College Prep Senior English – Spr. 2015 Course Requirements Mr. Liguori Welcome to Senior English! We know this is a required course. We know some of you would rather be elsewhere—like playing video games, taking long walks on the beach, or cleaning the bathroom. And we know that some of you may not find writing to be particularly enjoyable. We hope by the end of the course some of that might change. We believe: Writing is an essential skill for life—regardless of career choice. Everyone, regardless of skill set, can improve his or her writing. Good writers write frequently and read good writing. During this course, you will be expected to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read and analyze rhetorical techniques used in effective writing, written by others. Write frequently, modeling the skills and techniques represented in effective writing in various modes. Revise initial drafts effectively using both mechanical and stylistic techniques learned and practiced in class. Analyze and critique the writing of your classmates in a manner that will assist them in effective revision. Conduct research to analyze and effectively use source support in your writing where appropriate. Required Texts: Gladwell—Outliers O’Connor – Words Fail Me (selections) Choice Texts: 1. Choice of ONE teacher-approved personal narrative. Below are some suggested titles, most of which are available through the school library or English department: Angelou—I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Bryson—A Walk in the Woods Feiler—Learning to Bow Kerouac—On the Road McCourt—Angela’s Ashes O’Brien—The Things They Carried Sasson—Princess Santiago—When I Was Puerto Rican Weisel—Night Trilogy Yousafzai and Lamb—I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban *Parents/Guardians: Should you be concerned about book choices that contain mature language and/or content, we encourage you to take part in the selection process for your student. Reference Text: Wilson - Soulpancake Course Outline: I. Course Introduction A. Assessments i. Pre-Assessments: Grammar Pretest, Inside/Outside Personal Essays ii. Unit Assessment: “This I Believe” Essay, in-class exercises B. Readings from Words Fail Me C. Readings: Sample writings from D. Freewriting: philosophy and practice related to “This I Believe” E. Terms: point of view, style, voice, tone, audience, metaphor, anecdote II. Unit I: Argument A. Assessments: Commercial/ad analysis, Times editorial analysis, Outliers activities and quizzes, “Impromptu” argument speech, Written introduction, Written conclusion, Pro/Con Outlines, Persuasive Song Critique, Rough/final argument essay B. Readings: Outliers, Non-fiction argument articles C. Freewriting: Provocative quotations and “issue” questions D. Terms: claim, support, warrant, reservation/counterargument, rebuttal, ethos, pathos, logos, logical fallacies III. Unit II: Narrative A. Assessments: Soulpancake description activity, Random draw fiction writing, Goodreads book review on outside reading selection, Revised Narrative activities (sequencing, perspective, showing vs. telling, revising clichés, etc.), Possible Field trip/guest speaker writing, Rough/Final narrative essay B. Readings: Self-Selected Personal Narrative, other short narrative pieces at teacher discretion C. Freewriting: mining personal experiences, experimenting with perspective and plot sequencing D. Terms: simile, metaphor, personification, cliché, imagery, pacing, dialogue, hyperbole IV. Final Exam Grade: Final “This I Believe” Submission, Senior English Exam Attendance Policy As the study of English requires YOU to engage as a writer, reader, speaker, and LISTENER, it is therefore imperative that you are in class ON TIME every day. Please refer to your student handbook for the district’s policy on attendance. Late Work Policy Unless specifically stated by your teacher, homework assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Typed assignments are expected to be printed BEFORE you arrive in class (as there are no longer classroom printers); if this presents a particular problem for you, please discuss this with your teacher prior to the due date. A failed printer is NOT an acceptable excuse for late work. In addition, files via email will NOT be accepted in place of hard, printed copies unless specified. A 15% deduction will be taken for each class day, up to three days, the assignment is late. After three days, the assignment will earn a zero. Make-Up Work Policy If you know in advance you will be missing class, it is your responsibility to obtain assignments prior to your absence. No extensions will be given for such instances. If you have an unexpected and EXCUSED absence (as shown by an attendance pass), you should get your missed assignments upon your return. The time you have to complete those assignments will be equal to the number of consecutive days you have missed. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Plagiarism Policy Plagiarism is the most severe of academic offenses. In accordance with school policy, any assignment containing deliberately plagiarized material will NOT be passing and will be subject to disciplinary action. Plagiarism is defined more clearly in the student handbook. Students will be required to submit major assignments to, an antiplagiarism database, in addition to submitting the hard copy. Assignments submitted late to will receive the same late penalty as any late assignment (-15% per day). Manuscript Notes All final, and some preliminary as specified, drafts of major papers should be typed and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins. School policy allows for this requirement, and this is an accurate representation of what you can expect in a college setting. Unless an exception is stated, use of standard written English is expected in spelling, grammar, and diction. Care of Texts All texts provided in this classroom are the property of Hatboro-Horsham School District or your teacher. As such, books are expected to be returned in the condition in which they were distributed. Damaged books may result in being charged the full cost of a replacement text. Please DO NOT take books without first signing them out; this is the equivalent of stealing. Materials Needed Required: A USB thumb drive or other portable storage device A Writer’s Notebook: This can be a spiral notebook or marble composition book (COLLEGE-RULED). The Writer’s Notebook is an integral part of the course, and you will be required to turn it in periodically. Therefore, please do not use a section of a notebook with notes from another class. Appropriate writing implements (assignments done in neon or other eye-straining colors will not be accepted; please use blue or black ink) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ DETACH HERE Dear Parent, We are eager to begin the learning experience with your student—we believe we will have a rewarding year! We have made it our goal to help our students to strengthen their writing skills, and we will continue to prepare students for their years post-high school. We appreciate your taking the time to review all pages of this document with your student in order to better support our endeavors this semester. Please sign this form and have your student sign and return it to his/her teacher by FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015. This will serve to confirm that you have both read the course of study and are familiar with the information provided, including policies and guidelines. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher using the email address listed at the beginning of this document. Thank you! Student’s Name (printed)_____________________________________ Class Period: __________ Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date: ________________ Student Email address (legibly) ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (s) (printed)___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________Date: _________________ Parent/Guardian Email address (legibly)________________________________________________ My student has home computer and Internet access available for research, homework assignments, and updated PowerSchool grades. ____ Yes ____ No (Access is available at the school for all students)