Sunday 16th November Weston Park visit On Tuesday 11th November we came to school dressed as evacuees . We walked onto the bus, everyone thought it was a school bus, to Weston Park no one knew what it was going to be like or knew what we were going to do there. While we were on the bus everyone was sitting back in their, comfortable soft, chairs talking to their partners but I was looking at how long we were on the bus it took 1 hour to get there. Bored, scared and traumatised I sat in silence, not speaking to anyone, so time goes faster. After 1 hour on the bus everyone looked out the windows and cried yay we are here but I said finally. Everyone stepped of the huge wide rectangle, bus when we stepped off I kept on saying meow because I was cold outside. Excitedly I walked into the huge building, it was the biggest museum I had ever seen, there was a lot of explaining to listen too. I got really excited about making gas masks and seeing what they where called. But before we did that activity we had to dress up and after we dressed up we went in a room that was very old called the 1940s room. Before we did any of those activity’s we went to the auditorium. Excited everyone stumbled into the auditorium moving a folder of their chair we sat down so we can watch a slide show of pictures, about world war two and why it started and what it's like being a evacuee. When the slide show finished we had to get ready for the air raid siren to go off so we can crawl under our chairs, Mary’s chair fell backwards it almost hit me, Dylan O'keef said that someone just got blew up. After we had two minutes silence it felt like five minutes silence. Excited,worried and shocked I walked over to a real Anderson shelter I went in a group of four we had to name the three things that were in there the three things were a lamp a jug and a potty not many people knew it was a potty they thought it was a bowl. Many minutes later we walked back into the massive tall, museum so we could make our gas masks. Ben and I had some help. When I finished Tilly pulled it off my face so the string came loose. I had a fantastic day at Western Park. By Oliver Kennedy