Curriculum Vitae Name Gabriella Linc Born 1969. January 4th


Curriculum Vitae


Gabriella Linc


1969. January 4 th , Kaposvár, Hungary

Full postal address

Agricultural Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Martonvásár, Brunszvik u 2. Hungary


+36 22 569 504


Marital status

Married, two kids (Örs 2006; Emma 2008)

Maternity leave

2006 - 2009


Elementary school: 1976-1984 Toth Lajos Elementary School Kaposvár, Hungary

High School: 1984-1987 Tancsics Mihály High School Kaposvár, Hungary

University (MSc): 1987-1992 Pannon Agricultural University Keszthely, Hungary


Year of PhD: 2001 summa cum laude

University/Institution: Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary

PhD registration number: VI/1/2001

Title of PhD dissertation: Molecular cytogenetic analysis in the tribe Triticeae


English, Advanced level write and read (C)

Russian, Basic level write and read (C)

Dutch, Basic level write and read (C)

Professional experiences

1997 (11 months) Kansas State University , WGRC, Manhattan, USA, Outstanding

Young Researcher Fulbright Fellowship

1998 (11 months) Kansas State University , WGRC, Manhattan, USA, visiting scientist

2003-2005 (26 months) University of Amsterdam , The Netherlands , EU Marie Curie

Individual Fellowship

2011 (3 weeks) University of California, Riverside, USA, visiting scientist

2012 (2 weeks) University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, visiting scientist

2014 (3 weeks) University of California, Riverside, USA, visiting scientist

2015 (2weeks) University of California, Riverside, USA, visiting scientist

Awards and prizes

1994 Cultivated Plant Foundation, 1st Prize for outstanding academic performance

1998 Young Researcher Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2001 Frank Heliantus Foundation, 1st Prize for outstanding academic performance

2010-2013 János Bolyai Research Fellowship

Role in scientific community

1998 – member of the Hungarian Fulbrigth Foundation

1998 – member of the Hungarian Genetics Foundation

2001 – member of the Hungarian Plant Breeders


1993 – Agricultural Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of

Sciences, Martonvásár, Hungary

1998 – Junior Research Associate

2001 – Senior Research Associate

2013 - Project Leader

2015 September - Head of Genetic Resources Department

Speciality plant molecular cytogenetic, 3D FISH technology

Selected publications

Icsó D, Molnár-Láng M, Linc G : Constructing an alternative wheat karyotype using barley genomic DNA , J Appl Genetics 56:45–48, 2015

Molnár-Láng M, Linc G , Szakacs E: Wheat–barley hybridization: the last 40 years , Euphytica 195:315–329, 2014

A J Lukaszewski, D Kopecky, G Linc : Inversions of chromosome arms 4AL and

2BS in wheat invert the patterns of chiasma distribution , Chromosoma DOI

10.1007/s00412-011-0354-5., 2012

G Linc, A Seps,; M Molnár-Láng: A FISH Karyotype to Study Chromosome

Polymorphisms for the Elytrigia elongata E Genome , Cytogenetic and Genome

Research, DOI:10.1159/000334835, 2012

Molnár-Láng M, Kruppa K, Cseh A, Bucsi J, Linc G : Identification and phenotypic description of new wheat – six-rowed winter barley disomic additions ,

Genome, 55: 302–311, 2012

Fransz P, Linc G , Ali M, Schubert I, Wennekes J, De Jong H, Koorneef M, Peters

J, Gerats T: Genetic and epigenetic consequences of a paracentric inversion in

Arabidopsis thaliana , Chromosome Res 2: (1) 71-72, 2005

Friebe B, Zhang P, Linc G , Gill BS: Robertsonian translocations in wheat arise by centric misdivision of univalents at anaphase I and rejoining of broken centromeres during interkinesis of meiosis II.

, Cytogenet Genome Res. 109(1-

3):293-7., 2005

Schneider A*, Linc G *, Molnár I, Molnár-Láng M: Molecular cytogenetic characterization of Aegilops biuncialis and its use for the identification of five derived wheat/Aegilops biuncialis disomic addition lines..

Genome, 48: 1070-

1082., 2005

Nagy ED, Molnár-Láng M, Linc G, Láng L: Identification of wheat-barley translocations by sequential GISH and two-colour FISH in combination with the use of genetically mapped barley SSR markers.

, Genome, 45: 1238 - 1247., 2002

Linc G , Friebe BR, Kynast RG, Molnár-Láng M, Kőszegi B, Sutka J, Gill BS:

Molecular cytogenetic analysis of Aegilops cylindrica Host , Genome: 42: 497-

503, 1999
