Ball Pythons

General Care of Ball Pythons
Susan Horton, DVM
Ball pythons are the smallest of the African pythons. They seldom reach
lengths of more than three to four feet. The name “Ball Python” is
derived from the snake’s habit of coiling into a ball when threatened,
with its head and neck tucked tightly in the ball. They are very passive
snakes, which seldom strike out at you.
Most Ball Pythons are imported. These wild caught animals have a difficult time adjusting
to captivity. They may take months before they feed. Captive bred and raised individuals
are preferred and will fare much better.
Ball Pythons should be housed individually, except during breeding attempts. Enclosures
for juveniles should be at least 15 in long and 10 to 12 in high. Adults should be housed
in enclosures at least 3 ft long, 15 in wide, and at least 12 in high. Larger cages provide
better opportunities for establishing a proper thermal gradient.
Newspaper or butcher paper is the preferred substrate since it is inexpensive and easy to
change when it becomes soiled. Each also has the added benefit of allowing direct
visualization of the faeces and urates. Artificial turf or indoor/outdoor carpeting may also
be used. A hide box is essential.
Dilute bleach water (1:30) is a useful disinfectant for cages and artificial turf. All organic
matter needs to be washed away prior to using the dilute bleach. The bleach solution
should be left on for 10 minutes before washing off.
Providing the proper thermal gradient is critical to the well being of the snake. The
preferred optimal temperature zone during the day is between 80-85 F, with a basking
spot up to 95 F. Night lows can be 80 F. Thermostatically controlled fiberglass heat mats
are an excellent way to provide the proper thermal environment. The mats are placed
under the tank and should be no larger than 20-30 % of the surface area of the cage. A
UVB light is recommended for juvenile snakes.
Humidity is also important to enable normal shedding and respiratory function. Relative
humidity should be 50-70%.
Ball pythons come in many exciting colour morphs. Pictured above is a Creamsickle.
Generally, they should be fed prey items no larger than their girth at mid-body.
Juveniles should be fed the appropriate sized rodent (s) weekly. As they reach adulthood
it is acceptable to decrease the feeding interval to every 10-14 days.
Adults can be maintained on adult rats. Either frozen and thawed (warmed to body
temperature) or freshly killed prey is recommended. The prey should be humanely
euthanized using acceptable methods. Frozen prey should be used within six months of
freezing. A separate feeding cage is recommended so the snake associates the cage with
feeding and not your hand. Ball pythons are night-time feeders.
Sexing can easily be accomplished by probing. Juveniles may be sexed also by manual
eversion of the hemipenes. Either technique should be performed by an experienced
person or reptile vet, since poor technique may result in injury. Generally, females probe
a distance of 2-4 subcaudal scales and males 8 or more. Males have larger cloacal spurs
and thicker tails than females. Sexual maturity occurs between 2 and 4 years of age, if
appropriately fed and maintained.
Breeders begin cycling in either mid-September through mid-November. Eggs are
usually laid from mid-February through beginning of April. Ball Pythons are not fed for
two weeks prior to cooling. The temperature is gradually decreased to 75 F. Some
breeders keep the snakes at their preferred daytime high temperature during this period,
but drop the night-time low to 75 F. It is possible to utilize a combination of these two
techniques. Monitor the snakes carefully for evidence of respiratory disease. Respiratory
infection is most likely if the snakes are not provided a basking spot in their preferred
temperature range for at least part of the day and, because of this, the first technique is
not recommended. Depending upon the breeder, males are introduced to females either
at the beginning of, during, or after cycling. Active courtship precedes copulation. Eggs
are usually laid in burrows or well placed sweater boxes with moistened vermiculite and
peat moss inside. Usual clutch size is six or seven eggs. Incubation time is about three
Medical Problems
Good husbandry is the best way to prevent many problems. Ball Pythons should be
quarantined for at least three to six months before being added to an established
Respiratory tract disease is very common in captive
snakes. Difficulty breathing, discharge from the
mouth, and wheezing are common signs associated
with respiratory tract disease. Pictured above is a
snake with horrible stomatitis and pneumonia. You
can see the inflamatory debris crusted in his mouth.
The head up, open mouth position is typical for a
severely compromised patient. This snake needs
help ASAP.
Vomiting/regurgitation is a common sign of many
problems. Inadequate temperature, excessive
feeding, and handling after feeding are common
causes. There are many medical causes for
vomiting/regurgitation and a reptile vet should be sought.
Snake mites are very common external parasites. The mites may cause significant
disease and distress to an infested snake.
Many Ball Pythons are wild caught and usually harbour significant internal parasite loads.
An annual faecal exam by an experienced reptile vet is recommended.
Other common signs of problems include
loss of appetite, loose stools, difficulty
shedding, and lumps/bumps. A competent
reptile vet should be sought out to
diagnose and treat any of the disorders
that may affect your python. Pictured on
the left is a serious burn along the
ventrum of the snake. Heat pads used
without thermostatic control often lead to
this problem. Seek immediate help if you
find this problem with your snake!