The Medieval Knight Type in the following web address: Read the following thinkquest and complete the activities below: Introduction List 2 types of fighting men during the Middle Ages? Becoming A Knight Identify the 2 ways in which a person could become a knight: List the stages in becoming a knight. Describe activities a person could expect to do during each stage Stage Chivalry Give examples (@ least 2) of chivalry, Knights were expected to live by In your opinion did Knights treat everyone with chivalry? Explain. Armor & Weapons What is chain mail? Draw 2 weapons (and label) that Knights would use during fighting? Activities Design Your Coat of Arms Type the following websites: This site will give you information to answer the questions Questions: Why were coats of arms used during the Middle Ages? Who used coats of arms first? Identify 2 objects coats of arms were placed on? You will be responsible for creating a coat of arms. Use the above website to gain background information on what should be included in a coat of arms. Follow steps 1-6 from the website. To print a copy of the shield put your name and use my school email: The Tudors-Joust Activity Type in the address below, complete the activity on knights jousting