12:10pm at St. Bernard and 7:00pm at St. Mary. ( The 8pm Sunday

St. Bernard
In the Heart of Akron, Ohio
Parish Office
44 University Avenue
Akron, OH 44308
330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax)
info@stbernardstmary.org (Email)
www.stbernardakron.com (Website)
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays
Baptism–On Saturday mornings, call the Parish
Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to
schedule a baptism date.
RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an
Inquiry Session or call ourParish Office.
Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish
Office to register your child for instructions.
Penance–Confessions are on Saturday afternoons
from 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment.
Marriage – Limited to residents of the parish or longstanding volunteers of the parish.
Holy Orders – Please contact the pastor or deacon.
Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request;
call the Parish Office or the hospital chaplain.
Newman Center Campus Ministry
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. (en Español)
8:00 p.m.
Daily and Holyday Masses
See Mass Intentions inside for times
Pastoral Staff
(Se habla español *)
Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor *
Fr. Frank Basa, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Ray DiMascio
Mrs. Cheri Colianni, Business Manager
Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary (M-W)*
Mr. Michael Carroll, Secretary (T-F)
Mr. Jim Kintz, Music Ministry
Mr. Ralph Reese, Custodian
Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister
Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585
Heart-to-Heart Communications
Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence
Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant
Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278
Questions about being Catholic?
A Question/Answer Session is held every 4th
Tuesday at 7:00pm for anyone interested in
knowing more about faith in Jesus Christ.
Hunger Ministries
Call the Parish Office to volunteer or donate.
Pregnant? Need help?
Call the Parish Office and we will connect you,
or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP) 4357.
Please have your Funeral Director contact
the Parish Office to finalize arrangements.
St. Bernard Mass Intentions
Sunday, November30-– First Sunday of Advent
+ Don Brizes
+ Maria Gomes
Pro Populo
+ Neal Ports
Monday, December 1
+ George Kosarevic
Tuesday, December 2
+ Maria Banks
Wednesday, December 3 –St. Francis Xavier
+Don Reddaway
Thursday, December 4 – St. John Damascene
+ Carmon Horvath
Friday, December 5
+ Randal Keenan
Saturday, December 6 –St. Nicholas
+ Nick Colianni
Sunday, December 7 – Second Sunday of Advent
+ Louis Salasek
+ Maria Knuepper
+ George Kozarevic
+ Dec. of Siwik Family
Scripture Readings for the Week
Is 2:1-5, Mt 8:5-11
Is11:1-10, Lk 10:21-24
Is 25:6-10a, Mt 15:29-37
Is 26: 1-6 Mt 7:21, 24-27
Is 29: 17-24 Mt 9:27-31
Is 30:19-21 23-26 Mt 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8
Is 40:1-5, 9-11 2 Pt 3:8-14 Mk 1:1-8
Your Sacrificial Offerings
Weekend of November
- to be posted 12/7
Thank you for your continued support!
Please remember in your prayers:
Bob Bodosi, Marilyn Maximovich,
Ruth Moss, Marilyn Simmons,Victor
Estefan Jr., John Sions, Rosalia Duran, John
Richards, John DeChecco, Georgina Valerio, and
Charlotte Thurman. (Bold are recent.)
Like Christmas Dec. 8th is always a Holy Day
of Obligation in the United States, even if it
falls on a Saturday or Monday. Masses for the
day will be: 12:10pm at St. Bernard and
7:00pm at St. Mary. (The 8pm Sunday Mass
next week isn't a "2-for-1" nor "counts" for
the Immaculate Conception ... shucks!)
Ministers of the
For 108 EMEs in St. Bernard Parish, your term of
service ends December 31, 2014. Thank you for
distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass
and to the sick.
So what happens on January 1, 2015? This
is not a Y2K, but there is a glitch in the diocesan
database. Until it is resolved, hopefully this month,
everyone can just relax and continue serving.
Bishop Lennon agreed to RENEW for
another five-year term - many, but not all - of our
current EMEs due to our pastoral need. For various
reasons, a number of EMEs discontinued service
over the years and will not be renewed.
As soon as I hear from the diocesan office, I
will publish the names of all our EMEs for 2015
through 2019. From then on, any person presenting
themselves as an EME from this or another parish
MUST present to the pastor (for our records) their
time-limited Certificate of Delegation by a bishop.
Faith Enrichment Events
FIRST FRIDAY CLUB– will meet December 5
featuring John L. Allen, Jr., Associate Editor of
the Boston Globe and senior Vatican analyst for
CNN, who will discuss the topic "THE FRANCIS
MISSION: Inside the Church's Transformation from
Scandal to Hope." The First Friday Club will be at
Quaker Station at the University of Akron, 135
South Broadway, in Akron. Contact: Mary Myers
Tschantz, tschantz.mary@att.net
Bernard at 12:10pm Mass. All are welcome.
The Season of Advent
First Sunday
The Meaning of the Season
The word "Advent" comes from
the Latin word meaning "to come
to" and refers to the coming of
Christ. It refers, first of all, to his
coming to the world at his birth in
Bethlehem; then secondly, to his
coming to us in our lives through
grace and the sacraments,
especially during Holy
Communion; and finally it refers to his Second
Coming as promised at the end of time.
The Liturgical Year
As we await the Lord's return in
glory at the end of time, we move
through FIVE Seasons of the
Year: Advent, Christmas, Lent,
Easter, and Ordinary time. We
listen to the accounts of Jesus'
life, miracles, teachings, suffering, death and
resurrection; and the life of the early Church. Our
primary source in 2015 is the gospel of St. Mark.
The Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath is a German
custom. It has four candles to
mark the four Sundays of Advent
(3 purple and 1 pink). They are
arranged in a circle of evergreen
boughs to indicate God's never
ending love.
The purple candles represent the
penitential nature of the Advent Season, while the
pink candle calls to mind the joy of Christ's coming.
All great feasts are preceded by a time of fasting
and self-sacrifice, which makes the upcoming feast
of Christmas, in this case, more joyful.
Come, Lord Jesus, and come soon!
Comunidad Hispana
MINISTRO HISPANO - Quiere ser parte de un
comité para reunirse y para informar a los obispos
de los asuntos de la comunidad? Más información
a la oficina 330-253-5161.
1ro. y 3er. Sábado del mes. 10:00am.-2:00pm. Más
información Gladys Apaéstegui (Proyecto Raíces)
Nancy Cabrera (ESL) Por favor llamar a la oficina
parroquial 330-253-5161 de L-M de 9:00-5:00 pm.
DICIEMBRE a las 4:30 pm. Necesitamos voluntarios para
donar su tiempo para la misa y
para la fiesta después. Si no
puede donar su tiempo,
tenemos la lista de donadores:
Donador de Evento $200 o
más, Donador de Programa $50
o más, Donador de flores $10 o
más, Donador en General: por
ejemplo, donaciones para el
menú y otros gastos. Llame a la
oficina al 330-253-5161
GED EN ESPAÑOL- En Our Lady of the Elms,
1230 W. Market St. Akron, Oh 44313. Los viernes
5, 12 y 19 de Dic. Los martes 2, 9, 16 y los
miércoles 3, 10 17, de Dic.En 22 Rhodes Avenue,
Akron, Apartamento 102, de 6:15-8:30pm. Para
más información llamar a Hector Cruz Cruz 216323-6713 de 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Nancy Cabrera 330253-5161 M-W 9-5pm.
GUADALUPE. A las 6:00 am. El vienes, 12 de
diciembre. Empezamos alrededor de la imagen de
nuestra señora. Músicos están bienvenidos!
Vera, está dispuesto a dar unas Charlas de
Liderazgo si está interesado llamar a la oficina los
L-M de 9 a 5 p.m. 330-253-5161para preparar la
lista de los interesados. El vendrá a dar más
información el domingo 7 y 14 de diciembre.
Area Social & Seasonal Events
Krispy Kreme is selling doughnut cards. They cost
$15.00 and benefit St. Mary School. When you buy
a dozen doughnuts, you receive a dozen glazed
doughnuts free. This is good for ten purchases. Call
the school office at 330-253-1233. Sale ends 12/2.
Our Lady of the Elms located at 1230 W. Market St.
TODAY Sunday, Nov. 30th at 2:00 pm. in the
Chapel. A Free Will Offering is appreciated to
support the Peter Maurin Center in Akron.
ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH - Exhibit of 300
Nativity Scenes from Around the World held at the
St. George Cultural Center. TODAY Sunday, Nov.
30th from 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. No cost.
CHRISTMAS DINNER - Dec. 6th at 6:00 pm. In
Carrigan Hall Reservations $25 per person. Call
Karen Inman 330-923-9734 or Eileen Moals 330869-9618. Deadline Nov. 30th.
CATHOLIC COMMISSION OF SUMMIT CO.will celebrate its 36th Annual Bishop William
Cosgrove Justice Dinner & Silent Auction on
Friday, Dec. 5th at St. Matthew Parish in Akron.
For tickets contact Joan Badami at 330-535-2787
hundreds of nativity sets from around the world,
musicians, choirs, a bell choir & more 12 to 5 p.m.,
Dec. 6 -7 & Dec. 13 -14. Villa Maria Community
Center, Villa Maria, PA. Sunday Dinners: 124p.m. (Large $10 • Small $6) Children 7 & under
free • For more info call: 724.964.8920 x3348.
UA NEWMAN CENTER WINTER MISSION This trip will be to Detroit, MI to
help clean up homes damaged
from the flood earlier this year.
This project will take place Dec.
14-17th due to their current needs.
We need a minimum of 5 people
(max of 10) in order to go on this trip. Cost will be
for transportation only, which depends on how
many folks go. Email uakron.newman@gmail.com
Dear Community of St. Bernard,
Happy New Year! - The yearly calendar
that begins on January 1 is the act of Pope Gregory
XIII, who in 1582, aligned the days so that Easter
would always be celebrated in the Spring. (It had
been moving closer and closer to Christmas.) And
even though our day-to-day calendars were created
by the Catholic Church, we still don't follow it
liturgically. So, today, November 30, 2014, is the
first day of the Liturgical Year. Happy New Year!
So, what time is it? In my opinion, the
liturgical calendar, which follows the life of Christ
through the Bible, can remind us that all our day-today activities fit into the life of Christ and the
Saints. At the beginning of it all, and, at the end of
it all - it's not about revolving around the sun, but
that our lives revolve around the Son!
Day-to-Day Advent Calendar - You'll find
in today's bulletin a calendar of daily activities to
help prepare your soul for Christ. Consider using it
personally and especially as a family. Advent is a
"little Lent" to prepare spiritually for Christmas.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Bi-lingual Mass NEXT Saturday, Dec. 6 at 4:30pm. Although this is
a great devotion and feast for Hispanics due to St.
Mary's appearance in Mexico in 1531, she is the
Patroness of all the Americas. Everyone is
welcome. Once again the music will be the
traditional Mariachi. Homemade food ($7 per
meal) and cultural events follow in the Social Hall.
St. Bernard Giving Trees - The Pastoral
Council suggested we have two Giving Trees again
this year: 1) basic winter clothing for people in our
Hunger Programs, and 2) basic necessities (no toys)
for Akron Pregnancy Center. Trees with ornaments
will be in the church next weekend. Just take an
ornament, purchase the item, wrap it, and bring it
back to the church with the ornament attached.
2015 Parish Envelopes - will be distributed
in the church during December. If you had them in
2014, your 2015 Box will be alphabetized by
surnames. If you contribute every week by check,
you do not need a box - we'll give you a number.
The Gift of Religious Life - We had many
religious men and women serve at St. Bernard
Parish over the years, especially in our school.
Many of them are elderly and in need. The annual
collection for Retired Religious will be Dec. 7th.
Please help those who helped us, especially in this
year dedicated by Pope Francis to those in
Consecrated Life.
A Good Advent! Fr. Dan