December 7 - University of Waterloo Library

Library Instruction Committee
December 7, 2011
Davis Library Conference Room
10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Present: Leeanne Romane (chair), Anne Fullerton, Tim Ireland, Martha Lauzon, Rachel McNeil, Connie
Kovac, Kathy Szigeti
Regrets: Nancy Collins
Absent: Laura Bredahl (on leave)
1. Approval of Minutes – minutes were approved with minor changes
2. Business Arising
a) Lunch and Learn – Leeanne – sharing results of assessment, and to encourage librarians to
be participants. Would like to plan a joint ISR Meeting in January to share information with
ISR as to what LINC is doing.
b) Certification Question – Kathy S. – the student has not contacted Anne F. regarding the
rewording of the certification question.
c) Registration- Interactive calendar, Kathy still working on the possibility in LibGuides.
3. Additional Agenda- none
4. Updates/Reports – Leeanne
a) Presentation & review of assessment report (Leeanne & Rachel)
Committee reviewed assessment report. It was suggested that the report created for
sharing with librarians be made briefer and include graphs/tables for easy reading and
The committee members were urged to review the data from FluidSurveys (and posted on
the Assessment Toolkit and SharePoint site) so that all are familiar with it and can speak to it
to teaching librarians.
Action: The Assessment Report will be loaded onto LINC SharePoint site so that committee
members can provide edits, feedback and suggestions for general report. Rachel will create
final document and send to LINC for final approval.
b) Screencast Update (Rachel) – Rachel is ready to start LINC screen casting project (she has
been working on a number of videos for Tim). The goal is to create videos that are conceptbased and that shouldn’t require updating based on interface and resource changes. She
will put load these screen casts onto the LINC site of SharePoint.
Rachel commented that she will be working with Ben on a video project initiated by Helena,
as they duplicate the LINC screen cast project. Links to these completed videos will be
shared with LINC and other librarians.
Discussion around LINC-created screen casts – where should the videos be mounted for
maximum effectiveness and use?
Tim, as member of ad hoc Screencasting Group, suggested that the Screencasting group act
as manager for screencasting project. He stated that the group would not have any
authority over projects, but will organize and share information about current projects. He
will discuss with the Screencasting Group and report back to LINC.
Certification Group – deferred
d) Proposed changes to meeting dates (Anne)
Agreement was not reached on issue of changing meeting date, so Anne will put out
another e-mail poll regarding membership availability and preference for meeting.
e) Library Workshops and Tour Page (Anne) – Request was made to remove undergrad, grad
and faculty page links from Workshops page. Discussion also occurred around information
on Online Tutorials page – whether format of information was required, and which wording
to use.
Action: Leeanne will remove links on Workshops page and change wording on Tutorials
New LINC session – Literature review (Anne and Tim) – lesson plan for new LINC session
was shared with committee, and feedback solicited.