Journal of Pastoral Care 39, No. 3 (September 1985): 219-228. “Defining Pastoral Psychotherapy II.” The Journal of Pastoral Care 41, No. 4 (December 1987): 319-327. “Ego Psychology and Psychotherapy.” Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling, edited by R. J. Hunter. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990, 344-347. “Empathy as the Essence of Pastoral Psychotherapy.” The Journal of Pastoral Care 44, No. 1 (Spring 1990): 3-17. “Expanding the Contexts of Pastoral Care.” The Journal of Pastoral Care 44, No. 4 (Winter 1990): 359-371. “Illustrating Two Complementary Enterprises at the Interface of Psychology and Religion Through Reading Winnicott.” Pastoral Psychology 39 (1990): 47-63. “Functioning as an Ethicist in Pastoral Supervision: Casting the Questions.” Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry 12 (1990): 111-131. “Enhancing Transformative Change: The Praxes of Theologizing and Supervising.” Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry 13 (1991): 206-233. “Pastoral Implications.” Lectionary Homiletics 3, No. 7 (June 1992): 2-3; 9-10; 16-17. “The Intersecting-Overlapping Self: Contemporary Psychoanalysis Reconsiders Religion—Again.” Pastoral Psychology 42 (1993): 21-43. “Pastoral Implications.” Lectionary Homiletics 5, No. 4 (March 1994): 5-6; 12; 19; 27-28. “Reconsidering Psychology of Religion in Light of Winnicott and Kohut.” Journal of Pastoral Theology 4 (Summer 1994): 80-102. “Mapping the Terrain of Pastoral Psychology.” Pastoral Psychology 44 (1996): 237-249. “Pastoral Implications.” Lectionary Homiletics 8, No. 11 (October 1997): 5-6; 13; 20; 27. Page 3 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch “Neglected Questions at the Interface of Psychology and Religion.” Pastoral Psychology 47 (1999): 209-234. “The Need for and Contours of a Revised Concept of Faith: Implications for Pastoral Theology.” Journal of Pastoral Theology 9 (Summer 1999): 63-87. “Rethinking Selfobject and Self: Implications for Understanding and Studying Religious Matters.” Pastoral Psychology 48 (1999): 57-78. “Critical Psychologies of Religious Matters: A Late Modern Enterprise.” Pastoral Psychology 48 (1999): 107-127. “Einfuhlung/Empathie (Empathy).” In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. vierte Auflage, edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jungel. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). “G(ranville) Stanley Hall.” In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. vierte Auflage, edited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski, and Eberhard Jungel. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). “Pastoral Implications.” Lectionary Homiletics 12, No. 1 (December 2000): 3; 10; 16-17; 24; 31. “Less on Solid Ground than at Sea: Drawing Upon Psychoanalytic Ideas in Developing a Pastoral Theological Approach to Teaching and Learning.” Journal of Pastoral Theology 15 no 2 (Fall 2005): 1-20. “Revising Method in Psychological Studies of Religious Matters: From Repeating to Remembering and WorkingThrough.” Pastoral Psychology 54 (3) (Jan 2006): 231-256. “Deeper Affinities: Fundamental Resonances Between Psychoanalysis and Religion.” Pastoral Psychology 55 (1) (Sep 2006): 61-80. “Introducing the Concepts of ‘Positions,’ ‘Space,’ and ‘Worlds’: Seeing Human Being and Becoming—and Religion—in New Ways.” Pastoral Psychology 55 (3) (Jan 2007): 367-390. “Being-there-with-and-for: Contemporary Psychoanalysis Characterizes Notions of Being Religious.” Pastoral Psychology 56 (2) (Nov 2007): 199-221. “The Psychology of the Self and Cross Cultural Clinical Care.“ Journal of Pastoral Theology 17 no 2 (Fall 2007): 83-117. “Do I Hear What You Hear? Thinking about Psychotherapy and Spirituality from A Self Psychological Approach.” Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 11 (2009): 26–50. “A Pastoral Theologian’s Response to the Case Study.” Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 18 (2012): 23-32. “Readings of Winnicott.” Pastoral Psychology (accepted for publication, forthcoming). “Readings of Winnicott II.” Pastoral Psychology (accepted for publication, forthcoming). BOOK CHAPTERS: “Re-Visioning Pastoral Diagnosis.” In The Clinical Handbook of Pastoral Counseling, Volume II, edited by Robert J. Wicks and Richard D. Parsons, 51-101. New York: Paulist Press, 1993. Page 4 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch “Who are We and What Does It Mean to Be a Pastoral Counselor?” The Future of Pastoral Counseling: Whom, How and for What Do We Train? edited by James McHolland. Fairfax, Virginia: American Association of Pastoral Counselors, 1993, 29-35. “Classical and Contemporary Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Self: Implications for Religion and the Study of Religion.” In Psychological Perspectives and the Religious Quest: Essays in Honor of Orlo Strunk, edited by Lallene J. Rector and Weaver Santaniello, 105-123. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1999. “Sketching the Contours of a Pastoral Theological Perspective: Suffering, Healing, and Reconstructing Experiencing.” In The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral Theology, edited by James Woodward and Stephen Pattison, 207-222. Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell, 2000. “Prologue.” In Psyche and Spirit: Dialectics of Transformation, edited by W. W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. & Chris R. Schlauch, Ph.D., vii-xvii. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2003. “Varieties of Selves: A Study in Religious Matters.” In Psyche and Spirit: Dialectics of Transformation, edited by W. W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. & Chris R. Schlauch, Ph.D., 43-73. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2003. “Response to “Three pillars of therapeutic attitude” by Salman Akhtar.” In The Skillful Soul of the Psychotherapist: The Link between Spirituality and Clinical Excellence, edited by G. S. Stavros & S. J. Sandage, 121-137. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. “The Therapeutic Relationship in Pastoral Psychotherapy.” In Transforming Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Pastoral Psychotherapy, edited by K. B. Lyon & F. Kelcourse. Wipf & Stock Publishers, Cascade division, Eugene, OR, forthcoming. BOOK REVIEWS: Review of How Does Analysis Cure?, by Heinz Kohut. Edited by Arnold Goldberg with the Collaboration of Paul E. Stepansky. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1984. Journal of Pastoral Psychotherapy I, No. 1 (Fall 1987): 71-75. Review of The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing, and the Human Condition, by Arthur Kleinman. New York: Basic Books, 1988. The Journal of Pastoral Care 43, No. 3 (Fall 1989): 285-288. Review of The Art of Clinical Supervision: A Pastoral Counseling Perspective. Barry K. Estadt, John R. Compton, Melvin C. Blanchette, editors. New York and Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1987. Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry 11 (1989): 260-262. Review of Psychotherapy: The Art of Wooing Nature. Sheldon Roth. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc., 1987. Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry 13 (1991): 287-289. Review of The Development of the Notion of Self: Understanding the Complexity of Human Interiority, by William S. Schmidt. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1994. The Journal of Pastoral Care 50, No. 4 (Winter 1996): 429-432. Review of Thy Kingdom Come: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Messiah and the Millennium, by W. W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1995. The Journal of Religion 77, No. 2 (April 1997): 333-334. Page 5 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch Review of Taking a Step Back: Assessments of the Psychology of Religion. Edited by Jacob A. Belzen & Owe Wikström. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1997. .Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 38 No 1 Mr 1999: 189-190. Review of Hospitality to Strangers: Empathy and the Physician-Patient Relationship, by Dorothy M. Owens. Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1999. Religious Studies Review Review of To the Greater Glory--A Psychological Study of Ignatian Spirituality by W. W. Meissner, S.J., M.D. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1999. The Journal of Religion 81, No. 1 (January 2001): 180-182. Exploring, Not Explaining Away: Bringing Contemporary Psychoanalysis Into Conversation With Religion. Review of Psychoanalysis and Religion in the 21st Century: Competitors or Collaborators. Edited by David M. Black. London: Routledge, 2006. PsycCRITIQUES 52, No. 8, 2007, no pagination specified. Review of Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotherapy in Relational and Theological Perspective, by Pamela CooperWhite. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2007. The Journal of Pastoral Theology 17, No. 1 (Spring 2007): 89-92. Review of Paul Tillich and Psychology: Historic and Contemporary Explorations in Theology, Psychotherapy, and Ethics, by Terry D. Cooper. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2006. The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling 61, No. 3 (Fall 2007): 277-278. An Anatomical Tail Transformed into a Cognitive Tale: A Psychologist Speculates about the Evolutionary Origins of the Idea of God. Review of The Discovery of God: A Psychoevolutionary Perspective, by Henry Kellerman. New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media, 2013. PsycCRITIQUES 58, No. 26, 2013, no pagination specified. Gods’ Eyes Were Watching Us: An Interdisciplinary Account of the Emergence and Ubiquity of Religious Communities and Traditions. Review of Big Gods: How Religion Transformed Cooperation and Conflict, by Ara Norenzayan. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. PsycCRITIQUES 59, No. 21, 2014, no pagination specified. PUBLICATIONS IN PROGRESS BOOKS IN PROGRESS: The Varieties of Selves: A Study in Religious Matters. Another Way Around: Revising Method in Contemporary Psychological Studies of Religious Matters. Interpreting Faith in Our Time: A Pastoral Theological Portrait. ARTICLES: “A ceaseless project of connecting: Winnicott’s developmental-existential theory of being religious” “To be human is to lean in the direction of being religious” “Challenging the insularity of psychology of religion: The warrants for and benefits of conversation with researchers in cognate fields” “The SERT [Spiritual, existential, religious, theological] model: The Danielsen Institute’s mission of service, training, teaching, and research” “Religion and Harm: Rhetoric and discourse, habits of mind, and ubiquitous anxiety” Page 6 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch “Practicing ways of being and becoming: The therapeutic relationship in pastoral psychotherapy” “Readings of Winnicott III” UNPUBLISHED “Narcissism and Estrangement: A Reading of the Psychological, Theological, and Ethical Claims in the Writings of Heinz Kohut and Paul Tillich.” Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, The Divinity School, The University of Chicago, 1983. PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS “Toward a Metatheory of Pastoral Psychotherapy: An Operational Model of the Activity.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, National Convention. San Diego, California. April, 1984. “Kohut's Psychology of the Self: Expanding the Conceptual and Theoretical Framework of Pastoral Psychotherapy.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Central Region Annual Conference. Normal, Illinois. October 5, 1984. “Pastoral Identity and the Activity of Pastoral Psychotherapy.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Central Region Annual Conference. Normal, Illinois. October 6, 1984. “Kohut's Psychology of the Self: Expanding the Theoretical and Clinical Base of Pastoral Psychotherapy.” Part One: Clinical Introduction to Kohut. Part Two: Therapy as a Developmental Process. American Association of Pastoral Counselors, National Convention. Minneapolis, Minnesota. April, 1985. (Panel member) “Multi-Theoretical Approaches to Intake and Treatment: A Case Presentation.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, National Convention. Downingtown, Pennsylvania. April 12, 1986. (Panel member) “Introduction to Kohut, Self Psychology, and Pastoral Psychotherapy.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Northeast Region Annual Conference. Farmington, Connecticut. November 8, 1986. “Case Presentation from Various Perspectives: Family Systems, Self Psychology, Pastoral Counseling.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Northeast Region Annual Conference. Farmington, Connecticut. November 8, 1986. (Panel member) “Assessment and Treatment Planning for Long Term Psychotherapy.” American Association of Pastoral Counselors, National Convention. New Orleans, Louisiana. April 30, 1987. (Panel member) “Ethics in a Changing Society: Ethics and Christian Ethics.” Presentation in the series, “Ethics and Social Responsibility: A Series of Sunday Evening Discussions.” Congregational Church of Weston. Weston, Massachusetts. January 7, 1990 “Teaching and Questions of Epistemology: Ph.D. Programs.” Workshop presentation at Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 22, 1990. “Healing and the Wounded Healer.” Workshop presentation for the Rhode Island Conference of the United Church of Christ. Tiverton, Rhode Island. September 17, 1991. “Hearing Unexpressed Spirituality.” Workshop presentation at “Our Community's Concern: Pastoral Care and AIDS.” Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts. June 2, 1992. Page 7 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch “Who Are We And What Does It Mean To Be A Pastoral Counselor?” Presentation at “The Future of Pastoral Counseling: Whom, How and for What Do We Train?” A Leadership Consultation. Mundelein, Illinois. September 11-12, 1992. “How Does Psychotherapy Heal? A View From Self Psychology.” Workshop presentation at American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Northeast Region Annual Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. November 7, 1992. “Work-in-Progress.” Presentation at Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. June 20, 1993. “How Does Psychotherapy Heal?” The Main Speaker, the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Region of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Lake George, New York. November 13, 1993. “The Essential Body of Knowledge for Educating and Training Pastoral Counselors.” Workshop presentation at the Annual Centers and Training Conference, the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Clearwater, Florida. January 15, 1994. “Examining Some Implications of Contemporary Psychoanalytic Theory for the Theoretic and Empirical Study of Religion.” Paper presented at the American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 21, 1995 (with Carrie Doehring, Ph.D.). Respondent to “Psychodynamic Aspects of Religious Beliefs: A Case of a Contemplative Nun.” Paper presented by Ana-Maria Rizzuto, M.D., at The American Academy of Psychoanalysis, Winter Meeting. Cambridge, Massachusetts. December 9, 1995. Panel member respondent to “The Way of the Spirit: Reflections on Spirituality and Psychotherapy,” with John McDargh, Ph.D. and Ana-Maria Rizzuto, M.D. Paper presented by Han van den Blink, keynote speaker at Taking on the Gods in the Practice of Psychotherapy, A Conference Sponsored by the Danielsen Institute at Boston University. Boston, Massachusetts. May 10, 1996. “Faith in Process: Interdisciplinary Multimethod Research.” Presentation at Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 15, 1996, with Carrie Doehring, Ph.D. “The Two Analyses of Mr. J.” Presentation at the Research Conference, The Center for Religion and Psychotherapy of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois. April 5, 1997. Co-chair of “Theological Anthropology Study Group,” with Pat Davis, Ph.D., Perkins School of Theology. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. June 13, 1997. Co-chair of “Theological Anthropology Study Group,” with Pat Davis, Ph.D., Perkins School of Theology. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Chicago, Illinois. June 19, 1998. “Reforming Ph.D. Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Chicago, Illinois. June 20, 1998. “Psycho/Theological Integration in Clinical Practice: A Consultation,” with Carole Bohn, Ed.D., Nancy Devor, Ph.D., and Merle Jordan, Th.D. American Association of Pastoral Counselors, National Convention. Albuquerque, New Mexico. April 29, 1999. Page 8 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch Participant in “Conference on Implications of Postmodernity for Teaching Pastoral Theology.” Denver, Colorado. June 15-17, 1999. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 18, 1999. Convener of “Psychoanalytic Research and Religion: Mental Illness, Conversion, and Spiritual Direction.” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. Boston, Massachusetts. November 7, 1999. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 17, 2000. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 16, 2001. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 14, 2002. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology.” Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Los Angeles, California. June 21, 2003. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology.” Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. June 19, 2004. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Chicago, Illinois. June 18, 2005. Respondent to “Evil: Reflections of a Psychoanalyst.” Paper presented by Ana-Maria Rizzuto, M.D., at The Institute for Philosophy and Religion, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. April 5, 2006. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. Denver, Colorado. June 17, 2006. “Negotiating Insecurity: Achieving Critical Distance on our Context, Concepts, and Identities.” Invited paper presented at Oxford Round Table, Oxford University, England. August 9, 2006. “Introducing Contributions of Kohut's Self psychology to Culturally-Sensitive Clinical Care,” with Angella Son, Ph.D., Drew University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 14, 2007. “Graduate Programs in Pastoral Theology,” with Bonnie Miller-McLemore, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Society for Pastoral Theology, Annual Study Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 16, 2007. “Psychotherapy, Religion, and Spirituality: Depth Psychotherapy and SERT.” Proseminar, Boston University, December 14, 2011. “Recent Trends in Personality Psychology.” Invited paper. ACPE Supervisors, Concord, New Hampshire, March 11, 2011. Respondent to “Three Pillars of Therapeutic Attitude.” Paper presented by Salman Akhtar , M.D. at The Skillful Soul of the Psychotherapist: Master Clinicians and Theologians in Dialogue. Celebrating the Danielsen Institute’s 60th Anniversary—The Merle Jordan Conference. Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts. October 7, 2012. Page 9 Curriculum Vitae Chris R. Schlauch “Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in a Collaborative Mode.” Invited Paper. ACPE Supervisors Convocation Session, North Andover, Massachusetts, March 5, 2013. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Academy of Religion American Psychological Association American Psychological Association, Division 36 Society for Pastoral Theology SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION Advisory Committee of the Pastoral Counselor Examination Board Editorial Committee, Journal of Pastoral Theology ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES external reviewer for The Journal of Religion external reviewer for Abingdon Press external reviewer for Oxford University Press