Recorder Report Council # 4588 September 3, 2015 meeting

Recorder Report
Council # 4588
September 3, 2015 meeting minutes
Location: St. Michael
Present: 28
Meeting call to order 7:43 PM by WGK Roberts. Opening Prayer: Led by GK Roberts. Pledge of Allegiance led by GK Roberts.
Roll Call of Officers:
Chaplain Fr. Alfred Amos (Excused)
Fin. Sec. Hank Jean (Excused)
Inside Guard Robert Kohlemann
Grand Knight John Roberts (Present)
Treasurer Tim Logsdon (Present)
Outside Guard Louis Dentici (Present)
Deputy Grand Knight Luke Logsdon
Lecturer Michael Taranowski
3yr Trustee Chuck Bellavia (Present)
Chancellor Tim Mello (Present)
Advocate Vincente Correa
2yr Trustee Dennis Lundbom (Present)
Recorder John Gutierrez (Present)
Warden David Swift (Excused)
1yr Trustee Joe Revolinsky (Present)
The minutes of June, July and August, 2015 meeting were not posted electronically. They will be posted this month.
Admission Report (Br. Shirley): 1) Two new Knights are present tonight: Howard Hancock, a new transfer in, and Joe Garay,
a new 1st Degree Knight. 2) All new candidates have been approved. We need to set a date for a first degree. Proposed date is
September 13, for which we have Logsdon Hall. We will aim to hold it then. We could also use the chapel in the convent. WGK
will inform Br. Shirley if it’s a go by tomorrow, and where, so he can inform new candidates.
Grand Knight Report (WGK Roberts): 1) Men’s Club pancake breakfast at St. Charles went well. Several knights attended and
assisted. 2) Past Grand Knights Dinner also went well. Good food. Well attended. 3) Clergy Pot Luck Dinner Friday
September 11th. 4) Ministry Tour Sunday September 13 morning masses. Will serve hot dogs, popcorn and snow cones from
10am – 12 pm. WGK will send an email blast to membership to request help after masses. 5) Bishops Meet and Greet
Saturday, September 18, for the Capital Campaign in Adams Hall. The Bishop called this event to help the parish be successful
in reaching its goal for the campaign. We’re about 2/3rds there so far. 6) Science Camp Pancake Breakfast Sunday September
20th. 7) Membership Blitz at St. Charles targeted for October 3-4 weekend. 8) Tootsie Roll Drive Sat-Sun September 17-18. Br.
Correa leading. He requests volunteers.
Chaplain Report (Fr. Amos): Not present. No report. PGK Revolinsky requests donations to pay for Fr. Alfred’s car be made to
the council.
Deputy Grand Knight Report (SK Logsdon): 1) $16,796 total in outstanding dues. 138 members in poor standing. DGK
requests 10-15 men to form a retention team to reunify current membership to good standing. Plan to meet at Logsdon Hall
every Tuesday.
Chancellor’s Report (Br. Tim Mello): 1) He has sympathy cards to be signed for future use. 2) Reports list of sympathy cards
sent last month.
Program Director Report (SK Ricardo Garcia): 1) Few members come to the meetings, and few contribute work to our events,
making it hard for the same people in the Council to pull off its events. He calls on members to use the opportunity that our
events provide to serve God as Jesus calls us to. We need more members to participate and work like Brothers, in Charity, to
help each other and those we serve with our donations and work. Br. Garcia will send an email making the request for more
brothers to participate.
Treasurer’s Report (SK Logsdon): 1) End of August balances:
Checking balance $2325.
Legacy fund
KHK savings
$27727. Last month was 27,726
$4504. Last month $4503
$34,555. Last month was $37,232.
Month change was -$2677.
Slides presented with more information.
Recorder Report (SK John Gutierrez): 1) Read email communication from Birthright of Livermore inviting members to the
2015 Birthright State Conference on October 17, 2015.
Financial Secretary Report (SK Jean): 1) Membership status is unchanged. 2) Receipts, August: $2147.88. Expenses, August:
$2848.38. He has Trustees' reports and expense reports, year-to-date. 3) Expenses for the Past Grand Knights dinner were
expected but not received. Pass the hat. 4) Alameda County Fair Volunteers earned the Councial $675.50. The annual plan is
to earn $1000. 5) Copy of the approved budget is on the council website.
Advocate Report (SK Correa): No report.
Legacy Committee Report (PGKs Silvey and Lucchesi): No report.
Membership Director Report (Br. Shirley): 1) Membership Blitz at St. Charles targeted for October 3-4 weekend.
Church Director Report (Br. Chukwu): 1) Rosary on Thursdays in October at 7 pm. He suggests we share the rosary between
St. Michael and St. Charles, to encourage belonging from brothers at St. Charles.
Pro-Life Director Report (SK Nick Libby): 1) Br. Libby not present. Br. Andrew Porter reports that the Assisted Suicide bill
passed out of committee in Sacramento on a 10-3 vote. There is yet hope the bill may be defeated on the Assembly floor.
Community Director Report (SK Correa): 1) Tootsie Roll Drive Sat-Sun October 17-18. Br. Correa leading. He requests
volunteers. Will do it one weekend. 2) He’s been assisting with management of the Council website, posting meeting agendas.
Also developing a new layout that will work also on smartphones. Requests help from any tech-savvy members to assist in
updating to a new website.
Council Director Report (Position open): 1) PGK Lundbom speaks regarding perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. September 1920 sign-ups at Church to provide enough 1—hour adorers for perpetual adoration to begin. Goal is to have adoration 6 days,
24 hours by mid-October. Electronic scheduling will be set up to give email reminders automatically based on schedule.
Vatican exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles will be October 10-11 at Adams Hall. Half of Core team members of Eucharistic
Adoration Ministry are Knights, including Dennis Lundbom, Dick Epp. Bishop Barber and Fr. Van are big advocates of
adoration. 2) Wine & Food Extravaganza November 14th 6-9pm in Adams Hall.
Lecturer Report (Br. Taranowski): 1) He expects to have a guest lecturer in November.
Family Director Report (reported by WGK): 1) No report.
Youth Director Report (position open): 1) No report.
Squires – Counselor’s Report (Br. Contarciego): 1) Not present. No report.
Communications Director Report (Br. Harding): 1) Not present. No report.
Trustees Report (SK Bellavia): 1) All bills reviewed and all are in order to pay. SK Mello moved and SK Luke Logsdon
seconded to approve bills; approved unanimously.
Old business: 1)None.
New business: 1) The checking account balance is lower than it has been in a long time. Motion by PGK Revolinsky to transfer
$7000 from Legacy Fund to checking account for general operating funds. This transfer includes the $5000 that was
previously approved by the Legacy Committee to cover flooring costs taken from general funds. This motion includes
consideration of general operating expenses and funds that will be needed for Crab Feed expenses.Motion seconded by DGK
Luke Logsdon. This must be published for 30 days, considered and approved by the Legacy Committee, and voted on at a
later meeting, so motion is tabled for now. The target is to vote on it at the next business meeting in October.
4th Degree Report (PGK Brugman) : 1) No report.
Field Agent Report (SK Jeff Carvalho): 1) Requests help of WGK Roberts to encourage new Knights to meet with him
regarding insurance information. Br. Carvalho has contacted them directly but has had no response. 2) Markets are crazy
right now. It can take years to make up for losses in the market that happen in a few days or weeks. Knights have a program
that guarantees a certain interest rate and no loss of principal. Talk to Br. Jeff about a safe place to keep your money if you
can’t afford to lose it. The Knights insurance is the most ethical company in the world and has stellar financial ratings and
outstanding strength, soon to be over a billion dollars strong. Br. Jeff will advise you in the best way financially for you and
your family. He will keep your interests at heart, whether that be staying with your current investment and insurance plans,
or adding the Knights insurance to your plan. He will never force you to do anything; he does not do a hard sell. He will treat
you and your family with respect and concern. Fr. McGivney encouraged all Knights to be an insured member. He asks you to
pray over it. You have his number and his email.
District Deputy / Chapter Report (PDD Bellavia): 1) Blue Mass on Friday, October 9th at 10 am to be presided by Bishop
Barber. We’d like to send 20 Knights to this Mass. It honors police, sheriffs and firefighters who have died.
Prayers for the Sick: List of those to pray for:
Good of the Order: 1) Knight of the Month is Manny Figueiredo because he stepped up to help Bess Jost pick her oranges
when Br. Roberts sent out an email blast with this request. 2) Family of the Month is Don and Carolyn Perry for their hard
work at the Men’s Club pancake breakfast at St. Charles.
Closing Prayer: Led by Fr. Amos.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:04 PM.
Recorded by SK Andrew Porter, covering for SK John Gutierrez. Respectfully submitted by SK John Gutierrez (edited).