November 2 - University of Waterloo Library


Library Instruction Committee


November 2, 2011

Davis Library Conference Room

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Present: Leeanne Romane, Anne Fullerton, Tim Ireland, Martha Lauzon, Nancy Collins, Rachel McNeil

Regrets: Kathy Szigeti, Connie Kovac

Recorder: Rachel McNeil


Approval of Minutes

 approved


Additional Agenda

New LINC session by Tim and Anne re: how to do a proper lit review

New screencasts to be created by Rachel


Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference have been completed and submitted to Jennifer. LINC will wait to hear from her before taking next steps.

Terms of Reference are up on Sharepoint site for LINC members to review.


Library Review

LINC will be using new Terms of Reference as a starting point for the Library Review.

However, this does not mean that the Terms of Reference will not change as a result of the new goals that arise from the SWOT analysis.

If anyone makes changes to the Library Review documents prior to the Library Review meeting, inform the chair of changes so that they can be passed along to library managers.

Library Review will take place November 14 from 1-4pm in the DC Conference Room o LINC members questioned whether ancillary members need to attend the

Library Review.



Assessment Analysis

Leeanne and Rachel have been compiling Excel spreadsheets to summarize the findings from for various LINC session assessments on Fluid Surveys. The purpose of the

assessments is to understand LINCs impact on the student learning experience and possibly use this data to help expand LINCs impact across the library/UW community.

In general, assessments show positive results between pre- and post-workshop assessments. Participants have good things to say about instructors, and generally improve their research skills during the workshop. However, the findings also show areas to improve on, such as citation styles and constructing a search strategy.

Question of whether wrong answers in the questionnaire indicates and misunderstanding of the question, or a misunderstanding of the information taught. It was also noted that sometimes questions ask for material that instructors may not have covered in class, and that this should be remedied.

LINC members wondered if the assessments were effective and worth the time of the instructors, since the assessments take roughly 10 minutes of class time. They discussed if it would be beneficial to change how the test was presented, either by integrating it more into the workshop, or by using a different technology, such as iClickers.

Action: Leeanne will set up a Lunch and Learn for LINC with tips to talk about the assessment: how to change/improve the assessment, and what these results mean for instructing librarians.


Certification Question

Nancy received an email from a PhD student in early September asking if there is a certificate that recognizes once you have completed a course.

Members discussed whether the certificates created should have academic value on campus, or whether they will only be recognized by the library. However, all members agree that it would be nice to acknowledge students who took personal steps to become information literate.

It was decided that certificates should be created to acknowledge when a student has completed all of the core LINC sessions. The certificates will be internal library documents now, with the possibility of expanding to be recognized by the university.

Action: Rachel and Leeanne will write a report to summarize the assessment findings to present at Lunch and Learn.

Action: Assessments will continue through at least the Winter 2012 semester in order to gain a better perspective of the learning experience year-round on campus.

Action: Anne will connect with the PhD student in order to better understand what their hopes were for this certificate.

Action: Tim, Nancy, Anne, and Martha will act as a LINC subgroup in order to set up certification. Certification group will report back to LINC at meeting on December 7.



Registration notifications have been revised so that registrants receive an email 1 day before the workshop rather than 3 days before the workshop. When someone on the wait list gets accepted into the class, they receive an email.

LINC is still working on creating an interactive calendar, by which students can learn more about the workshops and sign up for them. However, new calendar formats may be a new campus-wide initiative, so LINC will not focus too greatly on this aspect.

LINC discussed the possibility of opening up sessions to people on the wait list so that, if they bring their lap tops, they can attend the session. The difficulty with this is that some sessions require certain software to be installed before they begin, and there may not be enough seats for participants.

Members discussed the possibility of have consult sessions where students could drop in with their questions about a certain aspect of the course and receive one-on-one support from instructors.

LINC is expanding and showing positive results, however it may be growing too big for its current structure. Need to consider new rooms that can accommodate more students, similarly need to recognize the hard work of those involved in LINC sessions, whether directly, or as support.

Action: Tim will notify Nancy of times he is available this semester for consult sessions so that Nancy can update the web content.

Action: Chair will organize LINC coffee break to acknowledge efforts of the librarians and staff involved with LINC. Coffee break should be scheduled for the end of November.


Around the Table.

Discussion about changing time of LINC meetings to better suit the schedules of all members.

Action: Anne will send out a Doodle poll to LINC members to find the best time for these meetings

Tim and Anne discussed their new initiative to create a LINC session on how to conduct a literature review. LINC members were in support.

Action: Leeanne will send Tim and Anne a Power Point of the information she uses to teach this information.

Action: Tim and Anne will touch base with Christine in order to get more information on ebooks for the purpose of this session.

Discussion about new screencasts that Rachel will be helping to create. The project will begin in the next few weeks.

Action: LINC members should inform Rachel or Leeanne of their ideas for screencasts. Ideas can come from portions taught during LINC sessions, or from other interesting library topics.
