
Honor Biology Test 1
Below are five statements. Determine if you believe each statement supports the frontier ethic or
the sustainable ethic. Indicate your decision in the blank next to the statement with the S
(sustainable) or F (frontier). You should defend your answer but it is not required.
1__________________We have not inherited this earth from our parents to do with it what we
will. We have borrowed it from our children and we must be careful to use it in their interests as
well as our own.
Moss Cass
2__________________We have lived our lives by the assumption that what was good for us
would be good for the world. We have been wrong. We must change our lives so that it will be
possible to live by the contrary assumption, that what is good for the world will be good for us.
And that requires that we make the effort to know the world and learn what is good for it.”
― Wendell Berry, The Long-Legged House
3____________________Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of
it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea,
and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. ~Swami Vivekananda
4____________________If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.
5___________________“People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the
more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is
failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling
prophecy.”Tony Robbins
Answer the questions on the answer sheet provided.
You may defend your answers but it is not mandatory
1) Mullet are local estuarine fish that move in schools and feed on plankton and plant matter.
Natural predators of the mullet include spotted sea trout, sharks, pelicans and dolphins. The
graph below shows how the number of mullet in an area has changed over time.
2) Based on the data, one student concludes that a new predator was introduced into the area
during this time period. Which of the following is a likely alternate explanation for the change in the
mullet population?
A. mullet prey increased in the area
B. mullet parasites decreased in the area
C. the temperature of the area increased
D. the amount of aquatic plants in the area decreased
3) How does the predator-prey relationship affect a population?
A. The predators and prey are in competition with each other.
B. Usually either the predator or the prey will become extinct.
C. The predator species usually has exponential growth.
D. The relationship controls the population size of both species.
4) Data on the immigration and emigration of a fish species would be most helpful in determining
which of the following?
A. biological magnification
B. interspecies competition
C. population of the species
D. predator-prey relationships
5) When an environment has reached its carrying capacity for a certain population, which of the
following is true?
A. Growth and immigration rate is equal to death and emigration rate.
B. Growth and immigration rate is greater than death and emigration rate.
C. Growth and immigration rate is less than death and emigration rate.
D. Growth rate is exponential.
6) The pH of the water in several lakes in Norway and Sweden had decreased to below 5.0 due to
an increase in acid rain. Which of the following is most likely to happen in these lakes?
A. the decline of several fish populations.
B. an increase in numbers of fish
C. an increase in the amount of primary producers
D. increased predator-prey relationships
7) Which of the following is a limiting factor in a population of organisms.
A. reproductive replacement
B. life spans of the members
C. fluctuations in atmospheric temperature
D. availability of food
8) Which of the following are abiotic factors that shape ecosystems?
A. worms, plants and temperature
B. wind, precipitation, and soil type
C. niches, trees, and bacteria
D. sunlight, mushrooms, and wind
9) A bird-watcher records the movement of migrating birds. In which part of the
scientific process is the bird-watcher participating?
A controlling variables
B experimenting
C observing
D hypothesizing
10) The common brushtail possum is a marsupial native to Australia. This possum was introduced to
New Zealand where it had no natural predators and had an abundant food supply. Which of these
likely occurred a few years after the introduction of this possum to New Zealand?
A. The possums became extinct.
B. The possums developed shorter life spans.
C. The possum population grew to a larger size.
D. The possum population evolved into a different species.
11) The number of pythons found throughout Everglades National Park has increased in recent
years. These huge snakes are not native to Florida and are believed to have been released into the
wild by pet owners. Wildlife biologists have initiated attempts to capture and remove these pythons.
Which statement best explains the biologists' reasons for removing these pythons from the
A. The pythons could upset the territorial boundaries of native organisms.
B. The pythons could adapt to overcome diseases common to native snakes.
C. The pythons could prey on native organisms and cause native population to decline.
D. The pythons could begin to interbreed with native snakes and produce a more
successful species.
12) Why are there so few aquatic plants and phytoplankton that live at the bottom zones in the
A. The ocean floor contains many decomposers.
B. Most sunlight is absorbed before reaching these levels.
C. Water is a limiting factor.
D. The temperature in these zones is extremely low.
13) Two different populations of birds live in the same area and eat the same types of food.
Which most likely describes the relationship between these two populations of birds?
A competition
B mutualism
C parasitism
D predator-prey
14) What will most likely happen if the human population continues to grow at current rates?
A There will be fewer natural resources available for future generations.
B There will be an increase in nitrogen levels in the atmosphere.
C There will be a decrease in water pollution.
D There will be an increase in the number of strong hurricanes.
15) Students in a biology class thought that salt water would affect the movements of planaria.
They put 25 planaria in salt water and recorded their observations. Which flaw was present in the
design of their experiment?
A There was no hypothesis.
B There was no control.
C The sample was too big.
D The procedure was too complicated.
16)A scientist develops a hypothesis, designs an experiment, and obtains data that support her
hypothesis. Which of the following best describes when a hypothesis becomes a theory?
A When one good set of scientific data supports a theory
B When the official scientific method is followed
C When a website is created to display the theory
D When it is supported by consistent data from many experimental trials
17) All of these are natural events that could alter an ecosystem EXCEPT —
A burning of fossil fuels
B wildfires
C floods
D volcanic activity
These will actually be questions 18 and 19.
These are actually questions 21 and 22