
St. Bernard
In the Heart of Akron, Ohio
Parish Office
44 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308
330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax)
info@stbernardstmary.org (Email)
www.stbernardakron.com (Website)
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays
Baptism–On Saturday mornings, call the Parish
Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to
schedule a baptism date.
RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an
Inquiry Session or call ourParish Office.
Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish
Office to register your child for instructions.
Penance–Confessions are on Saturday afternoons
from 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment.
Marriage – Limited to residents of the parish or longstanding volunteers of the parish.
Holy Orders – Please contact the pastor or deacon.
Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request;
Callthe Parish Office or the hospital chaplain.
Newman Center Campus Ministry
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil
4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. (en Español)
8:00 p.m.
Daily and Holyday Masses
See Mass Intentions inside for times
Pastoral Staff
(Se habla español *)
Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor *
Fr. Frank Basa, ParochialVicar
Mrs. Cheri Colianni, Business Manager
Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary (M-W)*
Mr. Michael Carroll, Secretary (T-F)
Mr. Jim Kintz, Music Ministry
Mr. Ralph Reese, Custodian
Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister
Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585
Heart-to-Heart Communications
Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence
Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant
Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278
Questions about being Catholic?
A Question/Answer Session is held every 4th
Tuesday at 7:00pm for anyone interested in
knowing more about faith in Jesus Christ.
Hunger Ministries
Call the Parish Office to volunteer or donate.
Pregnant? Need help?
Call the Parish Office and we will connect you,
or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP) 4357.
Please have your Funeral Director contact
the Parish Office to finalize arrangements.
St. Bernard Mass Intentions
Sunday, January 18 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
+ Anne Dougherty
Pro Populo
Poor Souls in Purgatory
+ Mary C. Assalone
Monday, January 19
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
+ Herman Rottinghaus
Tuesday, January 20 - St. Fabian, St. Sebastian
+ Eileen O’Grady
Wednesday, January 21 St. Agnes
Intentions of Daniel Urbanski
Thursday, January 22 Day of Prayer for the Unborn
+ Dr. Gerry Smith
Friday, January 23 St. Vincent
+Ernesto Lopez Sr.
Saturday, January 24- St. Francis de Sales,
+ Willie Orr
Sunday, January 25– Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
+ Frank & Brosko Family
+ Hurley & Santy Family
For our Benefactors and Volunteers
+ Gary Stroh
Scripture Readings for the Week
Heb 5:1-10, Mk 2:18-22
Heb 6:10-20, Mk 2:23-28
Heb 7:1-3, 15-17, Mk 3:1-6
Heb 7:25-8:6, Mk 3:7-12
Heb 8:6-13 Mk 3:13-19
Heb 9:2-3, 11-14, Mk 3:20-21
Jon 3:1-5, 10, 1 Cor 7:29-31 Mk 1:14-20
REST IN PEACE - Peter A. Bisheimer who was buried from St. Bernard this past
week. He and Jennie (+2006) were very
active in the ministries of our community.
IRS STATEMENTS - If you wish a statement on
your 2014 free-will contributions to St. Bernard,
please contact the parish office AFTER January
15th, and a record will be ready at that time. Your
2015 Box of Envelopes are available in the church
Baptistery (on the right as you exit).
on the LEGAL HOLIDAY of Dr. Martin L King
ST. BERNARD MOVIE NIGHT - continues this
month on the 4th Friday, January 23rd at 7:00pm.
We will have a short Bishop Sheen talk about The
Miracle of Fatima. All are invited to the homey
Newman Center (Parish Office 3rd Floor). Bring a
refreshment or snack, if you like.
4:30pm. Mass on Sat. Jan. 31 5:30–9:00pm History
Room anyone 18years and over gather downstairs
for cards and Board Games. Please feel free to bring
finger foods, snacks, etc. Soft drinks will be
provided. Parking available in the Polsky deck. Call
Helen 330-620-2629
NEWMAN NEWS- March for Life: Thursday
January 22nd. $10 person. For more information:
email studentsforlife.akron@gmail.com
Newman small group is for women looking to dive
deeper and become true, passionate disciples by
opening themselves totally as Mary did to follow
The Holy Spirit’s plan for their lives. Fiat will be a
discussion based group with a focus on growing in
holiness and striving towards sainthood. First
meeting January 19 at 7 pm. In the Newman Center.
Please bring a journal (Prayer journal/new
journal/paper) and your schedule!
Steubenville FOP (Festival of Praise) this Saturday
7-9pm. Contact Alexa: amp168@zips.uakron.edu
YOUR OFFERING for 1/11/15 - $6,762.50
NEED PRAYERS - Write your request in the Book
located at the Sacred Heart altar, or call Terina at
(330) 289-3460 to be added to our Prayer Line. If
you want to help pray for fellow parishioners, let us
know at: st.bernard.prayerchain@gmail.com.
Please pray for our infirmed: Ruth
Moss, Rose Stohovitch, Richard Frank, Mike
Jenkins, Mary Johnson, Marilyn
Maximovich, John DeChecco, Rosalia
Duran, Victor Estefan Jr., John Richards,
Georgina Valerio, & Charlotte Thurman.
(Bold are recent)
Comunidad Hispana
RETIRO CUARESMAL - 15 Charlas los lunes y
los jueves de Cuaresma en Ingles y en Español sola
una hora (60 minutos, no mas). Proveemos cuidado
para los niños. Vengan para una charla o quince,
pero ven! Encuentro al Señor Jesús esta Cuaresma.
nuestro amigo Jorge Prado que Dios le cuide y le
proteja, el participo en la Kermes Latina del 2010
con su sabrosa horchata ecuatoriana.
PRESENTACIÓN SOBRE INMIGRACIÓN Domingo 1ro. de febrero, en el salón social, después
de la Misa de la 1:00 pm., en español, presentado
por Camille R. Gill, Procurador General, de
Servicios Legales de Inmigración, Para más
información llame al 216-939-3769 oficina de
Servicios de Inmigración y Refugiados de
Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de Cleveland.
EMPLEO - Para una compañía de retiro de nieve.
Todas las horas. Transporte proporcionado. Llame
la oficina parroquial para más información.
GED EN ESPAÑOL- En Our Lady of the Elms,
1230 W. Market St. Akron. Los viernes 16, 23y 30
de enero. Los miércoles 14, 21 y 28 de enero. En 22
Rhodes Avenue, Akron, Apartamento 102, de 6:158:30pm. Para más información llamar a Héctor Cruz
Cruz 216-323-6713 de 6:00 - 9:00pm. o Nancy
Cabrera 330-253-5161de 9-5pm.
Vara, estará los domingos 18, 25 de enero y 8 de
febrero 2015 después de la misa de la una en el
salón Histórico.Llamar ala oficinaparroquial 330253-5161 y hable con la secretaria Nancy Cabrera.
PROYECTO RAICES Y CLASES DE INGLES1ro. y 3er. Sábado del mes. 10:00-2:00pm. Más
información Gladys Apaéstegui (Proyecto Raíces)
Nancy Cabrera (ESL) Por favor llamar a la oficina
parroquial 330-253-5161 los L-M de 9:00-5:00 pm.
Recuerde que estar registrado en Clases de Inglés es
un requisito para aplicar para la Acción Diferida.
JUAN XXIII - Es un grupo espiritual que tiene
retiros de tres días para hombres y para mujeres. Si
tengan interés, hay mas información 330-253-5161.
Dear Community of St. Bernard,
Hibernians - We welcome to the 4:30 Mass
the newly installed leadership of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians here in Akron. Here's some info
about the AOH from their website: The AOH was
organized in New York in 1836. It is the oldest Catholic
lay organization in the U.S. The original organization
was born on the fires of persecution in 16th century
Ireland as a defense against anti-Catholic activities.
Active across the U.S., the AOH has been among the
first to welcome new Irish Americans, and has been in
the political forefront for issues concerning the Irish,
such as; immigration reform; economic incentives; the
human rights issues, Right-To-Life and a peaceful and
just solution to the issues that divide Ireland today.
Right to Life - The Jeremiah Banner
"before you were born..." is in the sanctuary to
remind us that the rights of some of the Living are
ignored and ended in the womb. This is sinful; it
misses the mark and offends the Giver of human
life. Please pray for an end to the taking of innocent
life in our country - through legal and moral means.
Immigration Reform - Not only for the
Irish of yesteryear fleeing hardships, but for
Hispanics of today fleeing hardships, U.S.
immigration laws can be an obstacle. The Catholic
Bishops of the U.S. have stated that we must defend
our borders from violators of law, but to do so with
compassion and mercy. February 1 at 2:00pm here,
there will be a bilingual presentation by our Diocese
on the issues of immigration reform and the
President's efforts in this regard. All are welcome.
Eucharistic Ministers - A list of active
ministers is available in the sacristy. I will contact
you when Bishop sends your renewal sticker. Until
then continue to serve at the parish community.
Catholic University Collection - January's
special collection is for this national ministry.
Please place your envelope in the collection basket
anytime this month. Thank you for your help.
Our Lenten Journey - You've heard of the
Catechumenate (RCIA). Neo(new)-Catechumenate
is designed for everyday baptized Catholics. We
will be providing 15 one-hour presentations on
Monday and Thursday evenings throughout Lent.
Come for one; you'll want to come for all. Child
care will be provided, and headsets in Spanish will
be available. May we be better disciples of Jesus.
Food Pantry - In 2014 just this one of three
food programs here served 6,975 people. Please
pray for our volunteers and those we serve on these
harsh winter days.
God bless you, Fr. Dan