St. Bernard Parish In the Heart of Akron, Ohio Parish Office 44 University Avenue Akron, OH 44308 330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax) (Email) (Website) Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays Sacraments Baptism–On Saturday mornings, call the Parish Office to attend a Pre-baptismal class and to schedule a baptism date. RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend an Inquiry Session or call ourParish Office. Confirmation or Eucharist – Call the Parish Office to register your child for instructions. Penance–Confessions are on Saturday afternoons from 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment. Marriage – Limited to residents of the parish or longstanding volunteers of the parish. Holy Orders – Please contact the pastor or deacon. Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request; call the Parish Office or the hospital chaplain. Newman Center Campus Ministry Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (en Español) 8:00 p.m. Daily and Holyday Masses See Mass Intentions inside for times Pastoral Staff (Se habla español *) Fr. Daniel J. Reed, Pastor * Fr. Frank Basa, Parochial Vicar Deacon Ray DiMascio Mrs. Cheri Colianni, Business Manager Mrs. Nancy Cabrera, Secretary (M-W)* Mr. Michael Carroll, Secretary (T-F) Mr. Jim Kintz, Music Ministry Mr. Ralph Reese, Custodian Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585 Heart-to-Heart Communications Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278 Questions about being Catholic? A Question/Answer Session is held every 4th Tuesday at 7:00pm for anyone interested in knowing more about faith in Jesus Christ. Hunger Ministries Call the Parish Office to volunteer or donate. Pregnant? Need help? Call the Parish Office and we will connect you, or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP) 4357. Funerals Please have your Funeral Director contact the Parish Office to finalize arrangements. St. Bernard Mass Intentions Sunday, November 23-Christ the King of the Universe 9:30 + Jimmy Vespoint 11:30 + Diane Morrison 1:00 Liv. and Dec. of Lazzerini Family 8:00 Pro Populo Monday, November 24 – St. Saint Andrew Dung-Lac 12:10 + Thomas Lore Tuesday, November 25 - St. Catherine of Alexandria 12:10 + Intention of the Donor Wednesday, November 26 12:10 +George Kozarevic Thursday, November 27–Thanksgiving Day 9:30 + James Lyle Friday, November 28 12:10 + Maria Gomes Saturday, November 29 4:30 + Robert Roten Sunday, November 30 – First Sunday of Advent 9:30 + Don Brizes 11:30 + Maria Gomes 1:00 Pro Populo 8:00 + Neal Ports Scripture Readings for the Week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5 Lk21:1-4 Rv 14:14-19, Lk 21:5-11 Rv15:1-4, Lk 21:12-19 Rv 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3 9a, Lk 21:20-28 Rv 20:1-4 11-21:2, Lk 21:29-33 Rv 22:1-7, Lk 21:34-36 Is 63:16b-17, 1Cor 1:3-9Mk 13: 33-37 Your Sacrificial Offerings Weekend of November 16th -$6,812.00 Thank you for your continued support! Please remember in your prayers: Bob Bodosi, Marilyn Maximovich, Ruth Moss, Marilyn Simmons, Victor Estefan Jr., John Sions, Rosalia Duran, John Richards, John DeChecco, Georgina Valerio, and Charlotte Thurman. (Bold are recent.) - The Feast of Christ the King Why then? Why Still today? In response to a growing world-wide secularism, suppression of the very Name of Jesus in public events, and increasing control of State authority over the Church, Pope Pius XI on December 11, 1925 published this encyclical QUAS PRIMAS ["In the first..."] which summarized the Bible's teaching on the kingship of Christ and established this annual Feast of Christ the King for the faithful to strive after the Christian ideal of putting Christ first. "That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth and under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father" (Philippians. 2:10-11) "Christ Himself speaks of His Own kingly authority in His last discourse, speaking of the rewards and punishments that will be the eternal lot of the just and the damned; in His reply to the Roman magistrate, who asked Him publicly whether he were a king or not; after His resurrection, when giving to His Apostles the mission of teaching and Baptizing all nations, He took the opportunity to call Himself king, confirming the title publicly, and solemnly proclaimed that all power was given Him in Heaven and on earth. These words can only be taken to indicate the greatness of his power, the infinite extent of His kingdom. It was surely right, then, in view of the common teaching of the sacred books, that the Catholic Church, which is the kingdom of Christ on earth, destined to be spread among all men and all nations, should with every token of veneration salute her Author and Founder in her annual liturgy as King and Lord, and as King of kings. (¶11-12)". May Christ reign now and forever! ¡Viva Cristo, Rey! Comunidad Hispana EL QUINTO ENCUENTRO NACIONAL DE MINISTRO HISPANO - El señor Misael Mayorga y Padre Daniel invitan a la comunidad para formar un comité para reunirse el martes, 25 de noviembre a las 7:00pm en el Salón Histórico. Se necesita personas que puedan compartir en este proyecto en preparación para la reunión nacional para informar a los obispos. La idea es reunirse para escuchar e investigar cómo se puede participar en este proceso. Más información a la oficina 330-253-5161. PROYECTO RAICES Y CLASES DE INGLES 1ro. y 3er. Sábado del mes. 10:00am.-2:00pm. Más información Gladys Apaéstegui (Proyecto Raíces) Nancy Cabrera (ESL) Por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial 330-253-5161 de L-M de 9:00-5:00 pm. LA MISA PARA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE SERÁ EL SÁBADO 6 DE DICIEMBRE a las 4:30 pm. - Necesitamos voluntarios para trabajar en la decoración del salón social, hablar con Mónica Unti. Se necesita tres hombres para coordinar la limpieza de la cocina, se paga un estipendio. Se necesita cuatro hombres para cargar el anda con la imagen de Nuestra Señora. Agradecemos su participación y colaboración, esperamos que este año sea uno de los mejores festejos de la parroquia. Si no puede donar su tiempo, tenemos la lista de donadores: Donador de Evento $200 o más, Donador de Programa $50 o más, Donador de flores $10 o más, Donador en General: por ejemplo, donaciones para el menú y otros gastos. Llame a la oficina al 330-253-5161 GED EN ESPAÑOL- En Our Lady of the Elms, 1230 W. Market St. Akron, Oh 44313. Los viernes 5, 12 y 19 de Dic. Los martes 2, 9, 16 y los miércoles 3, 10 17, de Dic. En 22 Rhodes Avenue, Akron, Apartamento 102, de 6:15-8:30pm. Para más información llamar a Hector Cruz Cruz 216323-6713 de 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Nancy Cabrera 330253-5161 M-W 9-5pm. TODOS ESTAN INVITADOS A CANTAR LAS MAÑANITAS A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE. A las 6:00 am. El vienes, 12 de diciembre. Empezamos alrededor de la imagen de nuestra señora. Músicos están bienvenidos! CHARLAS DE LIDERAZGO - Señor Carlos Vera, está dispuesto a dar unas Charlas de Liderazgo si está interesado llamar a la oficina los L-M de 9 a 5 p.m. 330-253-5161para preparar la lista de los interesados. El vendrá a dar más información el domingo 7 y 14 de diciembre. Faith Enrichment Events INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING SERVICE held this year at St. Hilary church in Fairlawn at 9:30 am Thanksgiving morning. Fr. Kovacina of St. Sebastian will preach and the collection will go to the Barnabas Ministry that helps the unemployed and underemployed. THANKSGIVING DAY MASS - Here at St. Bernard for both parishes at 9:30 am. ST. HILARY PARISH XLT - Welcomes all to participate in XLT! (Exalt) An evening of prayer, praise, song and Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday, December 3 at 8:00pm. Located at 2750 W. Market St. in Fairlawn. Contact Joan Heegan at FIRST FRIDAY CLUB– will meet December 5 featuring John L. Allen, Jr., Associate Editor of the Boston Globe and senior Vatican analyst for CNN, who will discuss the topic "THE FRANCIS MISSION: Inside the Church's Transformation from Scandal to Hope." The First Friday Club will be at Quaker Station at the University of Akron, 135 South Broadway, in Akron. Contact: Mary Myers Tschantz, DISCIPLES FOR THE DYING– Dec. 5 at St. Bernard at 12:10pm Mass. Intentions of dying will be included in the Prayer of the Faithful. Area Social & Seasonal Events KRISPY KREME / ACADEMIC CHALLENGE Krispy Kreme is selling doughnut cards. They cost $15.00 and benefit St. Mary School. When you buy a dozen doughnuts, you receive a dozen glazed doughnuts free. This is good for ten purchases. We will be selling them until Dec. 1st. If interested, contact the school office at 330-253-1233 or St. Bernard Parish Office at 330-253-5161. "PEACE TOGETHER CHOIR CONCERT" - at Our Lady of the Elms located at 1230 W. Market St. Sunday, Nov. 30th at 2:00 pm. in the Chapel. A Free Will Offering is appreciated to support the Peter Maurin Center in Akron. Call Danielle Pappas at 330-835-5217 or ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PARISH ADULT CHRISTMAS DINNER - Sponsored by the St. Vincent Altar Society Saturday, Dec. 6th at 6:00 pm. In Carrigan Hall Reservations $25 per person. Call Karen Inman 330-923-9734 or Eileen Moals 330869-9618. Deadline Nov. 30th. ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH - offers an Exhibit of 300 Nativity Scenes from Around the World. A private collection of Pat Mitchell in Barberton, Ohio. The church is hosting this exhibit in the St. George Cultural Center. On Saturday, Nov. 30th from 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm. The exhibit is FREE and open to the public. THE CATHOLIC COMMISSION OF SUMMIT COUNTY - will celebrate its 36th Annual Bishop William Cosgrove Justice Dinner & Silent Auction on Friday, Dec. 5th at St. Matthew Parish in Akron. For tickets contact Joan Badami at 330-535-2787 VILLA MARIA NATIVITY DISPLAY - Indoor Advent tradition featuring hundreds of nativity sets from around the world with entertainment from musicians, choirs, a bell choir & more 12 to 5 p.m., Dec. 6 -7 & Dec. 13 -14. Villa Maria Community Center, Villa Maria, PA. Sunday Dinners: 124p.m. (Large $10 • Small $6) Children 7 & under free • Take-out Available. For more information: 724.964.8920 x3348. UA NEWMAN CENTER WINTER MISSION This trip will take place in Detroit, MI working with the Mennonite Service Organization to help clean up people’s homes from the flood damage earlier this year. An email was sent out about a week ago and a few things have changed since then. Instead of January, this project will take place December 14-17th due to their current needs. We need a minimum of 5 people (max of 10) in order to go on this trip. Cost will just be for transportation, which will depend on how many people go. Email ASAP if you want to Dear Community of St. Bernard Praise to Christ, our King! We conclude another Liturgical Year having listened to the Holy Spirit speak to us through the words of Jesus according to St. Matthew (Cycle A). Let us celebrate Jesus' reign over our hearts and give him thanks for the blessings and graces we have received. This can be a good preparation for the national Day of Thanksgiving later in this week. UA Pancake Breakfast - Pancakes made by the UA Newman Campus Ministry today, Sunday, November 23, from 9:30-11:30 a.m., in St. Bernard Social Hall for their winter break Mission Trip. Fr. Mark Haydu, LC will be at St. Sebastian Masses today, Sunday, November 23, where he will meet the public and sign his new book Meditations on Vatican Art: Angels. Books can be purchased there. Thanksgiving Day Mass - Those looking to attend Mass on this national holiday, we will have Mass here this year at St. Bernard church at 9:30am. Thanksgiving Food Drive Can you help us extend a gift to some parishioners? Bring to Mass on Thanksgiving Day: canned goods, non-perishables, or, even better, a Gift Card in any amount from your local grocery (Acme, Aldi, Giant Eagle, Marcs, etc.). We'll collect them during Mass and distribute them to a few households in our parish who might appreciate knowing we are thinking of them during the upcoming seasons. 2015 Parish Envelopes - will be distributed in the church during December. If you had them in 2014, your 2015 Box will be alphabetized by surnames. If you contribute every week by check, you do not need a box - we'll give you a number. Sr. Catherine Walsh, CSA - at Catholic Worker House needs people to tutor some residents. This is an excellent opportunity for us to reach out to the needy in our neighborhoods. Help - Can you type? Tom Fristch needs a data entry person on Thursday mornings in the Pantry. As people come in for a box of food, the volunteer enters the person's name into a laptop. Can you help? Call at the office 330-253-5161. Our Lady of Guadalupe Bi-lingual Mass on Saturday, Dec. 6 at 4:30pm. All are welcome to attend to support the Spanish-speaking community. Once again the music will be the traditional Mariachi. The group will be coming from Detroit, Michigan. Homemade food and cultural events follow in the Social Hall (meal and beverage $7.00). St. Bernard Giving Trees - The Pastoral Council suggested we have two Giving Trees again this year: 1) basic winter clothing for people in our Hunger Programs, and 2) basic necessities (no toys) for Akron Pregnancy Center. Trees with ornaments will be in the church next weekend. Just take an ornament, purchase the item, wrap it, and bring it back to the church with the ornament attached. The Gift of Religious Life - We had many religious men and women serve at St. Bernard Parish over the years, especially in our school. Pray and think, as we begin the Year of Consecrated Life, about: 1) In what ways a person from a religious order has influenced your life? 2) How can you be a witness by doing things differently? (Taken from Fr. Bill's article → see next column). Happy Thanksgiving - to you all from the parish staff. Let us bless the Lord for one another and our shared gifts. Peace and good, Fr. Dan “Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!” Pope Francis Our Lord Jesus by his teaching and example is the font for the unfolding of religious life in the Church. Women and men, consecrated to the Lord by the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, are a living source of the apostolic and contemplative love the Church has for the world. These religious men and women, driven by the love which the Holy Spirit poured forth in their hearts, live more and more for Christ and for his body which is the Church. And, the total giving of themselves in Christ enriches the apostolic love of the whole Church. There is a variety of spiritual gifts in the religious orders of women and men. Yet, these spiritual gifts are vibrant sources of new hope as each community aims to renew itself in light of the unique spiritual gives of its founding and wisdom of the Second Vatican Council which sought to better understand and serve the world. Religious women and men, with ever deeper faith in Christ, devote themselves to the apostolic love which touches the people of our time and they give themselves generously to demanding tasks of the Kingdom of God. At the heart of religious life is the common life modeled by the early Church, a common life which sees believers united in heart and soul, especially in the Eucharist and in prayer which breaks open into a life of charity. This unity of persons in charity expresses the visible pledge of Christ who will return and also it is a vital source of apostolic energy. The Church profoundly esteems the religious who as such give themselves to the renewal of Vatican II, and the religious give themselves as a sign of the ever greater fidelity of Christ to all His holy people. Fr. Bill Wiethorn, OFM Cap (1940-2014)