Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms Action Research Project on Pronunciation of Biological Terms Jamyang Dorji (BE091912) B.Ed IVSS “A” Samtse College of Education Royal University of Bhutan EDN 411 Action Research Project Mr. Kinley 20th September, 2012 1 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012 Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Samtse College of Education Royal University of Bhutan P.O. Box No. 329, Samtse, Bhutan PLAGIARISM DECLARATION FORM This form must be completed, signed and appended to each assignment you submit for marking in any form (Print or electronically). Student Name: Jamyang Dorji Student Number: BE 091912 Module No & Title: EDN 411-Action Research Project Assignment No & Title: 01, Action research on Pronunciation of Biological terms Submission Date: 20th September, 2012 Section H2 of the Royal University of Bhutan’s Wheel of Academic Law provides the following definition of academic dishonesty: “Academic dishonesty may be defined as any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage in any assessment. It may be demonstrated by one of the following: Collusion: the representation of a piece of unauthorized group work as the work of a single candidate. Commissioning: submitting an assignment done by another person as the student’s own work. Duplication: the inclusion in coursework of material identical or substantially similar to material which has already been submitted for any other assessment within the University. False declaration: making a false declaration in order to receive special consideration by an Examination Board or to obtain extensions to deadlines or exemption from work. Falsification of data: presentation of data in laboratory reports, projects, etc., based on work purported to have been carried out by the student, which have been invented, altered or copied by the student. Plagiarism: the unacknowledged use of another’s work as if it were one’s own. Examples are: verbatim copying of another’s work without acknowledgement paraphrasing of another’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without acknowledgement ideas or intellectual data in any form presented as one’s own without acknowledging the source(s) making significant use of unattributed digital images such as graphs, tables, photographs, etc. taken from test books, articles, films, plays, handouts, internet, or any other source, whether published or unpublished submission of a piece of work which has previously been assessed for a different award or module or at a different institution as if it were new work use of any material without prior permission of copyright from appropriate authority or owner of the materials used” Student Declaration I confirm that I have read and understood the above definitions of academic dishonesty. I declare that I have not committed any academic dishonesty when completing the attached piece of work. Student’s Signature: ___ ___________________ Date of signing: 20/09/2012 2 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Table of Contents Action Research .............................................................................................................................. 4 Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Reconnaissance ........................................................................................................................... 5 Situational Analysis ................................................................................................................. 5 Country .................................................................................................................................... 5 University ................................................................................................................................ 5 Competence ............................................................................................................................. 6 Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 6 What is pronunciation? ............................................................................................................ 7 Data Sets .................................................................................................................................... 10 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 10 Baseline data collection tools .................................................................................................... 11 Baseline data Interpretation ....................................................................................................... 11 Likert scale ............................................................................................................................ 11 Spelling test/ Dictation test .................................................................................................... 12 Pronunciation test .................................................................................................................. 13 Intervention strategies ............................................................................................................... 14 Practice and modeling ........................................................................................................... 14 Scaffolding............................................................................................................................. 14 Post intervention data ................................................................................................................ 15 Questionnaire/ Likert scale analysis ...................................................................................... 15 Spelling/Dictation test ........................................................................................................... 17 Spelling test ........................................................................................................................... 18 Discussions ................................................................................................................................ 18 Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 19 Limitation .................................................................................................................................. 20 Recommendation ....................................................................................................................... 20 Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 21 References ................................................................................................................................. 21 Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 22 3 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Action Research The action research was done onhowcan to improve Pronunciation of Biological in class IX/H of Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School? Abstract The researcher has done action research on “Improvement of Pronunciation of Biological terminologies”. As a least advanced country in the scientific and biological field, we observed that most of the Bhutanesestudents mispronounce the biological terms. For, the action research has been carried to improve the pronunciation of biological terms. And to improve the correct pronunciation of the biological terms, confident in pronouncing the biological terms and correct spelling of the biological terms. As a teacher there has been a greater responsibility to take appropriate measures to enhance the pronunciation of the biological/scientific terms. Therefore, the action research was done in Class IX/H in Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School during teaching practice. In the first week of the February month, 2011, the familiarization on action research was done with school and students.The researcher also informed the school Principal and the concern class about the action research. In the second week identified the AR Class. In 3rd and 4thweek collection of the baseline data from the class involving methods like observations, class test,likert scale notebook checking,etc. began(Refer all the Appendix). Then analyzed the baseline data collected in the 5th week. Starting from 6th week to 12th week intervened the classby:practicing,scaffoldingto the students, letting the students to read the given article on the selected biological/scientificterms, conducting test on the writing and pronouncing biological terms,let them practice, and modeling by the teacher. In the 13th week collection of the postintervention data began at the end of teaching practice during involving same tools as in baseline data collection. Critical Friends Mr. ThoepagaNamgyel Dawa of B.EdIVSA (Eng/His) and Ms. ChekiWangmo of B.Ed IV SS “B” (Maths/Phy) were my critical friends whom they have been helpful in carrying out the action research and giving different approaches and suggestions for improvement. They too have taken 4 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 same module as researcher as part of professional development. Moreover my mentors have also been very kind enough catering me full support and acceptance. At the end,the researcher expects the students to pronounce the biological and scientific terms fluently and correctly. They should be very confident in pronouncing biological and scientific terms.They should beable to spell the biological terms correctly. Reconnaissance According to Rinchen (2009) as cited Maxwell (2003) developed three components of reconnaissance viz: situational analysis, competent and literature review. He considered these three components as requisite in action research development. Situational Analysis Country The Kingdom of Bhutan is a small landlocked country in South Asia, located at the eastern end of the Himalayas and bordered to the south, east and west by the Republic of India and to the north by the People's Republic of China. Bhutan is separated from the nearby state of Nepal to the west by the Indian state of Sikkim, and from Bangladesh to the south by West Bengal and Assam. The state religion is VajrayanaBuddhism and the population of 600,000 approximately. The capital is Thimphu. After centuries of absolute monarchy, Bhutan held its first democratic elections in March 2008. Bhutan is a member of the United Nations and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and hosted the sixteenth SAARC summit in April 2010. University The Royal University of Bhutan (RUB), the only university in the country at present, has eleven member colleges distributed across the country. Two of them are teacher training colleges: Paro College of Education (PCE) and Samtse College of Education (SCE). Samtse College of Education (SCE) was founded as the first teacher-training institute (TTI) in the country of Bhutan in 1968. Our beloved late king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuck 5 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 inaugurated the college on 29th May 1968 with an initial enrolment of 41 students. This historic milestone in the country’s education history is observed as the College Foundation day every year. Samtse College of Education is one of the premier institutions of learning in the country, which provides training to Primary and Secondary teachers. It is also the center for a number of in-service programs conducted during winter breaks. With the introduction of the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) Secondary program in 1983, the erstwhile TTI was renamed the National Institute of Education (NIE). After becoming a member college of the Royal University of Bhutan on June 22003, the NIE was once more renamed Samtse College of Education. School Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School is one of the schools in the Thimphu. It is located to the north-western part of Bhutan. Competence The researcher is a second year B.Ed student teacher in the Samtse College of Education taking Biology and Chemistry as major electives. Hehave completed a research module as professional development as separate module. And have an experience of doing a conventional researcher as major assignment at College. With the research code of conduct and ethical issues related to the educational and action research confident enough to carry out the action research. It has been done action to improve pronunciation of biological terms in Class IX/D of Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School. Competence of Students My students have learnt science in lower classes but have never known about biology though it’s a part of science. They were very new to the biology as subject and pronunciation of biological terms in particular. For, I chose class nine class to carry out my action research to improve the pronunciation of biological terms. Literature Review My literature review mainly what is pronunciation, its place and importance, and consists of convention and some rules, and strategiestopronounce scientific, botanical, taxonomic and biological (cited by few authors and writers) terms as follows: 6 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 What is pronunciation? It is the way in which to make sound of a word or letter in a particular way especially with reference to a standard format. (The Oxford English Reference Dictionary, 2005). According to Hudson & Seedsman (2010) stated that Many people are confused about the "correct" way to pronounce biological/botanical names. Often people are insecure about this, and worry that they will "look stupid" if they get the name "wrong”. Relax! The good news is there is NO "correct" way to pronounce them! You may pronounce them any way you wish, and you will be just as "correct" as any Ph.D. botanist. Yet there are few rules and conviction based to pronounce the biological terms and other few scientific terms. “Let me repeat—there is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO correct or official way to pronounce scientific names!” (Hudson and Seedsman, 2010) The author has designed the little pronunciation guides in the catalog for the genus names. But they are just guides, and are in no way "correct" or "official" ways of saying them. Here are some conventions that you might find useful for pronunciation. (Hudson and Seedsman, 2010): The "ii" at the end of words like douglasii already mentioned—just say it like "ee". Say "i" like "ee", not "eye". Say "a" like "ah", not "ay". Say "e" like "eh", not "ee". "Ch" is usually said like a "k", not a ch, as in Pachycereus—"pa-kee-seer-ee-us", but sometimes as a ch as in Lachenalia—"la-che-nal-ee-a". 7 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 According to Covington(2010) the pronunciations you hear in biology or astronomy class don’t match the ones you learned from your Latin teacher, and guess what? That doesn’t mean they’re wrong. They just reflect different periods in history. Hayriye & Kayi, (2006) said “do not correct students' pronunciation mistakes very often while they are speaking. Correction should not distract student from his or her speech.” Rules and Convictions for English pronunciation of biological Latin or terms Chandler(1889),Else(1967),Kelly (1986),havesetrules for the English Pronunciation of biological Latin or termsincludingTaxonomic Names of Plants and Animalbasedon: Letter Sounds: The digraphs AE and OE are treated as the letter E. LONG E as in me, we, be: anemia, caecum, aether, chamaeleon, larvae, vertebrae, foetus, amoeba, phoenix. SHORT E as in met, wet, set: aesthetic, aestivate, aestuaryhaemorrhage, oesophagus, oestrogen. Note the AE ending in group names: dog family, Canidae, ("CAN-id-ee" not "caniday"), rose family, Rosaceae ("ro-SAY-see-ee"), cat subfamily, felinae ("fe-LINE-ee"), olive tribe, oleeae ("ol-EE-ee-ee"), etc. [AE and OE are often now written simply as E: anemia, fetus, amoeba, estrogen.] C or G preceding AE or OE is pronounced as though followed by E: Caesar = "seesar" caecum = "seekum" coelom = "seelom" algae = "aljee" CH is pronounced as K:chorus, echo, chrysanthemum. TH as in thorax, thymus, thuja ("THOO-ja") A final vowel is always voiced, as in flora, hero, Apollo. fungi = "FUNJ-eye," i as in alibi cocci = "COCKS-eye," i as in alibi ovale = "oh-VAY-lee," e as in Simile, Daphne, hyperbole, anemone, Aphrodite, Chloe 8 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 difficile = "dif-ISS-il-ee," (as in the bacterial species name Clostridium difficile, C. difficile -"see dif-ISS-il-ee"), e as in Daphne, hyperbole, anemone, Aphrodite, Chloe stapes = "STAY-peez" e as in Achilles, meninges, diabetes Some initial consonants are silent when followed by a consonant. pterosaur = "TER-o-saur" pseudopod = "SOO-do-pod" pneuma = "NEW-ma" gnathous = "NATH-ous" phthegma = "THEG-ma" chthamalus = "THAM-al-us" ctenoid = "TEN-oid" mnium = "NY-um" tmema = "MEE-ma" 2. Words of more than 2 syllables are stressed on the second to last syllable IFthe vowel of that syllable is followed by two or more consonants (making the vowel short). Maxilla = "mac-ZILL-a" Patella = "pa-TELL-a" Chlorella = "Klo-RELL-a" Lamella = "la-MELL-a" Medulla = "med-ULL-a" Laterallus = "lat-er-AL-us" (compare to lateralis, single l, below.) Tyrannus = tir-ANN-us" (compare to montanus, single n, below.) Narcissus = "nar-SIS-sus" Canadensis = "ca-na-DEN-sis" Macrophyllum = "mac-ro-FILL-um" The Canadian psychologist Bandura (as cited in Berk, 2009), emphasized “modeling otherwise known as imitation or observational learning a powerful source of development and learning. The children acquire many skills through modeling” (Berk, 2009, p.19). According to Schütz (2011), in the absence of a good model and without guidance, the learner will perceive, produce and internalize sounds of the target language based on the native language sounds.The researcher 9 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 felt that such modeling otherwise known as imitation can be used as one of the intervention strategies to improve the pronunciation of the intended research. According to Vygotsky as cited in Berk (2009), scaffolding- adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child’s current level of performance. When the child has little notion of how to proceed, the adults uses direct instruction, breaking the task down into manageable units, suggesting strategies, and offering rationales for using them (p. 266). Such technique of giving support when the responders have little notion on a problem can also be applied for improvement. According to Cruttenden (1997), the sounds of the language always being in process of change, there have always been at any time disparities between the speed sounds of the younger and older generation, the speech of the young is characterized by the old as slovenly and debased(7778). Data Sets 1 Correct spelling of the scientific terms/ dictation test. The class test were conducted in the beginning as well at the end via same intervention implied. 2 Likert scale(questionnaire). The same questionnaires were distributed for the baseline as well as post data. 3 Correctness of the pronunciation(pronunciation test). To check the correctness of the pronunciation the class test as part of assessment were conducted in the beginning and at the end. These are the areas focused to bring improvement of the research done. Methodology As the aims of the study the researcher has investigated the correct spelling and pronunciation of biological terms. Questionnaires (Likert scale), observation, class test on spelling and dictation served as tools and were implemented the mixed methods of research study. The researcher developed a series of questionnaires and class tests according to the data sets grounded to heighten and improve the pronunciation of biological terms. A brief description of 10 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012 Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms all questionnaires (Likert scale) and class tests scores have applied (refer Appendix:A, B, C, D, E & F). The investigator circulated the questionnaires and analyzed test scores to keep and enhance the pronunciation of biological terms. Baseline data collection tools The careful observations of the students on the pronunciation of biological terms while answering the questions. By letting to read those terms indicated their weakness in pronouncing the biological terms. For instance, many of them mispronounced the few biological terms like mitochondria, fungi, botany, zoology, iris, stapes, etc.(refer Appendix: C)Moreover, many of them are not so confident enough to pronounce those terms. Base on the observation, the researcher has developed set of questionnaire containing three items, distributed among the students and asked to tick mark base on their degree of agreement against each item. The researcher also conducted the class test on dictation and pronunciation of those selected biological terms from their text book (refer Appendix: A, B, C, D, E& F). In line with the above mentioned tools it brings into the collection of three data sets the areas that can bring improvement in pronouncing the biological terms. Baseline data Interpretation It was in 3rd and 4th week of teaching practice that collection of the baseline data from the class involving methods like class test on spelling and pronunciation, likert scale, notebook checking, etc. The analysis of the entire baseline data collected was done in the 5th week. 1. Likert scale Sl.No. Items SA A DA SDA 1. I can pronounce biological terms fluently 1 2 10 16 2. I can write biological terms correctly 1 2 10 16 3. I am confident in pronouncing biological terms 1 14 14 11 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Likert Scale 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 S t d s ' N o . 14 14 3 I am confident in pronouncing biological terms 16 10 16 0 1 1 SA 1 2 10 1 I can pronounce biological terms fluently 2 A DA 2 I can write biological terms correctly SDA Degree of Agreements After the identification of the action research class the questionnaire (Likert scale) were distributed as it’s shown in the above graph. It reveals that the students are not very confident in pronunciation and spelling of the biological terms. Base on the baseline data collected the researcher decided to focus on their confident in pronunciation and spelling of the biological terms. 2. Spelling test/ Dictation test Sl no. passed Failed pre-test marks 10.34 89.65 Pre-test marks P e r c e n t a g e 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 89.65 pre-test marks 10.34 passed failed 12 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 The first data was collected by dictation test. The researcherdictated 20 biological terms from the lesson taught and from lower classes as well. The above graph indicates that only 10.34% of students passed and rest (89.65%) failed which is the vast difference between the failed and the passed students. Therefore, the main focus was based on the baseline data collected to improve the spelling of the biological terms. 3. Pronunciation test Sl no. Passed Failed pre-test marks 48% 52% Pre-test marks P e r c e n t % 53% 52% 51% 50% 49% 48% 47% 46% 52% pre-test marks 48% passed failed The researcher conducted the spelling test of few biological terms from what they already have learnedand what they have been learning. The baseline data graph above indicates that the number of students who failed(52%) in the spelling test of the biological is bit higher than the passed(48%) students. For, the researcher made the students to pronounce the selected biological terms and make them pronounce those terms before the beginning of each lesson. Conclusion of baseline data analysis The baseline data collection and analysis reveals that the students are not very confident in pronouncing biological terms. They are also very poor in spelling of the biological terms. They also slightly lack the skills to pronounce the biologicalterms. On the evidence that the researcher’s focus were on these three problems to improve their pronunciation. 13 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Intervention strategies With surveillance on the pronunciation and spelling of the biological terms and upon investigating thepronunciation and spelling skillsof the biological terms. It was found very essential to apply different strategies that could be able to ensure effective student learning outcomesbasically in pronunciation of biological terms. Taking into the account of students’weaknesses the intervention strategies were applied to bring improvement in the pronunciation of certain biological terms base on cognitive levels. I applied the following interventions: Practice and modeling The researcher could found that the most of the students mispronounced the biological terms time and again. Intervenedthem to model and practice together base on the rules or conventions given in the literature.The Canadian psychologist Bandura as cited in Berk,(2009), emphasized “modeling otherwise known as imitation or observational learning a powerful source of development and learning. The children acquire many skills through modeling” (Berk, 2009, p.19). The researcher felt that such modeling otherwise known as imitation can be used as one of the intervention strategies to improve the pronunciation of the intended research. Scaffolding. According to Vygotsky as cited in Berk (2009), scaffolding- adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child’s current level of performance. When the child has little notion of how to proceed, the adults uses direct instruction, breaking the task down into manageable units, suggesting strategies, and offering rationales for using them (p. 266). Such technique of giving support when the responders have little notion on a problem can also be applied for improvement. The researcher had used this intervention whenever the students faced problem in pronunciation. Base on the rules and convictions the researcher applied the technique of scaffolding to pronounce the biological terms. 3. Readingaloudto the class whenever they mispronounce the terms. The researcher pronounced the biological terms aloud whenever they mispronounced. The students were also made to pronounce aloud to the whole class. The mistakes were corrected by the teacher and scalfolded. 4. Letting the students to read out the selected scientific with the article provided. 14 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Post intervention data The post- data was gathered during the last week of May by administering the same tools used in collecting pre-data. The survey questionnaires were circulated to the class and the response was indeed good (refer Appendix: A & B). The class test on pronunciation and spelling of the biological terms were also conducted at the end to check whether my intervention strategies were appropriate to improve their pronunciation of the biological terms(refer Appendix: C & D). There had been huge improvement in all of the three areas identified in the beginning. The predata are used as a comparative benchmark for the data collected during and after my intervention (refer Fig. 1, 2, 3 & 4). Graphical representation and Analysis of Data(Pre and Post) All the data collected have been converted into the percentage for convenience. The data analysis were also done base on the comparative studies of baseline and post intervention data as shown in the following table: Questionnaire/ Likert scale analysis Likert Scale 14 50 S t 40 d 30 s ' 20 N 10 o 0 . 14 16 10 0 1 1 SA 1 2 2 16 3 I am confident in pronouncing biological terms 2 I can write biological terms correctly 10 A DA Degree of Agreements 1 I can pronounce biological terms fluently SDA Fig. 1 15 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Graphical representation of post intervention data Likert Scale 50 10 S t 40 d 30 s 20 N o 10 . 0 15 8 21 9 5 4 4 SA 11 A DA 0 SDA 3 I am confident in pronouncing biological terms 2 I can write biological terms correctly 1 I can pronounce biological terms fluently Fig.2 The above two graphs are the two data for questionnaire/ likert scale. The baseline data reveals that the degrees of agreements of the students in beginning are quite negative and low in each item of the questionnaire indicating that they are not very confident in the pronunciation and the spelling of the biological terms. However, with the intervention strategies like scaffolding, practicing together and modeling by the researcher could enhance their pronunciation and spelling, and confident in pronouncing the biological terms indicated by the Figure 2.The Canadian psychologist Bandura (as cited in Berk, 2009), emphasized “modeling otherwise known as imitation or observational learning a powerful source of development and learning. The children acquire many skills through modeling” (Berk, 2009, p.19). It is the indication that the intervention strategies are tools to improve the pronunciation of the biological terms. 16 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Spelling/Dictation test 120 100 100 89.65 80 pre-test marks 60 post-test marks 40 20 10.34 0 0 passed failed Fig.3 This figure is the comparison of the baseline and post intervention data collected by the dictation test of the biological terms (refer Appendix: C & D). The graph tells us that in the beginning only 10.34% of the students could make it through and rest could not which is an indication that the most of the students are very poor in spelling of the biological terms. Yet the post intervention data indicates that the there is a huge differences between the post and pre data where all the students could make it through (100%). The interventions like scaffoldings, practice, modeling, and so on base on the literature are helpful to bring improvement in their pronunciation. According to Schütz (2011), in the absence of a good model and without guidance, the learner will perceive, produce and internalize sounds of the target language based on the native language sounds. Therefore, it’s very vital to model and cater guidance for the students. 17 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Spelling test percentage Pronunciation Test 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 86% 48% 52% pre-test marks post-test marks 14% passed failed Fig.4 The graph is the comparison between baseline data and post intervention data collected on spelling test of the biological terms(refer Appendix: E & F). Due to them being new to the biology subject as new discipline in class IX seemed they are poor in the pronunciation of the biological and even scientific terms. In the beginning they had so many problems in pronouncing biological terms like mitochondria, chloroplast, fungi, zoology, botany, stapes and many more(Refer Appendix: G).According to Vygotsky as cited in Berk (2009), scaffolding- adjusting the support offered during a teaching session to fit the child’s current level of performance. When the child has little notion of how to proceed, the adults uses direct instruction, breaking the task down into manageable units, suggesting strategies, and offering rationales for using them. By scaffolding students when their ideas and knowledge over certain information, the support and guidance would be the best way to enhance their ideas, knowledge, etc. Hudson and Seedsman ( 2010 ), say "i" like "ay", not "eye" as in fungi and "Ch" is usually said like a "k", not a ch, as in Pachycereus—"pa-kee-seer-ee-us" and mitochondria-“ my-to-kon-dri-ya”. Discussions From the comparative data analysis we can say that in the beginning the students were not very fluent in pronunciation and spelling of the biological terms.Basically, the students were not very confident to pronounce the biological terms. Their spelling and pronunciation of the biological 18 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 terms too were somehow not to the standard. However, the intervention strategies implied have been valid as it could bring certain improvement. However, according to Schütz (2011), in the absence of a good model and without guidance, the learner will perceive, produce and internalize sounds of the target language based on the native language sounds. Yet the scaffolding, modeling and practice, reading aloud base on the certain rules and convictions would describe the way for improvement. There have been a noticeable improvement in terms of their confident, speeling and pronunciation of the biological terms scientific terms as well. None of the students were hesitant in pronuncing the biological terms. There are also indiction that the spelling and pronunciation of the biological terms had been improved drastically. For, the intervention strategies from literature review are valid. The questionnaire/ likert scale used indicates that the degree of agreements of the students in each item in the post intervention are very positive (refer Appendix: B).The pronunciation of the biological terms in post intervention too indicates improvementup to 90%. Moreover spelling test of the post intervention data indicates the improvement is 100% (refer Appendix: D). Therefore, the intervention strategies implied proved to be valid to improve the pronunciation of the biological terms and spelling of the biological terms. Conclusion The researcher has been successful towards its intended and desired goals. The researcher is optimistic that his action research could be helpful and applicable. This action research concealed the researcher to understand students’ problems and needs in pronunciation and spelling of the biological terms.It also highlights importance of teachers’ role to bring improvement and to fortify the teaching learning process especially in the pronunciation of the biological terms. As indicated and analyzed, the baseline data and post intervention data, there have been greater differences and improvement between pre and post data. The basic evidence for the improvement could be the intervention strategies implied base on the literature review. The modeling and imitation, scaffoldings and practice, reading aloud to the class whenever they mispronounce the 19 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 biological terms. The improvement and the positive curve of the graphs indicate that the intervention strategies are can be applied and implied, and appropriate. The sounds of the language always being in process of change, there have always been at any time disparities between the speed sounds of the younger and older generation, the speech of the young is characterized by the old as slovenly and debased Cruttenden (1997). Therefore, 100% results were never ensured because of the dynamic process of the language in various nations. Yet the more than 90% improvements are ensured. Limitation The researcher couldn’t cater the needs and help to every individuals during the implementation of the intervention strategies and it might have let the learner’s feel that they have been ignored. The data collections were not easy as the researcher has to be dual role player: teaching and facilitating. Implementation of the intervention strategies were also difficult due to time constrains. The researcher too faced challenges for the pronunciation as he is from science background. Recommendation The current research was undertaken in a classroom during teaching learning as a facilitator of learning, not as an authoritative source. Such way of teaching learning interaction could set the conducive and free atmosphere in the classroom for interaction. This could be helpful to the students’ confident level in classroom. The intervention strategies like practice, modeling, scaffoldings, imitating and reading aloud to their mispronounced terms are effective in improving the pronunciation of the biological terms. The researcher suggests the students, subject teachers, biologists, school administration and science organization as whole to administer and implement the intervention strategies for further improvement of the pronunciation of the biological terms. However, there may be other strategies as well yet the researcher too suggests as in this particular intervention strategies. 20 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Acknowledgement The researcher is very indebted to the following individuals for their directions, guidance, assistance and contribution in the development of his action research: Mr. Tashi Gyeltshen and Mr. Kinley, Module tutor, Samtse College of Education, for enrichment, support and guidance. Mrs. NamgayPem(Principal), Mrs. NamgayLhaden and Ms. JigmeEuden of Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School for their acceptance and guidance. Class IX H students of Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School for their cooperation. The gratitude for them is beyond the horizons. References Berk, L.E.(2009).CHILD DEVELOPMENT (8th ed.). New Jersey, USA: Pearson Prentice Hall. Covington,M.A.( March 31, 2010).Latin Pronunciation Demystified.Georgia:University of Georgia Cruttenden, A.(1997). Gimson’s Pronunciation of English(5thed.). New York: St Martin’s Press. Else, G.F. 1967.The Pronunciation of Classical Names and Words in English.The Classical Journal, 62:210-214.Retrieved 25th October 2010 from Hudson, J. L. &Seedsman(2010).How to Pronounce Botanical Names.La Honda: California, USA. Kayi, H.(2006).Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language. Nevada,USA: University of Nevada Retrieved 25th October 2010 from Kelly, H.A.(1986). Pronouncing Latin Words in English.Classical World, 80:33-37. Retrieved 25thOctober 2010 from The Oxford English Reference Dictionary. The Best in Single Volume Reference (2005). Walton Street, Oxford: Oxford University Press 21 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Appendix Baseline data Sl.No. Items SA A DA SDA 1. I can pronounce biological terms fluently 1 2 10 16 2. I can write biological terms correctly 1 2 10 16 3. I am confident in pronouncing biological 1 14 14 terms Appendix: A Post intervention data Sl.No. Items SA A DA SDA 1. I can pronounce biological terms fluently 4 21 4 0 2. I can write biological terms correctly 9 15 5 0 3. I am confident in pronouncing biological 8 10 11 0 terms Appendix: B Baseline data (Dictation of biological terms) Roll Names Marks (class test (20%)) 1 BidanRai 0 2 Chandra Maya Galley 0 3 Chencho Dorji 1 4 Dechen Om 1 5 DechenPelden 5 6 DechenPeldon 2 7 DhanBdr 1 8 Dilli Ram Saru 1 No. 22 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 9 Jigme 3 10 KhanduWangmo 2 11 KingaGyeltshen 1 12 Kinzang Dorji 2 13 LoteyJamtsho 4 14 NamgayZam 1 15 Pem Dorji 1 16 PemaLhaden 1 17 PemaLhamo 12 18 Samita 0 19 SherubGyeltshen 1 20 Singye Dorji 8 21 Sonam 0 22 SonamChoeki 13 23 SonamDhendup 2 24 SonamZangmo 2 25 Sunil 1 26 Thinley Wangdi 2 27 Tshering ChodenNamgyel 3 28 Tshering Lhamo 3 29 YuvrajTamang 2 Appendix: C Total students: 29 Passed students: 3(10. 34 %) Failed students: 26(89.65%) 23 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012 Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 2012 Post- intervention data (Dictation of biological terms) Roll Names Marks (class test (20%)) 1 BidanRai 15 2 Chandra Maya Galley 16 3 Chencho Dorji 11 4 Dechen Om 15 5 DechenPelden 12 6 DechenPeldon 12 7 DhanBdr 9 8 Dilli Ram Saru 16 9 Jigme 10 10 KhanduWangmo 13 11 KingaGyeltshen 16 12 Kinzang Dorji 12 13 LoteyJamtsho 17 14 NamgayZam 11 15 Pem Dorji 15 16 PemaLhaden 8 17 PemaLhamo 20 18 Samita 11 19 SherubGyeltshen 11 20 Singye Dorji 16 21 Sonam 11 22 SonamChoeki 20 23 SonamDhendup 15 24 SonamZangmo 14 25 Sunil 15 26 Thinley Wangdi 13 No. 24 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 27 Tshering ChodenNamgyel 16 28 Tshering Lhamo 18 29 YuvrajTamang 19 Appendix: D Total students: 29 Passed students: 29(100%) Failed students: 0(0%) Pronunciation Pre-test Roll Names No. Scores (20%) 1 BidanRai 2 Chandra Maya Galley 3 ChenchoDorji 4 Dechen Om 5 DechenPelden 6 DechenPeldon 7 DhanBdr 8 Dilli Ram Saru 9 Jigme 10 KhanduWangmo 11 KingaGyeltshen 12 KinzangDorji 13 LoteyJamtsho 14 NamgayZam 15 PemDorji 16 Pema Lhaden 17 Pema Lhamo 18 Samita 25 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012 Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 19 SherubGyeltshen 20 SingyeDorji 21 Sonam 22 SonamChoeki 23 SonamDhendup 24 SonamZangmo 25 Sunil 26 Thinley Wangdi 27 Tshering ChodenNamgyel 28 Tshering Lhamo 29 YuvrajTamang Appendix: E Total students: 29 Passed students: 14(48%) Failed students: 15(52%) Pronunciation post-test Roll Names No. Scores (20%) 1 BidanRai 2 Chandra Maya Galley 3 ChenchoDorji 4 Dechen Om 5 DechenPelden 6 DechenPeldon 7 DhanBdr 8 Dilli Ram Saru 9 Jigme 10 KhanduWangmo 26 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012 Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 11 KingaGyeltshen 12 KinzangDorji 13 LoteyJamtsho 14 NamgayZam 15 PemDorji 16 Pema Lhaden 17 Pema Lhamo 18 Samita 19 SherubGyeltshen 20 SingyeDorji 21 Sonam 22 SonamChoeki 23 SonamDhendup 24 SonamZangmo 25 Sunil 26 Thinley Wangdi 27 Tshering ChodenNamgyel 28 Tshering Lhamo 29 YuvrajTamang Appendix: F Total students: 29 Passed students: 25 (86%) Failed students: 4 (14%) Biological terminologies for pronunciation test 1. Mitochondria 2. Fungi 3. Botany 27 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012 Action Research on Pronunciation of Biological Terms 4. Zoology 5. Iris 6. Chlorophyll 7. Cocci 8. Chloroplast 9. Androecium 10. Gynoecium 11. Pneumonia 12. Stapes 13. Carpel Appendix: G 28 Jamyang Dorji IVSAA| Samtse College of Education 2012