Name Class Ecology Unit: Independent Research Project Date DUE DATE: Directions: Using OneNote, create the following and submit to teacher via e-mailed OneNote page: Key terms and definitions list (see list below) o Create a word document that has each ecology term and the definition. o Should be done in MS Word and attached as file to OneNote page. Video links with summaries in OneNote page o Choose 2 groups of terms below (you may only choose one 2-term group) and find videos that illustrate those terms. o Minimum of 2 videos that show your key terms, each with a summary of how the key terms are shown within the video. Summaries should be 3 paragraphs including; P1 A brief overview of video with video source and date of publication; P2 What terms are illustrated within the video (be sure to tell how the terms are shown in the video); P3 How/where/when viewers can witness these things where we live. Review Activity o Your choice of any activity that will serve as a review of the Ecology key terms. (i.e. puzzles, games, quizzes, survey monkey, activity, song, etc.) Wrap up o A one paragraph wrap up that discusses the most interesting thing you discovered related to Ecology, and also one noteworthy thing you learned during this project. Key Terms List: Environment Ecosystem Producers Decomposers Food Chain Food Web Consumers Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores Scavengers Competition Predator Prey Symbiosis Commensalism Mutualism Parasitism Rhythm Daily Rhythm Diurnal Nocturnal Lunar Rhythm Annual Rhythm Pollution Deforestation Desertification Extinction Endangered species Exotic species Invasive species Primary succession Secondary succession Climax community Biogeography Dispersal Biotic Abiotic Biological Clock Migration Hibernation Estivation Biome Tundra Coniferous forest Deciduous forest Tropical rain forest Grassland Desert Community Population Habitat Niche Radiation Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Infiltration Runoff Perspiration Transpiration