YEAR 7 History
Date: Week 2, Term 2 2013
Course weighting: 20%
4.1: describes and explains the nature of history, the main features of past societies and periods and their legacy
4.8: locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research
Any form of historical study is based on the collection of historical documents and/or artifacts
(research and archaeology) in order to understand questions and mysteries about the past.
Task Description:
This task is divided into two sections:
Section 1 – Research table and bibliography
Section 2 – Archaeological report
5 marks
15 marks
Section 1- Research table-worksheet -hand in
Students will need to conduct a body of research concerning:
the methods, techniques, people, equipment and tools used in archaeological excavations(digs)
the location, discovery, contents- including artefacts and human remains of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings,
Students will record this researched information on the table-worksheet. This will be brought in to class to be used when students write their Archaeologist’s
Report of the excavation of the Pharaoh’s tomb (archaeological dig).
Section 2 - Archaeologist’s Report of the Excavation of the Pharaoh’s Tomb-in class
Students are to imagine they are an Archaeologist working on an excavation site in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
As the Archaeologist in charge of this dig they are to write a five (5) paragraph report (in class under exam conditions) explaining:
information about the Pharaoh and location of the tomb
the types of people and experts they have on their archaeological team,
about their roles and why they have been chosen to work on this dig
the types of work done on the dig and methods of excavation about the tools and equipment they are using on this dig the archaeological finds made so far during this dig- this could include
pictorial sources, human remains and artefacts
The researched information displayed in the table from in Section 1 will be used to complete this report in class. The researched information (table) will be attached to your report at the end of the in class test by your teacher and will be included in the marking process.
Duration: 55 minutes
Assessment Criteria:
Students will be marked according to how well they:
Conduct a body of research in order to locate detailed information
Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the main features of the role and work of archaeologists in the field
Demonstrate an understanding of the main features and archaeological remains of a
Pharaoh’s tomb in ancient Egypt
Support their ideas with examples from a range of sources
Are able to compose an information report using TEEL structure
Use language in a clear and appropriate manner
Marking Criteria- Archaeological Information Report
Plans a well constructed historical investigation which clearly identifies the archaeological significance of a Pharaoh’s tomb and how an archaeological dig is conducted
Composes a piece of writing to give information to the reader with precise and sustained language choices and supporting evidence
Maintains textual structure including a solid introduction, subsequent structured paragraphs providing information about all specified aspects of the topic (as outlined in the task description) with detailed supporting evidence, and a summative conclusion
Makes thorough use of the selected sources
Uses an extensive range of terms and concepts appropriately
Plans a well constructed historical investigation which identifies the archaeological significance of a Pharaoh’s tomb and how an archaeological dig is conducted
Composes a piece of writing to give information to the reader with clear and sustained language choices and supporting evidence
Maintains textual structure including an introduction, subsequent structured paragraphs providing information about most of the specified aspects of the
10-12 topic (as outlined in the task description) with supporting evidence, and a summative conclusion
Makes substantial use of the selected sources
Uses a wide range of terms and concepts appropriately
Plans an historical investigation which identifies the archaeological significance of a Pharaoh’s tomb and/or how an archaeological dig is conducted
Composes a piece of writing to give some information to the reader with clear and sustained language choices and some supporting evidence
Maintains some textual structure which includes some of the following- an introduction, subsequent somewhat structured paragraphs providing
7-9 information about some of the specified aspects of the topic (as outlined in the task description) with supporting evidence, and a summative conclusion
Makes some use of the selected sources
Uses a range of terms and concepts appropriately
Plans an historical investigation which gives some information about a
Pharaoh’s tomb and/or how an archaeological dig is conducted
Composes a piece of writing in an attempt to give some information to the reader with evidence of developing language choices
Attempts some form of textual structure including some of the following, which may be incomplete- an introduction, subsequent paragraphs with information about a few of the specified aspects with some supporting
4-6 evidence and a conclusion.
Makes little use of the selected sources
Uses some terms and concepts appropriately
Plans a limited historical investigation which gives limited information about a
Pharaoh’s tomb and/or how an archaeological dig is conducted
Briefly describes a few points of historical and archaeological information using very limited language choices
May or may not attempt some form of textual structure including some of the
1-3 following, which may be incomplete- an introduction, paragraphs with information about one or two of the specified aspects and a conclusion.
Limited or no use of selected sources
Little use of terms and concepts
Marking Criteria- Research Table- worksheet
Marking Criteria
Uses a wide range of appropriate sources
Makes relevant notes on all aspects of the topic (as specified in task directions)
effectively using correct note taking format
Includes all relevant details of all sources/texts/websites used
Uses a range of appropriate sources
Makes notes on all/majority of the aspects of the topic (as specified in task
directions) –using correct note taking format
May make detailed notes but not use note taking format correctly
Includes some details of all sources/texts/websites used
Uses a few sources
Makes notes on some/few of the aspects of the topic (as specified in task
directions) –may not use note taking format correctly
May include very limited/no details of sources/texts/websites used
Task Timeline:
Teachers should allow 3 lessons for this task. Actual test is to be administered in
Week 2.
Lesson 1: Hand out assessment information sheet to students. As a class discuss expectations of the task; explain the research table; go through report structure
Lesson 2: Students should be given a full class lesson to conduct research in the library, with remaining work to be completed at home.
Lesson 3: Students complete the task in class. Students will need to bring their worksheet to the lesson. Allow the students 55 minutes for the task – this will give you time to make sure all students have their table with them.