Syllabus for: EDUC 4381 sec. 500 Teaching Indigenous Students (2 credits) Online January 19 – December 7, 2010. Class meeting room & time: Instructor: Priscilla Fairbanks, PhD Office Location: EduE 120 Office hours and Office phone number: Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am -11:30am ; Office phone: 218726-8413 e-mail: Class alias: Instructor Website: Course Description: Please read carefully. This course is an online course using the UMD course management system Moodle. Survey of contemporary American Indian* education; evaluation of one's attitudes toward Native American Students; thoughtful reflection about interaction with American Indian parents and students; development of culturally sensitive teaching plans regarding Indigenous Americans. * The terms American Indian, Native American, First Nations and Indigenous Americans are all used interchangeably to describe the people who are members of a tribal nation or descendents of those aboriginal people of the Americas. Course Overview: This course is designed to help students: develop a repertoire of basic teaching models, strategies and skills in their context of diverse learning environments; understand the emotional and intellectual complexities of teaching , both inside and outside the classroom; develop an awareness and appreciation of the knowledge base which supports current practices in teaching, observation and reflection of teaching. This course also introduces students to issues related to diverse students with an emphasis on American Indian education and American Indian Curriculum Frameworks developed by the American Indian Education Committee, Minnesota Dept. of Education. As such, students will understand and be able to apply the concepts and processes of American Indian history, language and culture to their classrooms. Required Texts / Readings: Cleary, L. & Peacock, T. (1998) Collected Wisdom: American Indian Education. Needham Heights, MN: Allyn and Bacon. LaFlesche, F. (1978) The Middle Five: Schoolboys of the Omaha Tribe. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press Also, two journal articles will be provided as required reading. INTASC Standards/MN Standards of Effective Practice Conceptual Framework Themes Standard 1: Subject Matter Standard 2: Student Learning Standard 3: Diverse Learners Standard 4: Instructional Strategies Social Justice (S) Standard 5: Learning Environment Reflection (R) Standard 6: Communication Empowerment (E) Standard 7: Planning Instruction Collaboration (C) Standard 8: Assessment Technology (T) Standard 9: Reflection and Professional Development Standard 10: Collaboration, Ethics, and Relationships Conceptual Framework: Learner-Sensitive Teacher Course Outcomes: Outcome INTASC 1. Compare and contrast differing points of view regarding American Indian education issues and synthesize information presented. 4.10, 4.12,3.35 2. Describe examples of the experience connected with the course which heightened sensitivity toward, and action regarding American Indians. 3.14, SEP Themes 4D 1C 4D S, R, E, C 3. Understand barriers, both societal and personal, which can limit people in their attempts to meet their needs and achieve their potential and make suggestions for elimination of barriers. 6.32 4. Group projects to enhance the knowledge of the American Indian culture. 1.33,1.35, 10 S, C, E,T 5. Understand your own cultural heritage and position as a teacher in relationship to American Indian students. 9.12 2.32 9B 2F R, 6. Understand the relationship of Alcohol on the unborn fetus 8.35,7.34 10 E S Dispositions: 1C S, R, T 4D S, R, E, C 1. Knowledgeable, authentic, creative, cooperative, compassionate, open minded, inclusive, problem solver, reflective, respectful, sensitive, sense of humor, responsible, organized, and lifelong learner. Instructional Strategies: 1. Online course management through moodle, online postings, individual lesson plan development, videos, and websites. Diversity: 1. Text, readings, online discussions, Native cultural activities. Course Requirements/Expectations: Timely participation/posting/uploading on moodle is required. Late participation will earn point reductions and may result in a lower grade. Academic Honesty. It is the University policy that misrepresenting the written work of others as one's own (plagiarism) may be punished by failure of this course and may result in dismissal from a department or program and/or expulsion from the University. Assessment: Tentative 1. Chapter Reflections (CR): Students will reflect on assigned readings. Reflections will capture the student’s thoughts about the readings. Reflections may include: Jump start questions, surprises and insights. (less than 1 page). 8 (CR) @ 25 points each. Please upload to moodle on due date (see schedule). Late reflections will automatically lose 15 of 25 possible points. 2. “Getting to Know You” activities . Complete “Getting to Know You” activity and brainstorm benefits of using the activity. Suggest additions/deletions/revisions to the activity based on your particular grade level and/or discipline. Post to moodle. 25 points 3. Curriculum Review: American Indian K-12 Curriculum Frameworks. Can be found at: On the right side of the webpage, under “Academic Excellence”, select “Indian Education”. Then, select “K-12 Curriculum Frameworks.” Navigate around the website of “K-12 Curriculum Frameworks.” Review website. Select a curriculum resource of interest to you. Write a review of the K-12 Curriculum Frameworks and suggest ways in which you might utilize the resources available on the website. Post to moodle. 50 points 4. Boarding School Photo Gallery: Go to Or, you may google “American Indian boarding school photos.” Print one picture you find interesting. Post your thoughts of the photo on moodle. 25 points 5. PBS Boarding School Movie “In the White Man’s Image”: 1 page reflection of video. Upload reflection to moodle. 25 points 6. Boarding School “survivor” interview reflection. Visit the website, view the Andrew Windyboy Interview and the movie trailer on American Indian Boarding Schools. Write a reflection of the interview and the movie trailer. Upload to moodle. 25 points 7. Journal Article. Locate a journal article on any issue related to American Indian Education. Write a reflection less than 1 page. 25 points 8. Individual lesson plan. Use the UBD lesson plan format if you are familiar with UBD, otherwise use a lesson plan format of your choice. Develop a lesson plan appropriate for your licensure area (elementary, secondary language arts, etc) using an idea from American Indian Curriculum Frameworks (see #3 above) Upload to moodle. 50 points. 9. Comparison of educational experiences. Compare the educational experiences portrayed in the movie, “In the White Man’s Image,” with the educational experiences portrayed in the book “The Middle Five.” How are the experiences the same and different? What are possible reasons for the differences portrayed in the two educational experiences? 50 points 10. Movie Reflection/Course Reflection: View “Edge of America”. Write your thoughts about the movie. How might this movie and this course prepare you to work more effectively with students from diverse cultures, particularly students of Native American communities? One page, 50 points 11. Enhancement Activity: Choose one or two from the following list of activities, and write a reflection of the experience(s). 50 points Attend a pow-wow. 50 points View Lewis and Clark exhibition, location to be announced. 25 points Watch the movie “Smoke Signals.” 25 points Check-out and view the video “With Reservations” from the Duluth Public Library. The video features local author Jim Northrup of the Fond du Lac Reservation. 25 points You may propose an activity for this requirement. Email or see instructor for approval. Grading: Your total points earned will be converted into a percentage of total possible points. A=93-100% A-= 90-92% B+=87-89% B=83-86% B-=80-82% C+=77-79% C=73-76% C-=70-72% D=60-69 F=<60 Tentative Schedule for summer semester: subject to change Date Topic Reading Assignment Jan. 18 Semest Review Syllabus; er “Getting to Know You” activity. (optional f2f – making dream catchers) Syllabus Begins Red Suite EduE 122 Complete “Getting to Know You” activity. Post to moodle. Jan. 21 Introduction to Collected Wisdom (CW) Teachers as Learners; Cultural Chapters 1 Difference Jan. 28 & 2 (CW) Film “In the White Man’s Image”; (I will have the movie online by Feb. Feb. 4 4) Boarding School Photos; Boarding School Survivor (Andrew Windyboy) interview, and movie trailer online Chapter 1 reflection – upload to moodle; Chapter 2 reflection – upload to moodle. “In the White Man’s Image” reflection, Boarding School Photo reflection Windyboy interview and online movie trailer reflections. Upload to moodle. Chapter 3 reflection, upload to moodle Oppression (CW) Chapter 3 (CW) Feb. 11 Being Indian in a Non-Indian World (CW) Feb. 18 Curriculum Frameworks Feb. 25 .k12_Curriculum/ Mar. 4 Mar 11 Issues of Native Language containers) (optional f2f- making birch bark Ways of Learning Chapter 4 (CW) Curriculum Frameworks assignment, upload to moodle./post to moodle Chapter 5 (CW) Chapter 6 (CW) Mar 18 Spring Break Literature Circles / American Indian Stereotypes / Incorporating Native Mar 25 Culture in Curriculum Chapter 4 reflection, upload to moodle Journal Articles Provided by instructor Chapter 5 reflection, upload to moodle Chapter 6 reflection, upload to moodle Journal Article reflection, upload to moodle Chapter 7 reflection, upload to moodle April 1 April 8 April 15 Literacy, Thought, and Empowerment Student Motivation Omaha School Boys Boarding School Experience Chapter 7 Chapter 8 (CW) reflection, upload to Chapter 8 moodle (CW) Comparison The Middle of boarding school Five experiences between In the White Man’s Image, and The Middle Five. Upload to moodle. Lesson Plan, post to moodle. April 22 April 29 Lesson Plan development using backwards design (UBD) Movie: The Edge of America Enhancement Activity May 6 Understand ing by Design (UBD) lesson plan format and content See Syllabus Movie reflection/Co urse reflection, post to moodle. Enhancement Activity reflection due May 6 IMPORTANT: I INVITE ANY OF YOU, WHO HAVE ANY DISABILITY, EITHER PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY, OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MIGHT AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO PERFORM IN THIS CLASS, TO INFORM ME SO THAT TOGETHER WE CAN ADAPT METHODS, MATERIALS, OR ASSIGNMENTS AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE EQUITABLE PARTICIPATION.