2015/2016 Season Membership Application The Ohio State Alumni Club of Central Florida is a self-supporting group of Ohio State Alumni and Supporters who strive to promote The Ohio State University through a wide range of activities. The Club is affiliated with The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc. Membership in the Club does not include membership in the Alumni Association nor does membership in the Alumni Association include membership in the Club. Attendance at Ohio State is not required to join the Club. Please Print and complete form: Name: __________________________________, __________________________ Spouse: __________________________ Last First (Family Membership) Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code Email: _________________________________________________ Contact Phone: ___________________________________ E-mail needed to get club email Occupation (optional): ____________________________________ Are you an Ohio State University Alumnus? YES Work Phone: _____________________________________ NO If YES, what years did you attend OSU? _____________________________ Degree: _________________________________ Are you a member of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, Inc.? If yes enter#________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The success of our club is based on the participation of its members. If you would like to be more involved in our club, please circle the following area(s) you would be interested in: Sell 50/50 Tickets Activities Spirit & Recognition Fund Raising & Gifts Take Pictures for Website Working Welcome Table on Game Day Make Buckeye Candy for Game Day Date: ___/___/___ Donation to Scholarship Fund: Scholarship $_________ Dues (Individual $15.00, Family $25.00) remitted with application: $_________ CASH CHECK#___________ $__________ Make checks payable to: Ohio State Alumni Club of Central Florida Mail check and form to: Ohio State Alumni Club of Central Florida C/o Treasurer & Membership Chairperson P.O. Box 941707 Maitland, Fl. 32794-1707 Please visit our website: www.centralfloridabuckeyes.com When using Paypal add $1.00 Revised: 05/23/2015