1. Education Trained to fight 7, 14, 21 ages 7 – when he leaves home 14 – he works with a knight and reaches the rank of squire, he practices fighting 21 – he becomes a knight They learn the code of chivalry (morals, values, know how to correctly cut a knights meat) Not just fighting - a school as well 2. Weapons and Equipment Horse Saddle Stirrups Caltrops Crossbow Shield 3. War Games Tournaments – mock (fake) battles which could be bloody and fierce Knights in Feudal Society 4. Code of Chivalry Loyalty to the 3 - Earthly feudal lord - His heavenly lord - His chosen lady They should be loyal, brave, honest, courageous, and noble They were to help the weak and the poor as part of the code 5. Castle Life They receive money and land for their military service They spent at least 40 days of combat service a year Life was violent as there was constant fighting Massive stone castles replaced those made out of wood They were used as a fortress 6. Romantic Love Epic poems about love and heroic deeds Love songs Troubadours sing about romance Glorify romance Gave a fake image of the knights and the women