Chronic Conditions Programs Respiratory Linkage Referral Form Please fax signed referrals to 9201 0033 or email Enquiries: 9201 0044 Date of referral: ______________________________ Referrer: Client details: GPSpecialist Title (Miss, Ms, Mrs, Mr): Name: Gender: Male Female Address: Name: Phone no: Address: Fax no: Suburb: Email: Phone no: GP Signature: Email: DOB: ELIGIBILITY Confirmed respiratory condition COPD FEV 1% predicted <60% (or multiple hospital admissions/exacerbations due to respiratory condition) Bronchiectasis (not due to Cystic Fibrosis) Interstitial Lung Disease Respiratory Information: Confirmed respiratory diagnosis: ___________________________________________________________________ Respiratory Physician: ___________________________________________________________________________ Lung Function (attached results preferable) FEV 1 (L): FEV 1 (% Pred): FVC (L) Other Medical Conditions: Hypertension Arthritis Heart Disease Osteoporosis Fall/Poor Balance Other: Surgery Diabetes High Cholesterol Epilepsy/Seizures Cancer Vision Impairment Brain/Spinal Injury Neurological Disorder Fractures Asthma Chronic Fatigue Postural Hypotension Smoker Chronic Pain >3 months Current Treatment: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Black Swan Health Limited ABN 64169929677 Sanori House, Suites G7, G8 126 Grand Boulevard, Joondalup WA 6027 t: 08 9201 0044 f 08 9201 0033 Oxygen therapy: Flow rate: _______________ Hours per day: ___________________ CPAP/ BIPAP Details: __________________________________________________ Current Medications including related medical condition (or attach): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Referral Process: Please attach if available: GP Management Plan Team Care Arrangement My referrer has explained the purpose of this assessment and program and I give permission to provide and discuss my medical information with other service providers who are contributing to my care. I understand that my medical information will remain confidential. Some de-identified data which will not identify me, my Practice or my referrer, may be used to enable the program to be evaluated. Please note: Information may be accessed by accreditation provider for accreditation purposes only. I am aware that I may request a copy of the Black Swan Health Privacy and Confidentiality statement at any time. Client signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ t: 08 9201 0044 f 08 9201 0033