Slide 3: ( 2 Points)

Power Point Grading Rhubric
Due on: 4/14/14
Worth: 20 Points
Slide 1: ( 1 Points)
This slide should contain the following:
a. Name of Volcano or Earthquake you are doing your Power Pont Presentation on
b. Your Name and your Partner’s Name
c. Class Period
Slide 2: ( 2 Points)
This slide should contain the following:
a. Map showing the location of the Volcano or where the Epicenter of the Earthquake occurred.
b. Photo of the Volcano or location of where the Earthquake occurred.
Slide 3: ( 2 Points)
This slide should contain the following:
Historical information (dates, strength, damage and destruction, etc.) dealing of when the Volcano erupted
or when earthquakes occurred in the past on this fault line.
Slide 4: ( 3 Points)
Properties and Characteristics:
1. Type of Volcano (Cinder Cone, Shield Cone, Strato Cone, Fissure)
2. Type of Volcanic Eruption it produces (Peleean (Explosive), Hawiian (Quiet), Intermedicate (Vulcanian),
3. Size of Volcano (Height, etc.)
4. Size of Crater or Caldera.
5. Properties of the Lava it produces (Chemical Composition, Thick and Slow Flowing, Thin and Fast
Flowing, Amount of Silica it contains, etc.)
6. Size of the Magma Chamber beneath the volcano
7. Is youe Volcano a Supervolcano
b. Earthquake
1. Type or classification of earthquake (Interplate, Volcanic, Tectonic, etc.)
2. Name of fault line that produced the earthquake
3. Type or classification of the Fault Line producing the earthquake (Reverse, Normal, Thrust, Strike Slip,
4. Type of Lithospheric Plate Boundary that the fault line and earthquake occurs along (Divergent,
Convergent, Transform, Subduction Zone, etc.
5. Seismic Belt that the fault line or earthquake occurred along (Alpide, Circum Pacific, Mid Atlantic, etc.
Slide 5: (3 Points)
Damage, Destruction, Injuries or Deaths:
Most Powerful and Destructive Volcanic Eruption Produced by this Volcano
a. Date when this volcano produced its most powerful and destructive volcanic eruption
b. Strength or power of this volcanic eruption VEI Value, amount of energy released, etc.)
c. Amount of Steam, Gases, Lava, and Pyroclastics (Ash, Cinders, Lava, etc. produced) during this volcanic
d. Amount of destruction and $0.00 damage produced by this eruption
e. Financial affects on businesses and economy world or country impacted by it
f. Number of Deaths and Injuries produced during this eruption.
g. Did this volcano produce a Pyroclastic Flow, Lahar, Lava Plateau, Tsunami or Mega Tsunamei, Climatic
Change, etc. during this volcanic eruption.
Most Powerful and Destructive Earthquake Produced
a. Date that the most powerful earthquake was produced along this fault line
b. Strength or power of this earthquake (Richter Scale Value, Moment Magnitude Scale, Merclli Scale, amount
of energy released, etc.
c. Evidence indicating the amount of ground motion, lifting or movement.
d. Financial affects on businesses and economy world or country impacted by it
e. Amount of destruction and $0.00 damage produced during this earthquake.
f. Number of Deaths and Injuries produced during this earthquake.
g. Did this earthquake produce a Tsunami, Mega Tsunami, Landslides, Fire damage or Fire Storms, etc.
Slide 6: (3 Points)
Potential Future Event(s)
a. What is the probability or possibility of this volcano erupting in the future.
b. What is the predicted strength of this volcanic eruption.
c. What is the estimate of Damage ($0.00), Destruction, Deaths and Injuries if this event should occur.
d. What is the possibility of it producing a Pyroclastic Flow, Lahar, Tsunami or Mega Tsunami, Climatic Change,
e. What cities, towns, countries or regions of the world are at the greatest risk of being affected by it and how.
f. Financial affects on businesses and economy world or country impacted by it
a. What is the probability or possibility of this fault line producing a major earthquake in the future.
b. What is the predicted strength of this earthquake.
c. What is the estimate of Damage ($0.00), Destruction, Deaths and Injuries if this event should occur.
d. What is the possibility of it producing a Tsunami or Mega Tsunami, landslides, Fire Damage or Firestorms,
e. What cities, towns, countries or regions of the world are at the greatest risk of being affected by it and how.
f. Financial affects on businesses and economy world or country impacted by it
SLIDE 7: ( 2 Points)
Bibliography of Sources
You will need a minimum of 5 different sources that you obtained information from for your Power Point
2. You will need to alphabetically cite the sources that you obtained information from for your Power Point
Project on a Power Point Slide entitled “Bibliography of Source.
3. You can only site Wikiopedia or any other source only once.
4. Free Web Site for creating a Bibliography
5. List the slides that you created and the slides that your partner created on your Bibliography of Sources
Power Point Slide.
8. ENHANCEMENTS ( 4 Points)
Things added to your Power Point Project beyond the minimum relevant to your volcano or earthquake.
a. Animations, Links, Review Games, Live Interviews, Video Clips, Photos
and Diagrams, etc.