section 1: module specifications




1. Title of the module Mise en Scène: Aesthetics and Dramaturgies of European Theatre

2. School or partner institution which will be responsible for management of the module School of Arts

3. Start date of the module January 2015

4. The number of students expected to take the module 5-15

5. Modules to be withdrawn on the introduction of this proposed module and consultation with other relevant Schools and Faculties regarding the withdrawal n/a

6. The level of the module Postgraduate [M]

7. The number of credits and the ECTS value which the module represents 30 Credits (15 ECTS)

8. Which term(s) the module is to be taught in (or other teaching pattern) Spring Term

9. Prerequisite and co-requisite modules n/a

10. The programmes of study to which the module contributes MA European Theatre & Dramaturgy

(core option); MA European Theatre & Dramaturgy (Paris) [core]. The module is also available as optional module for students from other MA programmes in the Faculty of Humanities in Canterbury and Paris.

11. The intended subject specific learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will have gained knowledge and understanding of

11.1 current forms, dramaturgic practices and aesthetic configurations of theatre performance in

Europe, and their intellectual and historical traditions;

11.2 the diversity of contemporary European theatre practices from a wider context of genres, including works in languages other than English, and aesthetics/traditions less familiar to

English audiences;

11.3 sophisticated critical, artistic and analytic paradigms in European theatre research, such as the notions of mise en scène, the postdramatic, or performativity;

11.4 the interplay of theory and practice, and their mutual enrichment in the appreciation and creation of theatre art;

11.5 the interdisciplinary as well as intercultural location and context of contemporary European performance within a global context.

12. The intended generic learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will have developed their

12.1 confidence in interacting and negotiating successfully across international borders and language barriers;

12.2 skills in sourcing, organising, analysing and disseminating information from a number of sources – both primary and secondary; printed and electronic – in ways that advance knowledge and add value;



12.3 ability to undertake and manage advanced research projects;

12.4 skills in creative, autonomous and reflexive thinking;

12.5 proficiency in presenting complex thoughts and arguments in a coherent and lucid way both verbally and in writing.

13. A synopsis of the curriculum

This module explores the aesthetic and dramaturgic forms which are characteristic for theatre performances on the European Continent. It interrogates notions such as ‘mise en scène’,

‘dramaturgy’ and ‘Regie’, as well as introducing current theoretical concepts and discourses in research on (mainly non-English language) European theatre, with specific focus on aspects of theatre-making, and the relationship between a (dramatic or other) text and its production on stage. In both its versions, taught at Canterbury and Paris, the module will benefit from joint theatre visits, where students will be given the opportunity to directly apply and interlink theoretical reflection and practical observation and experience.

14. Indicative Reading List

Lehmann, Hans-Thies, Postdramatic Theatre. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2006.

Pavis, Patrice, ‘On Faithfulness: The Difficulties Experienced by the Text/Performance Couple’, in Theatre Research International, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2008), pp. 117-26

Pavis, Patrice, Contemporary Mise en Scène: Staging Theatre Today, Abingdon and New York:

Routledge 2012.

Radosavljevic, Duska, Theatre-Making: Interplay Between Text and Performance in the 21st


Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 2013.

Turner, Cathy, and Synne Behrndt, Dramaturgy and Performance , Basingstoke: Palgrave

Macmillan 2007

15. Learning and Teaching Methods, including the nature and number of contact hours and the total study hours which will be expected of students, and how these relate to achievement of the intended module learning outcomes

The module will be taught through a seminar class, combining lectures, discussions, reflexive work in small-groups, close reading, and case work. This will typically be 2 weekly hours across

10 weeks, yet this may be varied with longer workshop session, totalling 20 contact hours.

There will also be joint theatre visits outside class time, which are a compulsory part of the module and essential for the successful acquiring of the learning outcomes, totalling approx. 10 study hours.

Students will also receive an individual 1-2-1 progress tutorial.

Students are expected to undertake an additional total of 270 study hours of individual study and group work in preparation for the module, undertaking the set tasks and reading as well as further individual research and reading, and the planning and working towards their assignment.

These Learning and Teaching Methods will satisfy Learning Outcomes 11.1-5 and 12.1-5.

Total Contact Hours: 30

Total Study Hours: 300

16. Assessment methods and how these relate to testing achievement of the intended module learning outcomes

The module will be assessed 100% coursework:

80% Essay of 4,500 words. This will test learning outcomes 11.1-5, 12.1-5.

20% Seminar presentation, engagement & contribution, testing learning outcomes 11.1,

11.3, 11.4, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5.



17. Implications for learning resources, including staff, library, IT and space

The Kent at Paris project has been organised and financed by the Faculty to allow students studying in Paris all necessary facilities, tutors and pastoral support, including classrooms, study facilities and

IT resources at the Paris Campus (Reid Hall in Montparnasse), access to Paris libraries with Englishlanguage resources, an Academic Director resident throughout the term, and lecture/seminars convened by lecturers visiting from the Canterbury campus.

18. The School recognises and has embedded the expectations of current disability equality legislation, and supports students with a declared disability or special educational need in its teaching. Within this module we will make reasonable adjustments wherever necessary, including additional or substitute materials, teaching modes or assessment methods for students who have declared and discussed their learning support needs. Arrangements for students with declared disabilities will be made on an individual basis, in consultation with the University’s disability/dyslexia support service, and specialist support will be provided where needed.

19. Campus(es) where module will be delivered: Canterbury and Paris.

If the module is part of a programme in a Partner College or Validated Institution, please complete the following:

20. Partner College/Validated Institution:

21. University School responsible for the programme:




Statement by the School Director of Learning and Teaching/School Director of Graduate Studies

(as appropriate): "I confirm I have been consulted on the above module proposal and have given advice on the correct procedures and required content of module proposals"

Dr Angie Varakis-Martin

Director of Learning and Teaching/Director of

Graduate Studies (delete as applicable)

6 th Feb 2014


Angie Varakis-Martin

Print Name

Statement by the Head of School: "I confirm that the School has approved the introduction of the module and, where the module is proposed by School staff, will be responsible for its resourcing"

Professor Peter Stanfield 6 th Feb 2014

Date Head of School

Professor Peter Stanfield

Print Name



(Where the module is proposed by a Partner College/Validated Institution)

Statement by the Nominated Officer of the College/Validated Institution (delete as applicable): "I confirm that the College/Validated Institution (delete as applicable) has approved the introduction of the module and will be responsible for its resourcing"


Nominated Responsible Officer of Partner

College/Validated Institution




Print Name




Partner College/Validated Institution

Module Specification Template

Last updated February 2013

