SBLC Referral Team Forms SBLC Referral Team Forms Table of Contents Consent Form to Allow Accompanying Person at Meetings ............................................. 1 SBLC Referral Team Meeting Notification-SBLC 1 ........................................................ 2 SBLC Referral Team Documentation-SBLC 2 ................................................................. 3 SBLC Referral Team Documentation-SBLC 3 ................................................................. 4 Gifted Screening Form ..................................................................................................... 5 Teacher Interview for Possible Gifted .............................................................................. 6 Visual Arts Screening Form ............................................................................................. 7 Theatre Screening Form ................................................................................................... 8 Music Screening Form ..................................................................................................... 9 Communication Skills Teacher Checklist ....................................................................... 10 Medical Release of Information ..................................................................................... 11 Hearing/Vision Screening............................................................................................... 12 Sensory Processing Screening ........................................................................................ 13 Sensory Processing Intervention Strategies .................................................................... 15 Motor Screening Form ................................................................................................... 19 Health Services Screening .............................................................................................. 22 Assistive Technology Screening ..................................................................................... 21 Behavior Documentation Forms ..................................................................................... 26 CADDO PARISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS Revised 7-1-15 DEPARTMENT OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN 2226 Murphy Street Shreveport, Louisiana 71103 Telephone: (318) 603-6700 ~ FAX: (318) CONSENT TO ALLOW ACCOMPANYING PERSON TO DISCUSS/REVIEW RECORD(S) AT MEETING(S) FOR USE BY PARENT OR ELIGIBLE STUDENT TO GRANT CONSENT Student Name: Date of Birth: Address: City/State: School: Zip Code: Student Number: I hereby grant permission for to accompany Name of Person me today during my scheduled meeting. I understand that in doing so, information will be discussed and reviewed that is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and state laws and may be disclosed with my consent to the above individual. Signature: Print Name: Date: FOR USE BY ACCOMPANYING PERSON AS AFFIDAVIT ON NONDISCLOSURE In accompanying the above-signed parent/guardian on this date I will be given access to confidential information maintained in the records of the named student. I understand that this information is protected under FERPA. I hereby acknowledge that I fully understand that the intentional release by me of this information to any unauthorized person could subject me to penalties imposed by FERPA and state laws. I understand that identification in the form of a driver’s license or other form of photo ID must be presented. Signature: Print Name: Date: Identification will be required in the form of a driver’s license or other form of photo I.D. Unless otherwise revoked, this authorization will expire 60 days from the original date. Instructional Specialist/Lead Teacher/School Administrator Signature Original – DEPARTMENT OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Copy to SCHOOL 1 Date Copy to PARENT/GUARDIAN SBLC 1 / 7-1-15 2 SBLC REFERRAL MEETING NOTIFICATION Student: __________________________________________________________________________ School:_______________________________ School Telephone #: __________________________ 1st ___ 2nd ___ 3rd ___ 4th Meeting SBLC Notification: ____________________________ (date SBLC 1 sent) Dear Parent / Legal Guardian: The School Building Level Committee (SBLC) at your child’s school will meet to discuss his or her progress. During the meeting, information about your child will be reviewed and appropriate educational decisions will be made. Please plan to attend the meeting as your input is valuable. We look forward to meeting with you! SBLC Date: ____________________ Time: ________________ One or more educational screenings may be conducted by school personnel and important educational information about your child’s school performance will be gathered prior to this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your child's: Academic Performance Pupil Progression Behavior Medical Needs Communication Needs Motor Difficulties Possible Gifted/Talented Skills Parent Request Section 504 Evaluation/IAP Annual Update Check one of the following: _____ YES, I can attend the meeting *_____ NO, I cannot attend the meeting *A better date/time would be: _________________________________ Sign and return as soon as possible! Home / Work Telephone #’s Parent / Guardian Signature If you have any questions, please contact me at the school number noted above. Sincerely, _________________________________________________________ SBLC Chairperson / Principal / Principal Designee School Use Only: DOCUMENTATION Date(s) of telephone call(s): Date(s) reminder notice(s) sent: Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________ WHITE – Section 504/Pupil Appraisal YELLOW - School 2 PINK - Parent SBLC 2/Revised 7-14 SBLC REFERRAL TEAM DOCUMENTATION A review of all current behavior data including universal screenings as well as major and minor discipline reports indicates: Student displays appropriate behavior when compared to peers of the same grade (attach school/class data including results of the universal screening). The PBIS and classroom plans are sufficient. Behavior difficulties exist, but may be modified using Tier 1 - universal design strategies or Tier 2 Supports Problem Behavior(s): _______________________________________________________________ When do the Behaviors Occur? ________________________________________________________ Consequence(s): ___________________________________________________________________ Purpose of Behavior(s): Avoid/Escape __________________ Obtains ________________ Current Level of Functioning: _________________________________________________________ (How often does it occur? How long does it last? How severe?) Goal/Date (May be Revised): _________________________________________________________ Further data collection is warranted. A detailed Functional Behavior Assessment will be completed. The student’s behavior appears to be an immediate danger to himself or others. Consult with Pupil Appraisal staff. Rule Out Factors The following factors can be ruled out as the primary cause of the lack of educational progress: Lack of appropriate, explicit, and systematic instruction in reading which included the essential components of reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary; Lack of appropriate instruction in math; Limited English proficiency; ELL Evaluation Results: ___________________________________________________________ Language Spoken at Home: _____________________ Environmental or economic disadvantage; Cultural factors 3 At School: _______________________ SBLC 3/Revised 7-1-15 SBLC REFERRAL TEAM DETERMINATION Student: School: School Telephone #: _______________________ SBLC Date: SBLC Notification: _______________________________________ (date SBLC 1 sent) SBLC Referral Concern(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ Dear Parent / Legal Guardian: Below is the result of this Referral Team meeting. Please contact the Referral Team Chairperson if you have questions or disagree with this decision. If you disagree, we are required to provide you with the “Caddo Parish Public Schools Guide to: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973”and/or the “Louisiana's Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities” COMMITTEE DECISION: Conduct no further action at this time Continue current intervention and progress monitoring through RTI process Conduct additional interventions through the RTI process Refer the student to the appropriate committee to conduct a section 504 Evaluation Refer to Pupil Appraisal for support services (Pupil Appraisal Representative must be present) Refer to Pupil Appraisal for an individual evaluation (Pupil Appraisal Representative must be present) Consideration of grade retention/ Promotion with remediation Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Additional SBLC comments: ___________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL BUILDING LEVEL SCREENING COMMITTEE MEMBERS *Required members SBLC Chairperson* ________________________________ (Principal / Principal Designee) Pupil Appraisal __________________________Referring Teacher* __ Classroom Teacher*______________________ Section 504 Designee ___________________ Other ___________________________________Other ________________________________ Parent / Legal Guardian: (Check One) I agree with the committee decision noted above. I disagree with the committee decision noted above. I have received a copy of the “Caddo Parish Public School’s Guide to: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973” and/or the “Louisiana’s Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities Parent / Legal Guardian Signature* Check if Appropriate: Parent / Legal Guardian invited but did not attend. Section 504/Pupil Appraisal School 4 : Parent PAR 22S Revised 7-1-15 GIFTED SCREENING FORM Student Name:_____________________________________________________ School:_____________________________ Grade:__________ Date: _________________ Race:___________ Age:__________ Person completing this form (PLEASE PRINT): _____________________________________________________ Is this student receiving speech therapy? ____YES ____NO Are communication skills a concern? ____YES [Refer student to the referral team] Are there any other concerns? ____YES ____NO ___NO If YES, please explain:_______________________________________________________________________ Most recent parent/teacher conference date: ________________________ (Required) Does a review of the student’s educational history and *universal screening results support this recommendation for evaluation? ____YES ____NO If NO, explain:_____________________________________________________________________________ *ATTACH COPY OF UNIVERSAL SCREENING RESULTS (REQUIRED) HEARING VISION ____No hearing problem currently suspected ____No vision problem currently suspected Complete most currentV/H-I, if problems are suspected. Circle the student's aptitude range and achievement test scores on the matrix. Enter the academic test scores, matrix points and name of administered tests in each of the three areas in the spaces provided. If the student earns the required matrix points utilizing achievement data only, additional testing in aptitude is not required. Gifted screening uses a combination of test results to determine matrix points. The following tests can be given to obtain percentile scores in reading and math: statewide assessment or WRAT 4, or STAR ENTERPRISE, or TERRA NOVA. K-BIT 2 is recommended for the aptitude score. Preschooler’s require only an aptitude score, which must be in the 90th percentile or greater to be referred for evaluation. Kindergarten students must obtain at least 8 points on the screening matrix, one of which must be in aptitude, and a strong recommendation (check characteristics list) from the teacher. All other students may be referred with a total of 4 points, in any combination, and a strong recommendation from the teacher. If the student passes screening, this form, the K-BIT 2 protocol, WRAT 4 protocol or statewide assessment, or STAR ENTERPRISE, or TERRA NOVA scores and universal screening results must be attached. If the student does not pass screening, this form will remain in the student's cumulative record. K-Bit 2 and WRAT 4 protocols are to be sent to the Gifted Department at the Department of Exceptional Children to ensure test security. (OVER) 5 PAR 22T Revised 7-1-15 CADDO PARISH PUPIL APPRAISAL DEPARTMENT OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN TEACHER INTERVIEW FORM FOR POSSIBLE GIFTED STUDENT___________________________________ TEACHER _______________________________ SCHOOL____________________________________ GRADE________ DATE________________ PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM: ____________________________/________________________ Print Signature This form is designed to obtain your estimate of a student's potential. We depend on your expertise to help us identify students who may qualify for further testing. Please indicate the five main attributes that best describe this student: ___Superior academics ___Creative/Imaginative ___Leader ___Inquisitive ___Critical thinker ___Self-motivated ___Problem solver ___Works to potential ___Wide range of interests ___Good peer relations ___Sense of humor ___Sensitive to needs of others ___Task committed ___Exceptional ability to ___Highly expressive ___Insightful ___Excels in reading retain & retrieve information ___Good reasoning ability ___Excels in math ___Other___________________________________________________________________________ 6 Caddo Parish Public Schools Talented Arts: Visual Arts Screening Instrument Student: School: Date Screener Provided: ____/____/____ Date to Return: ____/____/____ Directions: Your ratings should be based on the student’s actual observable behavior. Please rate the student on each of the following items by circling the appropriate number in the column on the right. Each item receiving a score of four or 5 on the rating scale must be documented with 3 examples, or samples of the student’s work, whichever is more appropriate. Notations of these must be made in the justification area. Seldom Never 1 Occasionally Average Usually 2 3 4 Almost Always 5 Draws better than his/her peers Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteers to do art or art-like activities Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Deferred to by other students when drawing or making projects Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Brings drawing or art made at home to school Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Sets high standards of quality for his/her artwork Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Reacts with interest to art activities and information. Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Student Behavior Draws more than his/her peers Justification: Referring Teacher Signature: VISUAL ARTS Screening Total: / 35 points 7 + 33 = pass < 32 = did not pass Caddo Parish Public Schools Talented Arts: Theatre Screening Instrument Student: School: Date Screener Provided: ____/____/____ Date to Return: ____/____/____ Directions: Your ratings should be based on the student’s actual observable behavior. Please rate the student on each of the following items by circling the appropriate number in the column on the right. Each item receiving a score of four or 5 on the rating scale must be documented with 3 examples, or samples of the student’s work, whichever is more appropriate. Notations of these must be made in the justification area. Seldom Never 1 Occasionally Average Usually 2 3 4 Almost Always 5 Shows leadership in group activities, but follows when appropriate Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Shows emotion and feels with others in shared school experiences Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Shows freedom in using facial expression, gestures, and body Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Shows ability to focus on the activities at hand Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Stays with a task until it is successfully completed Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Shows imagination in deciding how to proceed with a problem Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Responds to activities in elaborate details Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Shows ability to mimic physical and vocal behavior of others Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Volunteers to perform in front of people Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Student Behavior Effective in vocally communicating ideas/directions/feelings to others Justification: Referring Teacher Signature: THEATRE Screening Total: ____ / 50 points + 47 = pass Caddo Parish School Board < 46 = did not pass Revised 7-1-15 8 Caddo Parish Public Schools Talented Arts: Music Screening Instrument School: Student: Directions: Your ratings should be based on the student’s actual observable behavior. Please rate the student on each of the following items by circling the appropriate number in the column on the right. Each item receiving a score of four or 5 on the rating scale must be documented with 3 examples, or samples of the student’s work, whichever is more appropriate. Notations of these must be made in the justification area. Seldom Never 1 Occasionally Average Usually 2 3 4 Almost Always 5 Is eager to participate in musical activities Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Is sensitive to the rhythm of the music; responds through body movements to changes in tempo of the music Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Shows exceptional and/or fluent use of original, creative or divergent ideas Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Plays one or more musical instruments (or expresses a desire to); and/or sings with confidence Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates a high level of concentration for a sustained period of time Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Is recognized by peers as talented in music Justification: 1 2 3 4 5 Student Behavior Shows interest in and enjoyment of musical activities Justification: Referring Teacher Signature: MUSIC Screening Total: __________________ / 35 points + 33 = pass 9 < 32 = did not pass Caddo Parish School Board Communication Skills Teacher Checklist Revised 7-1-15 Student________________________________________ DOB__________________________ Grade ___________ Teacher________________________________________ School________________________________________ Date of Parent Contact by Teacher (Regarding Communication Concerns): _____________________________________ Please check TRUE or FALSE for each of the following statements. ARTICULATION (Speech Production) _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student’s articulation skills appear normal with respect to age and social/cultural factors. _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student uses clear, correct and understandable speech sounds. _____ FALSE The student exhibits normal voice quality. VOICE _____ TRUE SPEECH FLUENCY _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student speaks fluently without sound or word repetitions, revisions, or fillers (stuttering) LANGUAGE (Expressive & Receptive) _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student follows oral directions accurately and without the need for multiple repetitions. _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student listens to stories presented orally and re-tells them accurately. _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student answers and asks questions in an age appropriate manner. (WH, Y/N) _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student orally formulates sentences correctly. (Pragmatic Language) _____ TRUE _____ FALSE _____ TRUE _____ FALSE _____ TRUE _____ FALSE The student uses language that is relevant and appropriate to the situation. The student interacts in a socially appropriate manner (initiates interactions, takes turn in conversations, observes personal space, etc.) The student maintains topic and conversation in an age appropriate manner. Please check one. This student’s communication skills (articulation, voice, fluency, and language) appear to be adequate, and this student does not have a communication problem that adversely affects educational progress with regard to grades, behavior, class participation, or oral speaking abilities. In my opinion, this student has a communication problem that adversely affects educational progress in a significant way. _____________________________________________________ Teacher _______________________________________ Date Date of teacher follow up by SLP: _________________________(Attach RtI Classroom Observation) We agree that a speech-language screening is ____________________________________________ is NOT warranted at this time. (sign below) ___________________________________________ Teacher SLP 10 11 Revised 7-1-15 V/H-I HEARING / VISION SCREENING RESULTS (required for enrolled and non-enrolled students) Student: _____________________________________ DOB: _____________ School:_______________________________ Teacher: ____________________________________ (attach student class schedule) Grade: ______________________ Requested by: ______________________________________ (name/title) Screening Request Date: ___________________ Vision/Hearing Screening Completed by (signature): ______________________________ Date Screened: ______________ Required on all initial and re-evaluations, when a disability is suspected. HEARING Screened At: ____ 20dB ____ 25dB Right Ear: ____ 4000 Hz ____ 2000 Hz ____ 1000 Hz (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) Left Ear: ____ 4000 Hz ____ 2000 Hz ____ 1000 Hz (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) *AT-RISK: failure to respond (one ear) at 20db at one frequency; or at 25db at two or more frequencies VISION For students with prescribed glasses: ____ Screened with glasses____ Screened without glasses Vision screening must include tests for three conditions: Acuity, Color Perception and Muscle Balance (Acuity: Far point for 3yrs. old through 1st grade / Near and far point for grades 2 through 12 students) FAR POINT ACUITY: Right Eye: 20/____ Left Eye: 20/____ (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) NEAR POINT ACUITY: Right Eye: 20/____ Left Eye: 20/____ (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) MUSCLE BALANCE: Near Eye (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) Far Eye (____ Pass ____ *At-Risk) COLOR BLINDNESS: ____ Pass ____ *At-Risk (____ Student under the age of 8) ____ Vision and Hearing Screening Results were copied from ELECTRONIC RECORDS *AT-RISK: failure in any one area in either eye or both eyes ____ Unable to respond appropriately to the formal screening due to age and degree of involvement. Therefore, informal hearing test results indicated at risk results. adequate results for educational purposes. ____ Adapted vision screening methods indicated at risk results. adequate results for educational purposes. *Requires comments: [Was the parent/legal guardian notified in writing? (attach copy) Was a referral made? Who will provide follow-up?] ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 12 Revised 7-1-15 SENSORY PROCESSING SCREENING Instructions for Use 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Prior to the first RTI meeting, the Sensory Processing Screening Checklist (SPS1) is completed by the student’s general education teacher(s). The RTI chairperson reviews the completed screening checklists to determine if there are difficulties that require intervention according to the Sensory Processing Screening Criteria (SPS2). When interventions are necessary, the RTI Committee targets the sensory area of greatest concern. Sensory Processing Intervention Strategies (SPS3) are then selected to address the targeted area of concern. Intervention strategies are implemented by the student’s teacher(s) for the length of time designated by the RTI Committee. Following the intervention period, the teacher records the intervention results on the SPS3. Intervention results are reviewed by the RTI Committee. For students who are “at risk” for sensory processing deficits, but are not suspected of having a disability, the RTI Committee targets additional interventions to be implemented by the classroom teacher(s). For students who are suspected of having a disability, the RTI Committee obtains a second Sensory Processing Screening Checklist (following intervention) to determine if further assessment is warranted according to Sensory Processing Screening Criteria (SPS2). 13 Revised 7-1-15 Student:___________________________Teacher:___________________________Date:_________ Sensory Processing Screening Checklist SPS1 Check the column that best describes how frequently the student exhibits each behavior. Almost Never <25% SENSORY AREAS VISUAL Visual details/stimuli interfere with task completion Unable to locate and/or organize materials and supplies Reacts to small changes in classroom Comments: AUDITORY Overreacts to loud or unexpected noises (e.g., intercom, fire drill) Exhibits distress during lunch, P.E., assemblies Background noises hinder task completion Talks incessantly Requires repeated oral directions in class more than others Comments: TACTILE Overreacts to unexpected or light touch Withdraws/isolates self from others Touches people or their things to the point of irritation Fidgets with objects Has difficulty standing in line or close to other people Uses only fingertips to manipulate classroom materials Refuses to participate in messy activities Comments: VESTIBULAR/PROPRIOCEPTIVE Exhibits movement which interferes with classroom functioning/unable to stay in designated area/walks around Fidgets during activities (e.g., wiggles in seat, taps on desk) Leans out of desk or seat/rests head on desktop Becomes overly excited after movement activity Bumps/pushes/hits/runs into things or others Withdraws from active environments or situations Avoids climbing or playground equipment Comments: OLFACTORY AND GUSTATORY Chews/eats non-edible items (e.g., clothing, pens, pencils) Comments: BEHAVIORAL RESPONSE Has tantrums for no apparent reason Has difficulties with changes in routines Is rigid or set in his/her ways Overreacts or is dramatic compared to peers Appears lethargic Comments: 14 Occasionally <50% Frequently <75% Almost Always >75% Revised 7-1-15 SENSORY PROCESSING SCREENING CRITERIA (SPS2) Based upon the results of the Sensory Processing Screening Checklist (SPS1), the following screening criteria are used to determine when: a. Interventions are necessary b. Further assessment is needed should the student be referred for evaluation CRITERIA The student exhibits: 8 or more behaviors in the “Almost Always” category OR 11 or more behaviors in the “Frequently” and “Almost Always” categories combined. Suggested interventions for each sensory area (i.e., visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) are included in the Sensory Processing Intervention Strategies (SPS3). The intervention(s) should initially target the sensory area of greatest concern and may require more than one strategy. 15 Revised 7-1-15 Page 1 Sensory Processing Intervention Strategies (SPS3) Student:_________________________ Teacher:_______________________ Date Intervention Starts Visual Limit/eliminate visual clutter within classroom such as busy bulletin boards, artwork items, hanging from ceiling, etc. Organize classroom materials in bins or behind curtained shelves Provide preferential seating for better view of blackboard as well as to reduce visual distractions Color code and clearly label materials and supplies Modify classroom lighting by dimming lights, closing or opening shades/blinds, etc. Provide consistent independent work area with visual boundaries as needed (e.g., use partition, carrel, or tape to provide boundaries) Intervention results: Auditory Provide white noise or classical music as appropriate to mask background noises Cover intercom to mute volume level Use headphones or earplugs to muffle sounds Provide verbal or visual warning when possible for fire drills, bells, and morning announcements Give visual directions rather than verbal Teach positive self-talk (e.g., “It’s only a fire drill. It won’t hurt me.”) Encourage child to put hands over ears and let him/her know “it’s ok” Place tennis balls on legs of chairs, rugs on classroom floor, or carpet squares under desk to reduce noise Provide seating around perimeter of noisy cafeteria or auditorium Provide either verbal or physical cue such as touching lips or tapping on shoulder to remind student it is not an appropriate time to talk Provide “Talk card” so only student with card is allowed to talk Give oral directions when in close proximity to student, breaking directions down into small steps Have student repeat directions back to teacher Intervention results: 16 Date Intervention Ends Revised 7-1-15 Page 2 Date Intervention Starts Date Intervention Ends Tactile Limit amount of touching/warn student ahead of time of possible touch Have child who touches too much carry weighted object (e.g., binder, book) When walking in line, have all students fold arms or put finger on lips Place student either in front of line or back of line to decrease proximity to others Use preferential seating to avoid touch (e.g., place desk at outside edge of classroom desks) Use carpet square or boundary to indicate where the child needs to remain When possible, have students sit at every other seat in cafeteria Have wet wipes readily available for immediate clean-up following a messy activity, thereby reducing possible student anxiety about participating Allow student to perform non-preferred tactile activities with a tool (e.g., use a brush, popsicle stick, Q-tip, etc.) or while wearing gloves Use novel or fun manipulatives to desensitize such as dried beans, Mardi Gras beads, Easter grass, water table, packing peanuts, etc. Intervention results: Vestibular/Proprioceptive DO NOT penalize student by removing recess time as student needs appropriate time for movement such as running, jumping, swinging, etc. Provide naturally occurring movement opportunities such as delivering messages, cleaning boards, obtaining and returning heavy materials to/from shelving (e.g., books) Have student wear backpack containing his/her books during transitions and movement breaks Provide clear boundaries for seating such as taped area, carpet square, etc. Allow time for student to “chill out” following movement activity (e.g., take three deep breaths before transitioning, allow stretching between activities, allow water breaks) Provide appropriate objects for fidgeting Have student give self bear hugs, or perform chair pushups Assist with decorating bulletin board by stapling decorations or stapling papers for teacher Allow use of Ellison cutout machine for bulletin board decorations Allow student to help rearrange desks or pick up chairs at end of school day Revised 7-1-15 17 Page 3 Date Intervention Starts Olfactory and Gustatory Consider letting student chew on candy, gum, tooth brush, straw, or coffee stirrer Allow crunchy, chewy, or spicy snack breaks, (e.g., pretzels, dry cereal, fruit roll ups, hot tamale candies, slim jims, beef jerky, etc.) If cafeteria bothers child, consider allowing him/her to eat in another location Consider use of flavored chapstick Intervention results: Behavioral Response Provide verbal warnings about changes in the schedule Provide visual schedule Help students transition between activities using timers, music or transitional objects, such as using a book to bridge to library time, or a marker to bridge to art time Provide a quiet space for calming away from peers NOT THE TIME-OUT AREA For lethargic students, increase movement opportunities, incorporate multi-sensory experiences, and spicy/crunchy snacks Intervention results: 18 Date Intervention Ends MOTOR SCREENING Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Page 1 of 2 Age: ____ Grade: ________ School:______________________________ Completed by the student’s Physical Education Teacher: ____________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Signature Date SBLC pre-referral/initial interim Change of Exceptionality Other:_________________________________________________________________________________ Complete only items for appropriate age level Scoring Code: + Symbol=Successfully Completed o Symbol=Unable to Perform If student is unable to perform 3 or more items in age level then student is at risk. SCORE PERFORMANCE STANDARD Age 3 Age 4 Age5 Stationery ball Rolling ball Kick a 7-inch playground ball Catch a bean bag tossed from a distance of 5 feet (3 attempts) Traps to body Walk on a line (3 inches broad) without stepping off SCORE PERFORMANCE STANDARD Age 9 Age 10 Age 11 Run to & Kick Rolling ball Perform bent-knee crunches 13 times 15 times 16 times Catch with both hands Catch with one hand Perform standing long jump 3’4” 3’8” 4’0” 5 steps towards 10 steps towards 514 steps backward Perform AAHPER shuttle run 13.0 sec 12.8 sec 12.4 sec Get up from floor without assistance Sitting using hands Sitting w/o hand support Lying w/o hand support Throw a basketball to a wall and catch the rebound from a 4 foot restraining line for 15 seconds 6 times 7 times 8 times 10 steps 15 steps 3 feet 5 feet 10 feet Walk forward on a line alternating feet touching heel to toe 5 steps Throw a small ball overhead SCORE PERFORMANCE STANDARD Age 6 Age 7 Age 8 SCORE Age 12 PERFORMANCE STANDARD Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 & Older Hop on preferred foot 5 times 10 times 15 times Perform bent-knee crunches 20 times 20 times 20 times 20 times Skip forward, alternating feet 5times 10 times 15 times Perform standing long jump 4’0” 4’0” 4’0” 4’0” 5 times 10 times 15 times 12.2 sec 12.2 sec 12.1 sec Boys 12.0 sec Girls 12.6 sec 5 times 6 times 7 times 8 times Dribble ball with preferred hand Catch a bean bag tossed from ate appropriate distance with one hand (3attempts) Perform AAHPER shuttle run 6 feet 10 feet 12 feet Throw a basketball to a wall and catch the rebound from a 4 foot restraining line for 15 seconds 4 sec. 8 sec. 8 sec. Walk backward on a line alternating feet 5 steps 10 steps 10 steps 10 steps Balance on one foot touching heel to toe Is student participating successfully in regular physical education activities? ________ if not, why not? ____________________________________________________________ Over 19 PAGE 2 OF 2 Check all that apply Completed by: _____ (Referring Teacher / IEP Teacher signature) GROSS MOTOR Limited movement of arms and/or legs Wears/uses special equipment: crutches braces walker splint wheelchair other_________________ Poor balance: standing walking using stairs Poor movement control Trembles Tires easily Requires physical assistance (describe): _____/_____/_____ (Date) FINE MOTOR / PERCEPTUAL Attach written work samples Poor motor control: Avoidance of paper-pencil tasks drawing coloring cutting copying Handedness undetermined Left handed Right handed Pencil grasp: w/fist w/fingers Pencil strokes: heavy light Hand trembles during fine-motor tasks Letter formation: uneven spacing poor formation reversals Unable to complete written work during assigned time due to: inattention poor motor skills slow speed inaccurate spelling Other: SELF-HELP Appears stiff tense and/or weak Bone Deformities Trips or falls often CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Lack of strength Lack of endurance Lack of flexibility Failure to show opposition of limbs when walking, sitting, or throwing Ability to produce legible written communication Difficulty with balance activities Lack of control with ball skills Poor sense of body awareness Difficulty in crossing the vertical midline Difficulty in remembering motor sequences Drools Requires help with: dressing undressing Feeding needs special equipment unable to chew excessive spillage Needs assistance with toileting (explain) Teacher Comments: Submit completed form to: Name:__________________________________________________________________________ RTI/SBLC Chairperson IEP Teacher/IS PA Representative OT/PT/APE Staff Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reviewed By:__________________________________________________ Signature _____/_____/_____ APE OT PT Date Reviewed By:__________________________________________________ Signature _____/_____/_____ Date APE OT PT Reviewed By:__________________________________________________ Signature _____/_____/_____ Date APE OT PT SBLC/IEP DECISION: The motor screening was reviewed on _____/_____/_____ and an (Date of SBLC or IEP meeting) OT PT 20 APE evaluation was was not recommended. Revised 7-1-15 HEALTH SERVICES SCREENING FORM Screening Student_____________________________________________ DOB_____________ Grade _____ Date _____ _____ SDT# _______________________ School ________________________________ Is the student homebound? ____Yes _____No Parent(s)___________________________________ Home Phone___________________ Alternate Number _________________ Form completed by CPSB Employee Signature Position ___________________ Return to ___________________________________________________________ By (date of IEP/Re-eval) __________________ Reason: Preschool Clinic SBLC/Initial Interim IEP Annual IEP Respond YES or NO to items 1 - 11 below: DOES THE STUDENT A. Description of Medical Need, Diagnosis or Treatment 1. Experience severe allergic reactions that require immediate medications, i.e., Epi-Pen? Drug allergies: ___________________________________ YES NO Re-eval Re-eval New Concern COMMENTS (Explain in detail all YES responses) 2. Have a current medical diagnosis (i.e., diabetes, tuberculosis, ADD, seizures, cystic fibrosis, asthma, muscular dystrophy, liver disease, digestive disorders, respiratory disorders, hemophilia)? Condition: _________________________________ Diagnosis: 3. Receive medical treatments during or outside the school day (i.e., oxygen, gastrostomy care, tracheostomy care, suctioning, injections, insulin pump)?Condition:___________________________ 4. Experience frequent absences due to illness or frequent hospitalizations? Treatment: 5. Receive ongoing prescribed medication at home or school for physical or emotional problems (i.e., seizure, heart condition, allergy, asthma, cancer, depression, ADHD)? Medication: Physician: Physician: Physician: Hospital: Medication is dispensed: __at home __at school B. Environmental Adjustments Required Within the Educational Setting 6. Require adjustments of the school environment or schedule due to a health condition (i.e., seizures, limitations in physical activity, periodic breaks for endurance, part-time schedule, building modifications for access)? 7. Require environmental adjustments to classroom or school facilities (i.e., temperature control, refrigeration/ medication storage, availability of running water, wheelchair accessibility)? 8. Require major safety considerations (i.e., special precautions in lifting, positioning, special transportation, emergency plan, special safety equipment, special techniques for positioning, feeding)? 9. Require an emergency plan (Consider: seizure disorders, diabetes, asthma, and severe allergic reactions)? 10. Requires a physician prescribed special diet (i.e., blended, soft, low salt, low fat, liquid supplement, food allergies)? C. Assistance/Modifications Required for Activities of Daily Living 11. Require assistance with activities of daily living (i.e., eating, toileting, walking, diapering)? HEARING Yes No VISION -history of acute ear infections? -history of acute eye infections? -history of chronic ear infections? -history of chronic eye infections? -persistent head colds? To receive a Health Services Assessment, there must be a check in the yes column in any section. Asthma, diabetes, seizures always require an emergency health plan. Does student require a health services assessment? yes WHITE COPY to nurse with current medicals attached PINK COPY to IEP Folder YELLOW COPY to PA records Instruction (if Exceptional student) 21 no Yes No Revised 7-1-15 LOUISIANA ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SCREENING for SCHOOL AGE STUDENTS Checklist for Use in Educational Programming Student's Name: ______________________________ DOB: ____________ Screening Date: _______________ Person Completing Form: ____________________________ School: _________________________________ The Assistive Technology Screening Checklist documents physical, fine/gross motor, communication, sensory, academic, recreation and leisure, vocational, and self-help areas in which assistive technology may be considered to enable a student with a disability to access the general education curriculum. It serves as an organizer for considering those skills and activities in which assistive technology would benefit a student's functioning in an academic setting. Directions: Check yes or no for the following statements. Physical Functioning/Motor Abilities Task 1. The student can sit upright while completing tasks at his/her desk (i.e., not slouched, can hold head upright). 2. The student maintains an appropriate posture while seated and actively engaged in a motor task (i.e., keyboarding, cutting). 3. The student participates in playing and running activities without atypical postures. 4. The student sits on the floor without assuming asymmetrical postures. 5. The student has the motor skills necessary to get to/from school and/or get around within the school. 6. The student participates in physical activities (structured or independent) and navigates within the classroom without tripping and stumbling. 7. The student climbs and descends stairs independently. 8. The student is able to open doors independently. 9. The student maintains balance while performing an activity (e.g. getting up from the floor). 10.The student carries objects while walking independently (e.g. books and papers). Comments: Yes No Comment Yes No Comment Fine Motor Skills Task 1. The student cuts and/or handles scissors independently. 2. The student uses writing utensils (i.e. markers, paintbrush, pencil, crayons) independently. 3. The student copies materials from a book. 4. The student turns pages in a book. 5. The student ties shoes, buttons, snaps, and/or uses zippers independently. 6. The student operates door handles, water faucets and uses manipulatives. 7. The student uses a standard keyboard to access a computer. 8. The student draws, forms letters, stays on the line, and/or traces accurately with writing utensils. (over) 22 Communication Functioning Task 1. The student speaks to communicate. (Check the level of the communication development.) a. Fluent Conversation b. Multiword Phrases c. Single Word Utterances d. Vocalizations e. Other 2. The student uses a mode other than speech to communicate. (Check the communication mode.) f. Mode(s) used g. Fluent Conversation h. Multiword Phrases i. Vocalizations j. Other 3. The student responds to speech and noises in the environment. 4. The student's mode of communication is understood by others. Comments: Yes No Comment Yes No Comment Yes No Comment Vision/Hearing Task 1. The student is able to see printed materials presented in the classroom. 2. The student is able to see toys/objects in the classroom environment. 3. The student is able to transfer information from a book, chart, and/or chalkboard to paper. 4. The student has some usable vision. 5. The student has some usable hearing. 6. The student is able to hear speech/noise out of his/her field of vision. 7. The student responds best to speech when the stimulus is within six feet of the speaker. 8. The student speaks in an unusually loud voice. Comments: Academic Functioning Task 1. The student understands basic cause/effect. 2. The student makes choices. 3. The student has the age-appropriate attention span needed to handle school/daily living tasks. 4. The student has sequencing skills. 5. The student can remember the steps necessary to accomplish a task. 6. The student visually tracks along a line of print. 7. The student reads text independently. 8. The student writes legibly. 9. The student writes legibly at a reasonable rate. 23 Academic Functioning (Cont'd) 10. The student accomplishes written tasks (e.g., paragraphs, essays, short answers). 11. The student correctly spells words needed to communicate in written form. 12. The student performs mathematical tasks needed for school and/or for daily living. 13. The student takes notes at the level needed in school and/or in daily living. Comments: Recreation and Leisure Task 1. The student uses the playground equipment independently. 2. The student participates in group recreational activities, such as sports and group games. 3. The student participates in activities requiring fine motor skills, such as board games or art. 4. The student participates in extra-curricular activities, such as clubs. Comments: Yes No Comment Yes No Comment Yes No Comment Vocational Functioning Task 1. The student demonstrates sufficient stamina to work in a job. 2. The student maintains a position for extended periods of time. 3. The student uses a computer without modifications. 4. The student holds the telephone and dials independently. 5. The student independently uses equipment at a vocational training program. Comments: General Health Task 1. The student breathes without difficulty. 2. The student demonstrates sufficient stamina to maintain academic involvement throughout the school day. 3. The student independently uses stairs, elevators, lockers, etc. within the school/work/community environment. 4. The student's health condition is adequate for satisfactory school performance. 5. The student demonstrates physical strength needed to participate in school activities. Comments: (over) 24 Self-Help Task 1. The student independently uses a variety of clothing fasteners. 2. The student organizes and maintains his/her school supplies and materials. 3. The student independently files through a lunch line, selects meal items, and proceeds to a table. 4. The student maintains personal hygiene. 5. The student uses restrooms independently. 6. The student manages meal-time utensils adequately. Comments: Yes No Comment Summary of Results of Louisiana Assistive Technology Screening Checklist for Use In Educational Programming: Examine areas on the screening where student has received no responses. Review and determine if a referral for further assessment is necessary. Recommendations: (Check the one statement that applies.) ___ 1. Student has been considered for assistive technology and further action is not required at this time. ___ 2. Student has been considered for assistive technology and additional screening in the following areas is recommended: _______________________________________________________ ___ 3. Student has been considered for assistive technology and the following "low-tech" solutions are recommended: ______________________________________________________________ ___ 4. Student has been screened for assistive technology and a referral for a full assistive technology assessment is recommended. Action Taken: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ PA COORDINATOR SIGNATURE ____________________________ DATE 25 CADDO PARISH SCHOOLS FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT (FBA) Overview The Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is a process for gathering and recording information that can be used to develop a hypothesis about why behavior occurs or recurs. FBA should be the starting point for Tier-2 interventions and must be conducted prior to the development of an individualized Behavior Intervention Plan. FBA process must be completed at each Manifestation Determination Review (MDR). The FBA process involves these five components: Define the problem in clear, observable terms so it is recognizable to everyone. This is called the “Behavior of Concern”. Identify specific events, times, and situations about this behavior to look for patterns that will indicate what appears to set off the problem behavior. Answer key questions such as: Who is there when the behavior occurs? What is going on at the time? When and where does it happen? Gather background information from teacher and parents to consider medical, physical, and social concerns. Some of these issues may surface as causal factors. Identify the consequences that might be maintaining the behavior. Develop a hypothesis about the purpose (function) of the behavior. The table below describes each of the forms included in the FBA: WHAT Baseline Data Forms WHEN a) Baseline Data is used to record behavior(s) for 3 weeks, when there is an initial concern RESULT a) Data sheet of behavior(s) of concern indicating a pattern and frequency of occurrence b) Baseline Data is used to record behavior(s) during implementation of Tier 2 / Tier 3 interventions. b) Data sheet of behavior(s) of concern to monitor the decrease or increase of the frequency of the undesired behavior(s) Record daily whenever behaviors occur Log sheet of behavior(s) of concern, which indicate patterns and strategies FBA2 Student Interview Teacher(s) who observes behavior(s) of concern. All teachers of student must complete. Case manager or any team member will interview student When FBA is conducted, prior to development of BIP Indicates student’s perception of his/her behaviors at school FBA3 Parent/Guardian Interview Case manager or any team member will interview parent to gather concerns When FBA is conducted, prior to development of BIP Indicates parent/guardian concerns, medical update, family support, etc. FBA1 Anecdotal Record WHO All Teacher(s) who teach student (Including core teachers/enrichment teachers, etc.) FBA4 Teacher Interview All contact teachers/staff of When FBA is conducted, Indicates each teacher / staff student (include prior to development of BIP perspective and possible function(s) of administrators, behavior paraprofessionals, bus drivers, etc.) who work with student FBA5 RTI/SBLC/IEP team conducts Prior to development of a) Must have a hypothesis that will Summary of Findings summary at meeting. BIS will individualized BIP drive the choice of strategies used on analyze Summary Statement BIP and Support staff will facilitate completion of this form * NOTE: Case Managers must be invited to attend RTI/SBLC meetings and informed of duties and responsibilities for implementing and collecting FBA data. (RTI/SBLC/IEP Team shall complete the Parental Permission FBA form each school year before beginning the FBA process. This process must also be completed for the Emergency Behavior Plans before beginning the FBA process). 26 Procedures for Developing Initial Behavior Intervention Plans (Students with Disability) 1st Teacher/Administrator notifies IEP Teacher/Lead Teacher/Behavior Intervention Specialist through referral process (verbal/email/BIS-1 Referral Form). 2nd IEP teacher provides all student’s teachers a copy of FBA-1 Anecdotal Records and Baseline Data Form. Information will be documented consequently for 3 weeks by each teacher noting behavior(s) of concerns with student. IEP Teacher will e-mail PA Coordinator, IS/Lead Teacher, and Behavior Intervention Specialist to inform of initiated process. 3rd The PA Coordinator or Behavior Intervention Specialist will observe the student during the 3-week period. Observations will be documented on the Student Behavior Observation Form. 4th An IEP conference should be scheduled at the beginning of the 4 th week, by the IEP Teacher inviting the Instructional Specialist/Lead Teacher, PA Coordinator and/or Behavior Intervention Specialist. 5th Forms to be completed and by whom during the 3 week period include: a) FBA2 Student Interview (IEP Teacher/any Team Member) b) FBA3 Parent Interview (IEP Teacher/any Team Member) c) FBA4 Teacher Interviews (IEP Teacher distributes to all teachers who teach the student) **Lead Teacher may assist with this process. 6th IEP Teacher will collect all forms (within 3rd week) to give to PA Coordinator or Behavior Intervention Specialist. IEP teacher will e-mail PA Coordinator or BIS to inform of collection of all forms and placement in school mailboxes. □ Baseline Data Form □ FBA1: Anecdotal Records □ FBA2: Student Interview □ FBA3: Parent Interview □ FBA4: Teacher(s) Interview(s) PA Coordinator or BIS review all FBA data (within the 3rd week) and drafts a FBA5: Summary of Findings for IEP meeting. (Must complete a separate summary for each behavior of concern.) Parent Concerns and Hypothesis are completed in IEP meeting by IEP team. 7th 8th Decision is made during IEP meeting as to need for more positive behavior support strategies to be implemented and documented on IEP (i.e. Tier 2-strategies—Behavior Contract/Check In/Out) or if a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is needed. If a BIP is needed, interventions/supports/corrective strategies and incentives (which specifies frequency, where, when, and by whom) are decided by IEP Team. If a BIP is not warranted, FBA5: Summary of Findings will be signed and the GSI page of the IEP under Behavior will be documented for strategies to be implemented and monitoring process for strategies / supports. 9th Crisis Management Plan is needed if the student is and has potential of becoming physically and/or verbally aggressive. (Verbal aggression is defined as a loud continuous use of profanity and threatening harm to themselves and/or others.) 10th If BIP/Crisis Plan is needed, IEP Teacher/Lead Teacher is responsible for distributing and collecting BIP/Crisis Plan/Monthly Progress Reports/Baseline Data/ and any other supporting documentation to all teachers/staff of student. IEP teacher, Instructional Specialist/Lead Teacher, and Behavior Intervention Specialist will check for completion of Monthly Progress Reports from all teachers/staff. If teachers/staff are having problems completing forms correctly, team member will provide support. Monthly Progress Reports are signed by student and teacher. IEP Teacher will collect all Monthly Progress Reports by 5th day of following month. BIS/Related -Service Provider will review/initial, date and return to IEP teacher to maintain in red discipline folder. 11th Monthly Progress Reports are completed daily by all teachers/staff of student. Baseline Data Form is completed (collect data for two weeks) by all teachers/staff at least 3 weeks prior to IEP annual date in to updated BIP. FBA1: Anecdotal Record and Monthly Progress Reports must continue to be completed as required. 27 Procedures for Existing Behavior Intervention Plans (Students with Disability) 1st IEP teacher provides all students’ teacher(s) a copy of the FBA-1: Anecdotal Records, Monthly Progress Report and copy of Behavior Intervention Plan. IEP teacher will fill in Replacement Behaviors from BIP, before distributing Monthly Progress Report to all teachers. All replacement behaviors should be positively stated and measurable. 2nd IEP Teacher will collect all Monthly Progress Reports monthly from all teachers. Each Monthly Progress Report should be completed (points totaled, percentage calculated, IEP goal displayed, and any incentives provided, by whom and when). 3rd When student reaches 4th day of out-of-school suspension, IEP Teacher is responsible for ensuring the following information is completed: Student and parent are always interviewed by IEP teacher or team members. a) FBA-2 Student Interview (IEP Teacher / any team member) b) FBA-3 Parent Interview (IEP Teacher / any team member) c) FBA-4 Teacher Interviews (IEP Teacher distributes to all teachers who teach student) 4th IEP meetings are reconvened on 4th, 7th, and 10th day of out-of-school suspension. Document all additional strategies and supports and revisions made to the Behavior Intervention Plan. 5th IEP Teacher and Instructional Specialist / Lead Teacher are responsible for arranging IEP meetings and ensuring the PA Coordinator or Behavior Intervention Specialist, if assigned, are informed of all scheduled meetings. IEP conferences should be scheduled on a day support staff is already scheduled to be at the school if possible. 6th Baseline Data is completed 3-weeks prior to student’s annual IEP meeting. For the time period this form is being completed, FBA-1: Anecdotal Record and Monthly Progress Report must continue to be completed as required. 7th Baseline Data forms are collected by IEP Teacher and provided to PA Coordinator or BIS (Related- Services Case Manager). 8th IEP Teacher, Instructional Specialist / Lead Teacher, and BIS will check for completion of Monthly Progress Reports by all teachers. If the teachers are having problems completing form correctly, a team member will provide support for teacher. (Team effort) ***IMPORTANT NOTES*** 1. For zeros documented on Monthly Progress Report there MUST be documentation on Anecdotal Record written for negative behavior. (Ensure strategies listed that are utilized by teachers are strategies from BIP and IEP.) 2. Monthly Progress Reports MUST be completed (points earned, percentage of points, BIP goals and incentives including who will give the incentives.) 3. Behaviors of Concern (list ALL behaviors of concern; however, only 2-behaviors will be targeted for replacement.) 4. Replacement behaviors (Be specific with replacement behaviors. These behaviors SHOULD match some of the behaviors of concern.) DO NOT use “Comply with school rules” or any other general/broad terminology as a replacement behavior. 28 Procedures for Developing Initial Behavior Intervention Plans (Regular Education Students) 1st RTI/SBLC team begins the Baseline Monitoring and Functional Behavior Assessment process and notifies all necessary team members. At the initial RTI/SBLC meeting – the Case Manager should be designated and informed of duties and responsibilities of distributing, collecting and maintaining data. 2nd Case Manager provides all student’s teachers a copy of FBA-1 Anecdotal Records and Baseline Data Form. Information will be documented consequently for 3 weeks by each teacher noting behavior(s) of concerns with student. 3rd The PA Coordinator, Behavior Intervention Specialist or School Counselor will observe the student during 2-week period. Observations will be documented on the Student Behavior Observation Form. 4th RTI/SBLC meeting should be scheduled at the beginning of 4 th week by Case Manager – inviting PA Coordinator, Behavior Intervention Specialist, School Counselor and any other relevant team members. 5th Forms to be completed and by whom during the 2-week period include: a) FBA2 Student Interview (Case Manager/any Team Member) b) FBA3 Parent Interview (Case Manager/any Team Member) c) FBA4 Teacher Interviews (Case Manager distributes to all teachers who teach student) **Other members of RTI/SBLC may assist with this process. 6th Case Manager will collect all forms (within 3rd week) to give to Behavior Intervention Specialist. Case Manager will e-mail BIS to inform of collection of all forms and placement in school mailboxes. □ Baseline Data Form □ FBA1: Anecdotal Records □ FBA2: Student Interview □ FBA3: Parent Interview □ FBA4: Teacher(s) Interview(s) 7th Case Manager and/or Behavior Intervention Specialist reviews all FBA data (within the 3rd week) and drafts a FBA5: Summary of Findings for RTI/SBLC meeting. (Must complete a separate summary for each behavior of concern.) Parent Concerns and Hypothesis are completed at RTI/SBLC meeting by RTI/SBLC team. 8th Decision is made during RTI/SBLC meeting as to need for more positive behavior support strategies to be implemented and documented as required (i.e. Tier 2-strategies—Behavior Contract/Check In/Out) or if a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is needed. If a BIP is needed, interventions/supports/corrective strategies and incentives (which specifies frequency, where, when, and by whom) are decided by RTI/SBLC Team. If a BIP is not warranted, FBA5: Summary of Findings will be signed and RTI/SBLC notes will be documented for strategies to be implemented and monitoring process for strategies / supports. 9th Crisis Management Plan is needed if the student is and has potential of becoming physically and/or verbally aggressive. (Verbal aggression is defined as a loud continuous use of profanity and threatening harm to themselves and/or others.) 10th If BIP/Crisis Plan is needed, Case Manager is responsible for distributing and collection BIP/Crisis Plan/Monthly Progress Reports/Baseline Data/ and any other supporting documentation for BIP/Crisis Plan to all teachers/staff of student. Case Manager and/or Behavior Intervention Specialist will check for completion of Monthly Progress Reports from all teachers/staff. If teachers/staff are having problems completing forms correctly, team member will provide support. Monthly Progress Reports are signed by student and teacher. Case Manager will collect all Monthly Progress Reports by 5th day of following month. Behavior Intervention Specialist or Case Manger will review, initial and date progress monitoring and maintain all documentation in RTI/SBLC folder. 29 July 2015 CADDO PARISH SCHOOLS Baseline Data Tier 2 – Tier 3 Student: _______________ Student #: ____________Teacher: _________________ School: ________________ Period: _______________ Subject Area: _____________ Grade: ______________________ Regular Special Education Targeted Behavior of Concern #1: __________________________________________________________ Targeted Behavior of Concern #2: __________________________________________________________ Directions: This table measures the DAILY occurrence of the behavior of concern. Place a slash through a number each time the behavior occurs. The final number that has been slashed should be placed on the total line and percentage should be calculated and recorded in the Total/Percentage Box. DAY/DATE WEEKLY FREQUENCY BOX TOTAL/PERCENTAGE Mon_________ Behavior #1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Behavior #2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___out of 10 ___out of 10 Tues_________ Behavior #1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Behavior #2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___out of 10 ___out of 10 Wed_________ Behavior #1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Behavior #2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___out of 10 ___out of 10 Thurs________ Behavior #1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Behavior #2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___out of 10 ___out of 10 Fri__________ Behavior #1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Behavior #2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ___out of 10 ___out of 10 Total Average %: Behavior #1_______________ Behavior #2__________________ Baseline Data: Behavior #1 and #2 Frequency 10 8 6 4 2 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Teacher Signature: _________________________ Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Related Services Cases are monitored by Related Service Providers. Non -Related Services Cases are monitored by the Behavior Intervention Specialists/SBLC Team Member. 30 July 2015 CADDO PARISH SCHOOLS ANECDOTAL RECORD BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT (FBA1) (Frequently Asked Questions) STUDENT: ____________________________ TEACHER: _________________________ Date / Time Setting Specifics as to Where/When & Who was involved STUDENT NUMBER: ______________ GRADE: ________ SCHOOL: ______________________ SUBJECT/CLASS: _____________________ START DATE: ________ Describe what happened immediately before Behavior(s) occurred Behavior(s) of Concern Describe what it looks like? nonjudgmental, observable terms, clearly defined 31 Regular Outcome / Consequences Describe how you and others responded after behavior(s) occurred Special Education List Positive Strategies Used Tier I, Tier II or as identified on Behavior Intervention Plan July 2015 Caddo Parish Public Schools FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT Student Interview (FBA2) Student: _____________________________ Student #: _______________ School: _______________ Grade: _____ Interviewer: ___________________________ Position: _____________________________ Date: ________________ Directions: Complete interview with student. Document all student responses on interview form. Signature of interviewer is required. STUDENT PROFILE What are some things you like / dislike at school, home, and other places? _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you find your teachers/classes encourage you to be on task? ________________________________________________________ What subjects or classes you like most or least? Why? _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF BEHAVIOR Do you get in trouble at school? ________ What kind of behaviors seem to be a problem?/What are some things you do that get you in trouble or that are a problem at school?(ex: talking out, disrespect, fighting) ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where do you usually get into trouble? Where do these behaviors occur? State specific parts of the school or specific class(es). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you display/use/exhibit the same behaviors in all classes? __________________________________________________________ How often do you have problems at school? Everyday Couple of times a week Couple of times a month How do you calm yourself? _______________________________________________________ When you are upset do you feel? □ sad □ anxious □ hurting yourself □ want to be alone How long does it take you to get back on task after the behavior happens? (When are you ready to go back to the classroom?) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you and other students prevented from doing what you are supposed to do? __________________________________________ SUMMARY OF ANTECEDENT What happens to make it more likely that you will have this problem? teachers, specific students) (ex: difficult tasks, transitions, teacher requests, specific ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there anything that happens before or after school or in between classes that makes it more likely that you’ll have a problem? (ex: conflict with peers, conflict @ home, lack of sleep) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF CONSEQUENCE What usually happens after the problem occurs? (ex: teacher reaction, other student’s reactions, sent to office) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * * * * * IDENTIFYING INCENTIVES * * * * * What school-related items and activities are most enjoyable to you that could serve as special incentives? ____ Art Activity ___ Computer ___ Extra Free Time ____ Music ___ Other (Specify) ________________ ___ Helping Teacher 32 July 2015 Caddo Parish Public Schools FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT Teacher Interview (FBA4) Student: _____________________________________ Student #: ________________________ Grade: ___________ Teacher: _____________________________________ School: __________________________ Subject:___________ How long have you known this student? Please identify strengths/contributions presented by this student. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Current Behavior(s) of Concern: Identify the behavior(s) of concern: ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does this behavior(s) look like? _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are other students prevented from learning due to this behavior? ____________________________________________________ After the behavior(s) ends how long does it take for the student to be able to return and engage appropriately in classroom activities? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is typically happening before the incident? Check all that apply. Antecedent/Event Reprimand/Correction Independent Seat Work Group Activity Transition Time Other: ___________________ Triggers Negative Social Interaction Request/Redirection Lack of Attention Challenging Task Interruption in Routine Denial of Request Other:__________________ When and where does this behavior occur? Check all that apply. Time Location During Transition Class Assembly During Free Time Hallway Bus Specific Class/Subject:_________ Cafeteria Restroom Time of Day: ________________ Unauthorized Area Gym Why is student acting out, what appears to be the purpose (function) of this behavior? Things student obtained: Things student avoided or escaped from: Adult attention Preferred activity Demand/Request Reprimands/Correction Peer attention Tangible Item Activity/Task Conflict Other ______________________ Classroom Setting Other:______________ What strategies/interventions have been implemented to address this behavior? Change Seating Contact Parent Send to Office Time Out Reward System Re-teach expected behaviors Reprimand/Redirect Loss of Privilege Meet with Student Referral to Counselor 33 Change Schedule Increase Supervision Behavior Contract Other: ____________________ July 2015 Caddo Parish Public Schools FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT Teacher Interview (FBA4) Student: _____________________________________ Student #: ________________________ Grade: ___________ Teacher: _____________________________________ School: __________________________ Subject:___________ How long have you known this student? Please identify strengths/contributions presented by this student. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Current Behavior(s) of Concern: Identify the behavior(s) of concern: ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does this behavior(s) look like? _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are other students prevented from learning due to this behavior? ____________________________________________________ After the behavior(s) ends how long does it take for the student to be able to return and engage appropriately in classroom activities? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is typically happening before the incident? Check all that apply. Antecedent/Event Reprimand/Correction Independent Seat Work Group Activity Transition Time Other: ___________________ Triggers Negative Social Interaction Request/Redirection Lack of Attention Challenging Task Interruption in Routine Denial of Request Other:__________________ When and where does this behavior occur? Check all that apply. Time Location During Transition Class Assembly During Free Time Hallway Bus Specific Class/Subject:_________ Cafeteria Restroom Time of Day: ________________ Unauthorized Area Gym Why is student acting out, what appears to be the purpose (function) of this behavior? Things student obtained: Things student avoided or escaped from: Adult attention Preferred activity Demand/Request Reprimands/Correction Peer attention Tangible Item Activity/Task Conflict Other ______________________ Classroom Setting Other:______________ What strategies/interventions have been implemented to address this behavior? Change Seating Contact Parent Send to Office Time Out Reward System Re-teach expected behaviors Reprimand/Redirect Loss of Privilege Meet with Student Referral to Counselor 34 Change Schedule Increase Supervision Behavior Contract Other: ____________________