OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY CATHEDRAL YOUTH GROUPS ACTIVITY PERMISSION FAMILY NAME: ________________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________ DOB: _____________ AGE: _________Yr.____ SIBLINGS: (Attending/Not Attending): ______________________ HOME PHONE: ________________________ CHILD MOBILE: _______________________________ EMAIL: ______________________ CHILD’s Domiciliary Parent(any special provision for privacy and contact to be noted here): __________________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS: _______________________________________________________ ACTIVITY DATE: 19TH October Friday VENUE: Praise and Worship Night at Holy Spirit Catholic hurch Kincumber: Event starts at 6:30pm- 9:00pm TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS: Meet at Church: at 4:45pm for the bus which will leave at 5:00pm sharp. Bring $2 coin for petrol and some extra money for a light supper. Bus will return to the church around 10:00pm. ** Note the bus will hold only 22 people if you are late you may miss out. TRANSPORTATION: Many activities will start from Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral will either travel by group bus, public transport, or walk to all events and returned to Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral for collection or parents will provide transport to the venue by car or car pooling. _________________________________________________________________________ I/We give/(do not give)* - (delete as applicable) permission for my child to participate in the Our Lady of the Rosary Youth Groups. I/We give permission for the above mentioned information to be collected for the purpose of the running of the Groups and understand that it is to be kept securely in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1988. I/We understand that from time to time it may be necessary to communicate activities of the groups via email, SMS and/or Facebook, and I/we give consent for our and/or child’s email (delete as desired) and that said electronic communication will be done under the strictest of privacy protocols, using the “BCC” format so that my/&/or child’s email will not be in the public domain. I give / do not give permission for photos to be taken of my son/ daughter on outings. These photos will be use for parish promotion only. Further details on the Privacy and Consent Protocol are printed on the flip side of this form, and I/we sign that we have read and agree to them. ............................................. ............................................. Child Signature: Parent/ Carer My son/daughter has the following special needs (please provide full details and include any relevant medical details), including special dietary requirements and food allergies: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I give / do not give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency. ........................................ ....... Parent/ Carer Date HCYG_Permission_Activity_Form_2012 The information being collected on this form is being obtained for the purpose of ascertaining relevant medical information, requirements and other health care related needs about your child, who is currently enrolled in the Hornsby Cathedral Parish Youth Groups, and who may participate in youth group excursions, sporting activities or other leisure activities conducted by or in conjunction with Hornsby Cathedral Parish Youth Groups and the Hornsby Cathedral. It will be used by the Youth Coordinator, staff of the Hornsby Cathedral Parish Youth Groups to assist planning, to support youth group members, and to minimise risks when conducting youth group excursions, sporting or other youth group activities. Other persons or agencies that may be provided with this information include, but are not limited to, volunteers and members of external organisations who join with the youth groups and Parish, or are otherwise involved in the planning or delivery of the excursion, sporting, leisure, or other youth group activity; and persons that may be called upon to provide emergency health care treatment or other assistance during or as a consequence of such excursions or activities. Provision of this information is not required by law. However, a failure to provide the information may mean that your child cannot participate in a particular excursion or youth group activity. In such circumstances the Youth Group Coordinator or other designated member of the Parish will inform you. Provision of this information will significantly assist the Youth Groups Coordinator in planning a safer educational activity. It will be stored securely. If you have any concerns about provision of this information, please contact the Parish Secretary. You may correct any personal information provided at any time by contacting the Parish office secretary. HCYG_Permission_Activity_Form_2012